PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Taran’s words may have worked between leaders and while - ultimately being right - it isn’t a soothing touch to the actual people involved. Lor’themar and Jaina, ultimately have to view the bigger picture.

Hathrorel, however, doesn’t. It’s fair to consider it resolved as can between Silvermoon and Dalaran as entities (but even then, that’s debatable; it’s clear Rommath hasn’t forgiven Dalaran for anything).

However, Blizzard opened a can of worms with Hathorel by depicting that, to some Sunreavers, it isn’t a closed case. And it never will be. Really. Or realistically. You’re going to have Sunreavers, Silver Covenant and Kirin Tor bitter forever. BFA re-opened the can of worms.

They’ve set themselves a tall order with Midnight, i have my reservations.


If i had a gold for everytime Jaina was the center of a crime against a faction and pushed them further into the arms of the horde and never answered for her making life harder for the alliance and her crime against that faction id have 2 gold which isnt a lot but…


Of all the Lore ‘additions’, this one is still one of the most stupid, to me…


But also shall we talk about her addition to the list of “Female characters who have entirely justifiable rage and greivances, who nevertheless Need To Just Calm Down and Move On”? :grimacing:

Turns out adding time travel to your story can cause some plotholes if you didn’t plan ahead. Whopsie!


Temper your expectations for Midnight. If Dragonflight is any indication, any past misdemeanors are going to be ignored or downplayed, simply because they’re an inconvenience that gets in the way of the story Blizzard wants to tell now.


“What’s planning ahead?” - Blizz Devs/Writers

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What do you mean? They’ve announced three expansions in advance!

(Though I’m sure the story notes for each of them fit in a single paragraph.)


Per MMO-Champ’s latest datamine ( a new Raid Difficulty has been ‘implemented’.

Story (New) - Players: 1-5.

It might be for limited, specific events/moments (pseudo-scenarios, if you will)…or it could be that they’ve finally listened to feedback and put in a story difficulty for people who don’t want to slog through LFR’s “fun” just to see their quests completed.

Or it might never come about and it gets dropped before release.

Still, thought it worth sharing.


Seems to be for raids as well!

Lets hope so!


The follower dungeons in DF was probably poking at the AI.

In the Expansion, your first run through a dungeon (during a questline.) will supposedly will be done with NPCs or something along those lines.

Aslong as I don’t have to run a dungeon With Thrall, Calia, Voss… Or any other Horde… Or even better, with NPCs that are developed throughout the zones instead of any faction leader, I think that would be a grand idea!


It’d be cool if single-player Delves/Follower dungeons/Story-mode raids would incorporate your alts from your Warband if possible, otherwise at least the Follower dungeons use generic template NPCs, not lore characters at least.


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the future.


From my Account please, I have enough characters to fill the Tanks, Healers and then 10(+?) DPS spots :smirk:

I don’t know about other races, but I can totally see a super Druidic Night Elf go fight in the woods on his loincloth… Same for Worgen, I suppose!

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Finally you can wear the Gossamer Gowns without your leg items being super annoyingly in the way.


Why did I post that on my Paladin, wtf.

Anyway. Mistweaver changes on the Alpha look super cool.

Meanwhile, Ferals are sitting at the bottom of the pool, forgotten.

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This… cannot… be… :exploding_head: