PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

? You got an entire blue post where they explained their philosophy for the spec and possible changes they might make.

yeah an entire blue post telling ferals to just look at the flowers so we can be forgotten about yet another expac

So about all that Purge talk. TWW has a bunch of Silver Covenant/Sunreavers just chilling with one another around Dornogal. Food for thought.


What the heck is this victim mentality.

They full on outlined that they are actively working on improving your AoE, going on to explain the rotational clarity they are prioritising.

RIP to any hope that they’d actually engage with it in any way. Nah, they just all got over it, off screen.

Absolute hacks.


Dragonflight lore enjoyers will tell you this is fine, I hope you are prepared to forgive and forget everything off-screen and act like everything is just back to the way it was.


The Silver Covenant’s involvement makes Vereesa’s continued absence from the story and datamines even weirder honestly.

I double checked wowhead to see if any NPCs had been added for her and the only one in TWW is this one

Which looks…remarkably spectral from the screenshot. It’s probably just a flashback or something given the outfit.

But I guess dying is one way to make the least interesting Windrunner slightly more interesting. Worked for Sylvanas

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Honestly, I think it would make sense for night elves (or at least some of their communities) to have no nudity taboo, even if there’s no way in hell I’d be roleplaying that.

(While Lintian herself has never undressed in public, I’ve always roleplayed her as being completely unfazed by others’ nudity. She once went swimming with a worgen who chose to skinny-dip once they got there, and she didn’t even arch an eyebrow.)


That’s a flashback from the 10.2.7 Harbinger questline.

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To offer some hopium:
Just like not every Sunreaver has betrayed Kirin Tor, it’s likely many of the Covenant were not there for the stuff we see in Underbelly (and the killing of shop owners might be Jaina’s direct order executed by Alliance champion judging by the quest text at completion).
It’s possible these are simply the people who haven’t been part of the wrongdoing parties on either side. It’s not like high/blood elf cooperation is unheard of in lore.

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That’s a lot of feelings for safe.

I think what he’s getting at (but correct me if I’m wrong) is that Druid of the Claw looks boring af and Wildstalker is weirdly plantbased.

On a wild tangent I’m reminded of the Dragonmaw questchain in Waking Shores, with the old orc suffering due to his past deeds and how the locals aren’t mistreating despite them. Then, as part of this omnipresent renewal/forget and forgive theme, he passes away from natural causes and the alchemist turns him into fertilizer .

Note that after that Dragonkin alchemist checks him and states that he’s just suffering from old age, he brews a concoction that is meant to “ease his pain”. The orc then drank that potion for a week, not getting any better and then dying on his doorstep. We then get a touching story of how the Red Dragonkin are wholesome, every life is precious and dignity is granted, not earned etc.

No, not every NPC forgives and forgets. Some just lie in your face about their intentions and then pull off a murder like in that quest chain.

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Feral has been a spec that has been historically underpowered and almost never seen play at the higher levels, to the point the spec’s unpopularity has made even more casual pugging a nightmare. The only time Feral has seen play was in Dragonflight S3, because Balance in comparison was even weaker for ST, I believe.

Rotational clarity and blue posts explaining design changes are fine and welcomed, but it’s not supported by the proposed talents and Hero talents. They said they want Feral to become a slower, less APM-heavy spec as it was in Dragonflight thanks to one talent making Tiger’s Fury essentially a maintenance buff. In TWW, that will be gone, and Feral will be a slower, more bleed-focused spec.

They’re removing the range increase across all melee specs, which means for Feral, Primal Wrath will also become a much weaker AoE ability as you’ll have a very small range for it now. Given how many bosses also force deadzones and other abilities on melee specs, it’ll be especially awful for Ferals when your important snapshotting buffs fall off because you’re forced to shadowbox with air. Imagine if the current TWW design was actually on live. Did you play DF S3? Dawn of the Infinites was IMO an especially egregious dungeon where Morchie and Blood of Galakrond repeatedly just removed your bleeds from the target.

I can’t even imagine trying to do Morchie with this proposed slower, bleed-focused playstyle. You’ll be more energy-starved, so by the time you’ve finally got your snapshotted bleeds on Morchie, she decides to split away and make copies of herself that completely wipes off all your bleeds.

The last blue post you’re probably referring to is their response to the removal of Rampant Ferocity, which got replaced with weird placeholder talents instead, and that was really bad. I’m glad Rampant Ferocity is back, as it makes the Feral AoE rotation a bit more interesting than just Primal Wrath spam. However, this doesn’t really solve any of the problems Ferals right now even face.

Why would you play Feral over Balance, and why would you invite Feral over any other Druid spec? Of course, this could all be changed with tuning, but… they sure haven’t tuned us for S4 of Dragonflight, when we already were a mediocre spec in S3 - especially in M+ where we continuously were in bottom tier. Guess where Feral is right now for S4 as well?

Reading how they’re removing the range increase that already got nerfed just makes the spec feel much worse, and with how uninteresting the Hero Talents are for Feral I’m not sure if I’ll want to play the spec any more. At least, with TWW making Haste a bit more valuable stat for Ferals you could at least multispec, because guess what - in Dragonflight, your best stats are Crit and Mastery. No other spec wants Crit, Guardian also doesn’t want Mastery, so you can’t even carry over your agility gear and enchants if you want to do anything at higher levels. You don’t even want the same weapon. :sob:

Like, Mages - who have almost always been S-tier, don’t really change much with their Stat priority or gear for Frost and Fire. So again, the blue posts and current Hero Talents + changes are basically telling Ferals to look at the flowers.

Both of them look very boring and passive, there’s no visually interesting things either like how Mages get the Kael’thas orbs and a phoenix. In fact, I’d say maybe only Elune’s Chosen is probably the only visually interesting spec if the extra moons are visually interesting. But I absolutely loathe the cosmic design Balance has gotten the last few expansions. Wildstalker’s ‘you grow vines around the enemy’ is a very cool aesthetic on paper that I wished was something Balance Druid would do.

Keeper of the Grove in almost hilariously dumb in design, Druid of the Claw’s MASSIVE ATTACK (rip) from what I’ve seen is… not even a massive attack visually? Wildstalker’s vines are funny-looking, but with all the visual effects going around, you’re not even really going to notice them. On top of both specs having extremely passive design. It’s a bunch of passive RNG effects that won’t help any underlying problems with the spec.


And Dalaran has, for all we’re aware of at the moment, been erased completely. Think the destruction of that would render both groups in shock for a while. Kinda hard to focus on your beef when your floating city has undergone some urban redevelopment via gravity.


Why is Wildstalker even Feral-Restoration lol
I just read the talents and they basically have no cross-spec intersection at all? They’re just like “If you cast this Feral ability, get this buff. If you cast this Restoration ability, get this stuff instead.”

When the lore moves on but players cling to one singular incident like it’s the worst thing in history and worse slights have accumulated since by the hands of supposed allies.


Despite their differences, they still shared Dalaran as a home in recent years, a city that was destroyed not far from Dornogal. It makes sense that they might end up there, and that they might bond over their shared loss. They’re not going on a vacation to that neat new earthen city for the fun of it, they’re effectively stranded there together after the destruction of their home, and that seems like the perfect event to trigger reconciliation and moving on.



I accept this as Canon now! Thanks!

A decade to late, but it finally happened!


It was even worse than Theramore cuz innocent hunters and trackers and forces used for the War of Genocide started by the Horde went through, or lived, there!


But Theramore was a totally legit target and the enslaved civilians forced to fight for their Horde overlords, to the death, also deserved it!

Can you lot NOT turn this thread into what faction did what for another 200 posts?

EDIT: not being funny, I come to this thread to see PTR stuff and am getting tired of having to scroll through 200 replies of which faction is the bad guy AGAIN. You’re not going to change each other’s minds, so please stop.


I don’t think anybody is doing that, aside from Shadowtwili, and I think the discussion revolving around the Purge is rather civil and current. :thinking:

The current discussion surrounding the Purge now focusses on the resolution of it, and how it should’ve been handled/could still be handled in the lore.

Sure, there are some disagreeements, but overall I don’t think its a bad topic to discuss after all the “friendly friendships” between the factions and their leaders that have been forced into the story without any proper resolutions, after big impact events, that happened between the factions!

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