PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Then gnomes are massively dwarfed by their shoulder pads, they cover most of their arm.


Worgen suffer from this too. The scaling is terrible.

In the event of flooding, Worgen can use their pauldrons as a canoe.


I play Nelfā€¦ I like how it fits :frowning:

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Female Nelf.
The Darnassian silver shoulders are only just-not-floating-away, and it peeves me. Some others are worse ._.

This has always been a thing with Blizzard to an extent though, just in the past they werenā€™t completely blinded by their own egotism, though its always been an element. That element of ā€˜weā€™re going to reinvent the wheel and make it betterā€™ has been threaded through much of their writing from early on.

It only gets worse when you have major shakeups in the actual structure of the company regarding creative direction and development (Metzen leaving, much of the old writers either moving to other projects/leaving, MilkGate) and an injection of supremely arrogant writers who short of directly stating that ā€˜THEIR LOREā€™ trumps the works of who came before (Danuser et al) do you get these utterly bizarre set up of you being able to visibly see writers trying to one-up the previous guy with even more spectacle, even more ā€˜EPIC WoW LOREā€™ and the result being soulless slop.

Itā€™s symptomatic of a corporate environment staffed by climbers who donā€™t care about the franchise theyā€™re working on. As much as Iā€™d like to say Metzen being brought back will rein in the extremes I donā€™t think it will alter much since the man canā€™t micromanage every instance of bibliorrhea being produced.


Preach, not that itā€™s solely a Blizzard issue. You can see the same issues in Bioware and Bethesda.

So turns out thereā€™s new prowler stuff not listed in the wowhead article so Iā€™ll be out of tendies this month too

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I am permanently out of tendies :cry:

Man the traderā€™s post sucks this month

Why is december always so crap?!


Because we need tender for the not so crappy months.


My 16200 Tenders would like if those are actually going to come.

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How the hell did you get so many tenders lmao?

You never bought anything from the trading post?

Itā€™s not my fault the selection always sucks!


Valven ainā€™t got no class.


And Blizzard is specifically trying to take down this very guy at the expense of people with a lighter tenders purse.

At least we get a murloc onesie?

I mean this unironically, I genuinely love how stupid it is.


They could at least do ā€œfrostā€ themed items, like, yā€™knowā€¦ Scourge or WotLK stuff :frowning:

Yea, it does suck, I agree.

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I like it as the class of items id use as a stupid raid outfite even if I never touched it IC

what a horrible day to regain eyesight