PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Light, we used to be a Faction.

The Alterac Prince is still missing btw, as far as I know none of this has actually been retconned yet, bro is just. . .still somehow missing in Gilneas. Although I also wouldn’t put it past Genn to have just straight up committed Regicide when he showed up and buried him in an unmarked grave.


I just know the Night Elves are not going to be involved in this. I just feel it. And it makes me happy.

Alleria is the new Anduin, just sucks all the joy out of any situation she is in, be it an Winterveil Anniversary or a celebration after a hard won victory… No wonder Turalyon allowed Xe’ra to lock her up, I would need a break from that after a few hundred years aswell :weary:

Love that Illaria Duskfeather, we need more of her. Closest we got was Maiev and Tyrande flipping the bird towards the Alliance and going solo in Darkshore…

But ofcourse nobody holds grudges within the Alliance, so all was fine the moment they flipped eachother the finger again! :frowning:


When I say that, just like many others I assume, we don’t mean they should take the easy route (like they did for Sand and Dark trolls for Darkspear), we just mean the Main and Allied Race should share customisations (up to a certain height), while keeping their own unique intro’s, racials, lores, and reasons.

So for example you’d press Human, then you get the option of Kul Tiran, Arathi, or Stormwindian.

Each would have their unique intro (unless we keep the basic one everyone now shares), racials, and maybe a unique customisation option here or there (such as half elf ears bieng Arathi exclusive).

Worse, they even share the same leader as the Gnomeregan gnomes, they’re even a unified faction these days.

So with the Arathi now playable, 100% that a bunch of those half elves will show in Midnight too. As will the night elves now that their capital basicly borders Quel’thalas.

Edgy af, every time she appears in a story it’s too bring the mood down and be edgy.

And Turalyon is like super patient and understanding to what’s essentially a void elemental.


As a side note, I really like the steampunky armour from teh Trading Post. It somehow feels very gnomish to me, which is a nice surprise since majority of tech gear in game is either Titanic, Earthen, or Goblin!

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Turalyon’s devotion to the ideals of the Army of the Light is a question in itself. And the answer is “The Alliance above all”.

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I mean the Army of the Light and the Grand Alliance essentially merged!

Thats why the Lightforged and their nethership fight alongside the Grand Alliance.

We don’t even know how Aiden died (and we only know he’s dead at all because of a Sean Copeland tweet accessible via Wayback Machine). I doubt we’re ever going to find out what happened to Isiden.

Pretty much all of the lore about Alterac and its few named characters was created by Aaron Rosenberg, who hasn’t written a Warcraft book since 2008.


So we’re basically confirmed that Blizzard will pull something out of the kitty that entirely undermines what was already established and Alterac will be something completely off-kilter and inexplicable. I mean I know it was mentioned to be ‘occupied’ by the Forsaken in the Fourth War but I don’t think that’s even on the radar as it was a single mission table quest.



Its so over

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Thats basicly what Blizzard does with every faction or “missing” Kingdom added.

There was no need to make the new Earthen so different to the old ones in culture. The Mecha-Gnomes, instead of the Mechagnomes we had already, or Kul Tiras suddenly worshipping the Tidemother and the Light having no place in it at all, apparently? (Except for Jaina, ofcourse)

I mean this goes back to Vanilla, where there was a sudden difference in culture between the Cenarion Druids and the rest of Night Elven society!

As if Silvermoon will replace Stormwind. We have a neutral Bel’ameth, Gilneas and Highmountain for ages now, and none of those cities got taken over by either the Horde RP scene or the Alliance RP scene, let alone this kind off excesses. Perhaps it will see an influx of it at the start, but later on it will die down and everyone will return to their much more covenient Stormwind


They would have been fine if they were high elves from Silver Covenant transformed imvoluntarily during an ambush by the Void ethereals.

Alliance accepting void elves makes no sense. But, if they were already members of the Alliance on top of not being bunch of dark magic researchers to begin with, it would make it far easier to justify why they are allowed to stay (after all, compassion is one of the virtues of the Light).

It would also create an interesting dynamic where a race that was partially defined by their refusal to do certain more grim practices being now forced to explore the darkest magic out there. And given how Silver Covenant is one of few factions within the Alliance where you can truly do the “both sides are bad” when it comes to faction war, the darker stuff during the following war would also make a lot of sense.

Lastly, it would have solved the high elf problem from the start by removing high elves from the lore instead of Blizzard relenting after almost 3 years and playerbase ending with half-assed solution where you can RP a high elf and pretend to be a high elf, but the racials, login screen and some quests will still remind you that you’re playing something different.


I will forever more be salty that they never focused on the Night Elves vs Blood Elves.

All High Elves should’ve turned Blood Elf and have joined the Horde, and then the whole Elven rivelry could and should’ve been between Night Elves(Nature) vs Blood Elves(Fel/Arcane) :weary:


Darn, we can go RP Zorro soon! :smirk:


It’s a thing in Drustvar.
But Jaina isn’t from there. Though she also moved out ages ago and saw what the Light could do against the Scourge and so on. Faith can change.

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I decided to apply the Tauren Test to the masks, to see how well they look on extremely inhuman heads, and the results are surprisingly positive. At least, it’s nowhere near as trash as it could be.

It’s just a case of seeing how they animate the ends, since the Wowhead dressing room isn’t applying any physics to them.

Doesn’t look bad on worgen either, aside from some ear clipping.


Except Kul Tirans have had faith in the Light since War2, I think?

Its not so much as that faith in the Tidemother is a problem, or them having a different faith at all… Its more that the Church of the Holy Light apparently has no followers, main base or whatsoever in Kul Tiras? I am not saying they need a Cathedral towards the Light akin to Gilneas, Stormwind and Lordaeron… But a little abbey or even a small church like Strom used to have would’ve atleast given the Light a place within Kul Tiras society, as it always had up until they’re introduction!

I also will for ever be salty there is no Church in the new Stromgarde civilian quarter!


In War2 the extent of their ‘culture’ is green trim and being on an island, which is tbh what they’d stay until BfA.


Drustvar has a chapel of the Light. It’s used for weddings!

Anyway, I do think Tidemother worship (like Harvest Witches) should’ve been the minor, nearly lost religion and the Light should’ve been the main religion.

Until BfA the lore was clear that all the human kingdoms (yes, even Dalaran) had the Light as its religion, and the majority of humanity worshipped the Light (yes, even the mages) and that had been the case since just after the Troll Wars.

We head to Kul Tiras and suddenly the Kul Tirisians have an entirelly different religion?!

Look, listen, you simply can’t expect a hard-done-by, small Indie company to have any sort of Consistency, or Lore Bible, or-

-Breaks down into mad, hyena laughter, rocking in the corner-


More like, time for Iron Fist rp.

No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.

I mean, this -is- the man who learned to call upon the Light after deciding for himself the orcs were filthy off-world xenos that could be struck down with impunity.

( Slightly exaggerated but ill link the actual text from the novel)

“NO!” The word burst from Turalyon’s lips as he shoved through the crowd and dropped to his knees beside the dead body of his hero, his mentor, his commander. Then his gaze switched to the orc towering above him, and something within him clicked into place.

For months Turalyon had been struggling with his faith, and with one particular question: How could the Holy Light unite all creatures, all souls, when something as monstrous, as cruel, and as purely evil as the orc Horde walked this world? Unable to reconcile the two he had been unsure of himself and of the Church’s teachings, and
had looked on with envy as Uther and the other Paladins gave blessings and shone bright with zeal, knowing he could not match their abilities.

But something this orc, this Doomhammer, had just said had registered on some level below conscious thought, and Turalyon tried to trace it. “Until your world belongs to us,” the Horde warchief had gloated. “Your world,” not “our world” or even “this world.”

And that was the answer.

He had remembered the Dark Portal, of course—Khadgar had told him about it when they had first met, while describing the orc menace, and it had been mentioned several times since then. But for some reason the truth of it had never really sunk in. Until now.

The orcs were not of this world.

They were foreign to this planet, to this very plane of existence. They came from elsewhere, and were powered by demons from even farther beyond.

The Holy Light did unite all life, everyone in this world. But not the orcs, who did not belong here.

And that meant his task was clear. He was charged with upholding the Holy Light and using its blazing glory to scour this world clean of all threats from without, and to maintain the purity within.

The orcs did not belong here. And that meant he could strike them down with impunity.

“By the Light, your time here has ended!” he shouted, rising to his feet. And a brilliant glow sprang up around him, so bright orcs and humans alike turned away, shielding their eyes. “You are not of this world, not of the Holy Light. You do not belong here! Begone!”


Can we go back to this kind of muscular Light worship please Blizzard.