PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

By completing the various different anniversary events. Blackrock Depths raid, anniversary event world bosses, classic Alterac Valley, Codex of Chromie event and other quests and events.

Can you farm sets on a different class than the one you are playing on?

Looks like it, but I’d just advise looking up the blog post about the event or checking Wowhead.

Lava Drake only for Cataclysm Classic… Fml, its like the darn Nightmare Drake mount, which is also only for classic :smiling_face_with_tear:

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I was wondering why those class notes were so long until I saw the bottom part and realised they’d just re-written the entire subspec.

So bad! :frowning:

Wanted it for retail!

So I have been doing the Haranir-quests… And I must admit I actually like them!

The way they behave, the mystery surrounding them… I hope they won’t end up playable and keep the mystery surrounding them, its something alot of races(and stories) in Warcraft are lacking now a days!

But if they do become playable, I might actually make a few!


Based off nothing more than a gut feeling, I think we’ll have playable haranir and half-elven customization by TWW’s end.

I think playable haranir might finally convince me to try a druid. I dig the underground-tribal vibe.


I mean, they did add Half-Elven ears in the files for Blood and Void Elves, and Humans, so I can get behind the Half-Elven additions.

I just feel that, with the plethora of races we already have, way to many underdeveloped as is, I am, personally, against adding more races.

Alas, I can see why Blizzard would want to add more playable (logical) races instead of just, you know, focussing on the ones we have with more customisations and the likes.(Thank God they never added playable Sniffen lmao)

And as I stated before, not every race needs to be playable, and some deserve the mystery like the Haranir currently have!

-The crowd laughs uproariously-

[Bravely] I think that there were a number of playable options that should have been implemented before Eredar Draenei.


Darling, that Tea isn’t so much ‘cold’ as it is a literal block of ice.

I still think the already available ARs are underdeveloped.


Trading post in a year, surely.

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I am not gonna name names like Broken, Felbloods, Satyr or Naga… Because they would be to easy to name aside from Ogre, Lost Ones, Fel Orcs and (many more sub-species) the like!

If they stopped adding new races and instead gave us more options for the races we have, fine. But they keep adding races. Just a lot of races that weren’t particularly in demand.


They already struggle to maintain narratives or include different races in narratives beyond a token flanderised appearance every so often. I’m firmly in the more customisation over new races camp.


It is 1000% born out of “we need something to sell the expansion”.

“We’ve added 300+ new customisation options” is definitely interesting to some people, but “Here’s a whole new playable race!!!” just hits way harder in the marketing.


Which sucks because I can think of 3000 more customisation options for Orcs, Trolls, Forsaken/Human/Kul Tiran, Night/Blood/Void Elves and most of the (Horde/Alliance) playable races in comparison of me trying to think of a simple customisation option for… Earthen or Dracthyr whom have hardly half of the customisation options available compared to more populair playable races. (this is me exaggerating, tyvm)

If they’d add Haranir as playable, we all know they’ll not even have half of the customisation of Lightforged Draenei, Highmountain Tauren or Mechagnomes, and even then the aforementioned races propably has more lore attached to them then the Haranir will ever have (Just look at the Dracthyr)


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I call them Underdark Na’vi.