This is all Dread Pirate Roberts erasure, and I will not stand for it.
Unleash the ROUS’s!
The Tome of Divinity (dwarf 4)
The Tome of DivinityLevel: 12 (Requires 12) John Turner John Turner
This is all Dread Pirate Roberts erasure, and I will not stand for it.
Unleash the ROUS’s!
Can we go back to this kind of muscular Light worship please Blizzard.
Hardly, since the Sunwalkers aren’t remembered and the Rezani prelates… well.
Hardly, since the Sunwalkers aren’t remembered and the Rezani prelates… well.
Pesonally, having pretty much rp’ed Des here as my main since Legion ( though dipping into him before that since late MoP), I find it such a shame when some paladin-rp’ers see a paladin, and they see only the “DEUS VULT, WE WILL TAKE JERUSA-… pardon LORDAERON!” part of their idenity.
Like, I get it. It’s cool when you can be the badass holy knight kicking the hinds of all heretics like there’s no tomorrow. But that is only a part of what a paladin is.
Quoting another bit of text, from the Beyond the Dark Portal novel:
It was good to come back to the church, and to remember his origins as a simple priest.
A soft smile curved his lips as he beheld his brethren, his fellow Knights of the Silver Hand, doing their duties here as surely as they had on the battlefield. Archbishop Alonsus Faol had created the order three years ago, and it was by his decree that the paladins now served humbly in the communities that had been so devastated by the war.
Even as he looked around, Turalyon saw his old friend Uther, whom he himself had given the title “Lightbringcr.” Turalyon was used to seeing the powerfully built man in full armor, swinging his weapon, his ocean-colored eyes afire with zeal as the Light came to him in the form of powerful attacks. But Uther now was clad in simple robes. He was
attending to a woman who looked exhausted and drained, gently wiping her forehead with a damp cloth and cradling something in his free hand.
As Turalyon drew closer, he saw that the bundle Uther held so gently was a newborn, its skin still mottled from birth. The new mother smiled tircdly but happily and reached for her child. Its lusty, healthy wail was the sharp, sweet song of hope. Uther rested his hand on the woman and blessed her and her child, as Turalyon had done with the orphans earlier. Turalyon realized that although Uther was obviously at home on the battlefield, using the Light to take the lives of those who would slay him and those he served, he was equally at home here in the cathedral, bringing a new little life into the world.Such was the dichotomy of paladins; they were warriors and healers both.
Heck, there’s also some of the paladin starting quests.
The Tome of DivinityLevel: 12 (Requires 12) John Turner John Turner
The Tome of DivinityLevel: 12 (Requires 12) Stephanie Turner Stephanie TurnerXP: 2,150
Next to the religous avenger they’re also the sorts that would go rescue someone’s cat out of a tree because they don’t feel as though they are too good for that work. And it’s nice to rp a mixture of those two sides.
Next to the religous avenger they’re also the sorts that would go rescue someone’s cat out of a tree because they don’t feel as though they are too good for that work. And it’s nice to rp a mixture of those two sides.
I do RP my Paladin, when he’s in Stromgarde or another capital of Humanity, in a Gossamer set, because he is also a Priest!
Although he hates Orcs and Undeath from the bottom of his heart and they shall find a could reception should he stumble upon them within the sacred halls of a Church, Cathedral or any other holy place.
It’s why I’m kinda sad I don’t really get to RP Kayt, like, at all.
She was an Elwynn kid who wound up an orphan, clung like stubborn hell to her goal of being a knight, and wound up doing just that and all the trials and tribulations that came with it.
She’s fought in wars, smote demons, seen more than someone her age likely would or even should.
And she gets the most enjoyment out of smithing non-weapon stuff for people, shoe-ing horses, and just having a chance to have the most Normal downtime she can. Until its time to pick up her late masters hammer again…
Now these look fun!
Those poor turtles…
A turtle made it to the butcher.
The cycle of life can be cruel…
Ya’ll such doom and gloom…
Maybe people happened across those turtle shells? Saw them laying around on the beach and thought, you know what? These would make fine protection for backstabbing!?
Now personally, I would be a big fan if a shield-version would be available aswell!
They got brutally murdered in cold blood.
Either way, a dead turtle is a dead turtle, which is sad.
would be a big fan if a shield-version would be available aswell!
I mean, the current turtleshields look pretty decent gor their age.
I mean, the current turtleshields look pretty decent gor their age.
Yea. Kinda small, though.
And they look horrible outdated compared to the Warden Armor. Even the Saber mount looks less outdated
Unleash the ROUS’s!
I don’t think they exist!
We datamined 10 new tabards coming in Patch 11.1, Undermine(d)! There are two types of tabards in the patch, one representing each one of the Goblin Cartels, and additional ones for enforcers, the guards used by goblins.
Liking those.
And lol at the WoWhead comments being Big Mad. “Bluh Bluh tAbArDs UsEd To Be PrEsTiGiOuS!!1”
Some folks need to go outside and get some oxygen. Maybe touch grass. Also pound dirt.
It wouldn’t be a Goblin patch without Elune and the Night Elves getting a whole new 3D set, am I right guys?
I do not want to hear a Night Elf player complain about anything ever again. In fact, they no longer reserve the right to talk about “shafting” or “warcraft” whatsoever I think.
Looks like more Trading Post stuff. Pretty neutral-looking, I’d say, and not too much into traditional Kaldorei style. If not for the moon and stars, it’d be just another generic light armor.
If not for the moon and stars, it’d be just another generic light armor.
“If not for the iconography on every single piece of the armour, it’d be generic” pleaaaaaase