PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Boralus is still standing, last I checked!

It’s not instantaneous. She’s only just reassociated with them.

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It did get sieged a day or three after Jaina went back though…


I think people forget that Stormwind city burned by Zuls hand solely to distract Jaina so…


Two cities could be a coincidence.

What we’re establishing here is a pattern.


I think it would be in Silvermoon and Suramars best interests to get a restraining order against the sea witch now while theres time.

(Is it a stretch to point out Undercity became uninhabitable after she made her first reappearance since the start of legion? No no i don’t think it is. )


how long before jaina starts trying to date an influential memeber of suramar/silvermoon


i throw a concerned look at halduron and his long flowing blonde hair remembering jainas type when their not a dragon

Filing the paperwork this very moment. We only have half of Silvermoon City as is! :dizzy_face:

But yeah, not a huge fan of such a storied organization being dismantled. Personally I don’t see it lasting for much longer than it’ll take us to kill off Xal’atath, as I’m sure it’ll serve as narrative weight for her wickedness while still alive. Guess we’ll see!


It is?
Did I read the wrong thing?

I think it had already been thoroughly dismantled in that large explosion. It just isn’t being re-mantled


These lines:-

No, the mages who have answered the call… We have an opportunity. No council. No rank.

It would keep us mobile and decentralized. A tragedy like Dalaran would not happen again.

to me implies that while “the Kirin Tor” might exist as a named organisation, they’ll no longer be looking to have a single major city and seat of power like Dalaran, and instead will be more akin to small pockets of mages working together at a distance.

They’d be study groups, each separated into a skype clique, instead of a school.

Completely agreed - rebuilding immediately after such substantial loss would be nonsensical. However as Dagnira says :

This is really disappointing from a writing perspective: there’s nothing satisfying about a questline that ends in defeatism, self-flagellation and doesn’t have the slightest hint of defiance. This is an iconic faction that just lost an iconic city - I would have been much happier with a “let’s regroup and continue the fight”, or even a slightly unhinged revenge-at-all-costs arc that could herald some Midnight trouble (and give a historically Alliance-aligned faction some moral greyness, for once).

I find there is overall a dissonance between what they try to portray Dalaran as (the OG place of unparalleled magical might, but also corruption, nepotism, hubris, world-ending oopsies etc) and what Dalaran has been shown to be in-game for the last decade or so (at the exception of the Purge storyline, a neutral good inclusive faction that objectively helped to save Azeroth two or three times). You can’t have your cake (Dalaran is good and a whimsical hub full of nice things and zany wizards) and eat it (Dalaran is a sinister place full of closet skeletons that had its comeuppance for all its sins).

I also think that questline leaves us with more questions than answers (What about the ground city being rebuilt since Legion? What about the other outposts? What about the actual kingdom beyond the city, the land in Hillsbrad Foothills, etc? Is Ambermill even still standing?), and I fear that they are diminishing the faction to shelve it, so the Sunreavers and Silver Covenant can have their spotlight in Midnight. It’s understandable, but I find writing off an entire faction as a plot device to be rather lazy and unsatisfying.

In any case, my Kirin Tor guild will endure, because being “mobile and decentralised” just means we don’t have to worry about taxes and oversight anymore :sunglasses:


Looks more like it’s going to be Open University now to me.
They’ll just study wherever they are and shuffle around various places.

Should have gotten the dwarves to make the Dalaran crater into a town for em.

I do still long for them landing Dalaran back into it’s original hole. It can’t be good for the arcane environment to keep a city perpetually levitating, what about the magical runoff from the sewers pouring over the land below?

Perhaps these are the sins that the Kirin Tor are being punished for. Just because your city moves doesn’t mean it doesn’t need to be aware of the local environs that it’s disrupting.


“What are we, some kinda scions of the seventh dawn?” Ahh moment


Trickle down economics at work.

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What Elenthas said. It’s more that the Kirin Tor as we knew it is seemingly a closed chapter, with them changing things moving ahead.


There are NPCs being shown containing the crater leakage and rebuilding the ruins… in 7.2. Meaning it’s been nearly a decade and Blizzard has probably forgotten altogether about anything Hillsbrad Foothills related (so you know, the actual kingdom of Dalaran… in the Eastern KINGDOMS…); if we’re being optimistic, it could make a reappearance in Midnight…?



dalaran exploding over Khaz Algar is going to cause serious problems for the future generations that live there. teleporting crabs are the least of that island’s problems

when will sanctions be levied against the kirin tor for their irresponsible lack of safety measures when moving an arcane nuclear powerstation from continent to continent without asking the local denizens for their permission

the true reason for their sudden disbandment revealed. can’t sanction a faction that no longer exists on paper