PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Time to reroll demon hunter so you don’t have to see it.

Or any leather class and use Illidaddy’s blindfold.

Or any night elf class with the male blindfold.

There’s options for us, people!

The nathrezim deep cover plot to corrupt Sargeras to do an omnicidal crusade, feeding quadrillions of souls to the afterlife as the universe is purged; an army of mawsworn to outnumber the Legion and then just kinda not doing much at all with the sodding things.


This reminds me of that one time where some Horus Hearsay went on a crusade to collect all the 40 000 warhammers

Truly one of the moments

Titans are bad, meddling and breaking things, forcing them to obey and purging what doesn’t work out, including planets. We were just briefly tricked into forgetting that part when they were shown face to face. Callous star-gods fancying themselves creators of what they conquered. They deserve no pity.


Levey, I love you, but you and I are never gonna see eye to eye on the Titans!

They’re benovelent overlords who mean well, but sometimes forget that the ants have feelings too!

Be man’ari eredar.

Be humbled as the Legion falls.

Swear to spend eternity righting your dastardly deeds.

In a twist, this is how you end up opposing Order on the actual winning side.


We already had a pretty good twist. The twist was that the Titans were all dead, their devices left to run on autopilot according to designations that were outdated thousands of years ago.

Ah, the halcyon days of Chronicles 1.


I seem to recall azeroth was overrun with tentacle monsters when they found it.

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Conquered = Ordered = Created in the Titan dictionary.

Went from a despotic purple slave empire with millions of lifeforms sacrificed daily for no reason to a free world with multitudes of varied lifeforms.


that’s okay aqir aren’t really people anyway


Reading about the world ‘updates’ in the latest Chronicles/Exploring book and it’s like… I dunno what’s worse - that they’re doing these at all, or that the changes all sound kinda cool, but we’ll likely never see them in game, because Wah Wah Cata PTSD (which was entirely the devs fault anyway) or something… -sigh-


Really all the titans did was change the theme from bug and octopus themed creatures to robots and golems and also install multiple self destruct buttons on the world.

Every living animal is also because of the Titans. The Wild Gods representing the peak of them!

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Invasive beasts turned too self aware, thinking themselves gods in their hubris.

I’m not so sure.

They came from ‘Life’/the Dream, which appears to have been formed from Azeroth’s worldsoul literally dreaming. The Titans (specifically Eonar) may have shaped it into the Emerald Dream we know today, but that doesn’t mean animals are ‘because’ of the Titans.

If the Titans had just slapped the Old Gods around and then buggered off without doing anything else it’s not like Azeroth would’ve been barren or devoid of life. A worldsoul doesn’t even seem to be needed - Draenor had a full ecosystem and “competitive food chain” before any Titan intervention, and it had no worldsoul.

Old bananas vs. domesticated bananas. Wild Gods’d still exist, just in different forms to how we know them today.

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The prisons are the only reason the planet isn’t covered in tentacles everywhere though as well. Every depiction we’ve had has shown the Old Gods literally being continent-sized and kind of taking up entire continents worth of space (though you also have to weirdly ignore why this didn’t happen when N’zoth was released) but its the same depiction for Yshaarj as well.

If they weren’t imprisoned their corpses would just regen over-and-over and they’d get back up with the same purple-goop environment.

This doesn’t even mention the amount of Races that are ridiculously either Titan-descended or Titan-adjacent. Which is pretty much everyone except the Forsaken (I’m not racist they’re just literally Undead).

But it was due to the Titans defeating the Old God Empire the Wild Gods had a chance to emerge and become protectors of the world.

No Titans = No Wild Gods = no Malfurion to stop Azshara = no chance for other races to rise. It all boils down that due to the Titans meddling, they saved Azeroth and its inhabitants in innumerable ways.

To me, it sounds like something the Titan of Time Magic would’ve forseen, and thus he knowingly allowed all this to happen to protect Azeroth😏

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They’re all permadead now though. No regeneration, dead-dead. Or so the lore is currently. Yeah they might get resurrected by some outside force later down the line but that’s no different to anyone else getting a quick [Resurrection] spell - Cho’Gall actually did that once already, but got thwarted by Med’an. Thank you Med’an.

Titans drool, mortals rule. 10-40 loot hungry maniacs with mild suicidal tendencies sorted it out after all.

Maybe. I guess we’ll never know.

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