PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Can I have your autograph?^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1790767542094512194|twgr^94e71834b87b3b3c171abcc03343e7048fa54c65|twcon^s1_&

Huh, I did not know you could choose a background!

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But will they actually mean anything or affect our characters’ stories moving forward?

Whenever we get these decisions/options they’re about as flavourful as cheap gum; gone in a few seconds.


DK disabled in the PTR. I hope there will be satisfying explanation. And even more I hope it means less “humanifying” of races.

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No. Probably not.

I mean, atleast they’ll add them now. Its just flavour, but its something.

Now if your racials would change depending on those choices, it would be pretty sweet!

I’ll be fine with no explaination. There doesn’t need to be an explaination for not adding Earthen Death Knights. There needs to be one if they add them, tho! (Which is easily explainable anyways)


That’s what I had in mind. Earthen DK is confirmed from the begining.

As a great king once said: “My boy, this peace is what all true warriors strive for”

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So I might be late to the party, but apparently the bug that makes Jaina kill civilians/innocents in the Purge of Dalaran scenario is now fixed and she actually teleports them all to the Violet Hold instead?

Or was that fixed already?

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Elenthas is rattling the bars of his cell right now.

Edit: Apparently she still does decide to fireball people according to a friend who did it circa 4~ hours ago


As one of the most learned scholars on the Purge of Dalaran, any changes they make are ultimately irrelevant.

To preface, Jaina’s opening to the Purge of Dalaran is to stride into the Violet Citadel, execute three Sunreaver Mages, teleport Aethas, and then kill two more. This was done without any hostility on the Sunreaver’s part.

In short, it opens with her killing innocents, even before her citywide patrol that always take the focus of the back and forth. They can’t/won’t change that without turning it into an explicit retcon.

Even without that though, Jaina’s individual choice to teleport (or not) people to the Violet Hold is undercut by her supporting Vereesa and the Silver Covenant feeding people to sharks or slaughtering shopkeepers.

Garrosh didn’t personally pull the trigger on the Theramore manabomb but he (rightfully) gets the lion’s share of the blame for it. Sylvanas wasn’t loading the demolishers that torched Teldrassil herself, but she’s the one who gave the order.

The quibble about whether Jaina personally executed innocents (which she does) or merely supported other people doing so always struck me as a way to soften the act on her specifically, despite her being unapologetic both in the immediate aftermath and years later.

That said:

Rommathposting: Kirin Tor ‘justice’ at its finest.

Edit: I hunted down a livestream of someone who played through the Alliance side of the Purge and while it’s difficult to tell ('cos it’s someone else’s gameplay and they’re not a weirdo like me) it does indeed appear that Jaina’s AI is unchanged and she kills the civvies in the streets with both fireballs and blizzards.

I refuse to sub and play it out just to triple check it.


I’m going to say this as a critic of Golden, especially with everything that has seemingly had her input since Battle For Azeroth.

But - what is seemingly her parting story - is probably some of her better/best stuff she’s done with Warcraft. I’ll forever find Warcrimes to live up to it’s name, but “The Calling” was a pleasant and enjoyable read.

It’s probably going to get flak for “fee fee’s :'<” by some, but arguably, you can’t tell a good story about conflict without showing it’s impact on those drawn into it.


That was a very nice story - up there with Elegy for me, personally, might even like it better.

What was the Calling about again? I am not sure if I’ve read it.

It released today!

Oh damn, don’t suppose you can drop me a link?

You can find it here:

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Alright, thanks a bunch!

Edit: And the cover-art has a fox.

Seriously, who the hell is it at Blizzard with the effing fox fetish?!


Eh, fair enough! I read somewhere on a discord that they “fixed” it and that she doesn’t off the Sunreavers anymore…

I mean, I do love myself the unapologetic, Horde-hating, Jaina(and Rogers and Genn) and love to see the Horde get what they deserve after all the shenanigans they put the Alliance through for the smallest of inconviences.

(Mind, this does not mean I condone Horde players getting a big pile of cow :poop: as their story, or have them be totally forgotten in any story beat after any world war they started)

I am not someone who jumps onto the whole feelings bandwagon. Not in real life and not in Warcraft, but if the story is pretty good and solid, I can work through it! Gonna give it a go in the coming week!

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Oh goodness are we still having a “but think of the Purge!” moment?

It was 11 years ago, and people make it a bigger deal than it was even today.

Almost everything the other races endured from the other playable factions was worse than the Purge.

…but god forbid the blood elves received one slight. No, you can’t have me believe the blood elves are this pragmatic people and also the greatest crybabies since MoP who would never let go of the cycle of hatred because of one thing.


Please read the posts with your eyes instead of inventing what you think they said :slight_smile: