PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

I swear it’s been on before already.
I remember making my second account all those years ago and getting it.

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It has, it’s how I got it.

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It has, I got mine from there.

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It was a RAF reward back in the day. I can’t remeber it being on the Trading Post, although it wouldn’t suprise me if it was!

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I’m sure the zhevra has already been on the post too because i swear i got that. You know, when I wasn’t strapped for tendies.

EDIT: I do have the swift zhevra.

The spectral gryphon and wyvern were too, I got them via RAF. They’ve been on Trading Post.

Samesies. It’s actually a fun fit for dynamic flying.

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Oh fair enough, suppose I didn’t notice it by accounts that I already had it!

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waiting for the day spectral tiger goes on there or on twitch drops. im sure reactions will be fine


Bonus trolling if they ever put the brutosaur on either tradingpost or twitch drop ( they won’t).


I would honestly forgive Blizzard for Shadowlands and say they have never and will never do any wrong if they put all these mounts on the post.

Because i want them and also the tears will sustain me for years to come.


The Spectral Tiger would be a source of salt for decades to come. The Brutosaur not so much.

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I will sit through 72 hours of non stop WoW twitch to get the spectral cat.

Ghost Saber cat for my Darkfallen? Yes please!

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It’d be really funny if they made Brutosaur a Twitch drop and Spectral Saber a monthly Trading Post reward for completing the track.

Edit: Make it during a downtime in a patch cycle to keep people subbed, @Blizzard you know how this works by now.

Second edit: Alternatively make a new mount with an auctioneer. Let’s go Gnomish Strider with an Auctioneer-bot strapped to it Grizzly Transmog Bear style! Easiest shop purchase ever.


All I know is that making all this overpriced old crap avaliable for “free” would be very, very funny.


After getting over the Feldrake?


Artificially overpriced let’s not forget.

I can’t fathom people who bought wow ebay mount for the price of an included trip.

But hey, it’s not my disposable income so all’s good.

I think they should.

Locking mounts for people that start playing/join the game later is bull!

I say that as someone that has the Brutosaur.


Where’s that? I need to check it out.