Nah, he was accidentally given a political win by nexus prince Durzaan attacking the sunwell, validating his crippling of the sin’dorei knowledge base on a critical subject.
Anyhoo, looking forward to more lore about the void and how it’s relevant to these upcoming expansions. No doubt the void elves will be given more opportunities to prove their worth.
Allerian High Elves and Mag’har Orcs(the Outlands one) would’ve made the most sense, yes!
Also with Eredar skin being available, I hope we’ll get Fel Orc skin available aswell! Might be those who want to redeem themselves, couple them with Outland Mag’har and give them a mission to restore/retake Outlands as their home again! Akin to how the Broken, AotL and Penitent work together for the retaking of Argus!
I would like a fel orc ‘recruitment’ quest where their rage is not something to be subdued, just channeled in a more productive direction. If we’re playing fel orcs, rage machine is the name of the game. Shouldn’t feel guilty about that, so long as we hone you in on the right target.
“Living Weapon” is a concept mostly filled by Death Knights and Demon Hunters. There’s no reason fel orcs can’t get in on the action too.
Or in other words
To be honest, I just want the rest of the Eredar skins added first; there’s Penintent NPCs that use the fel-cracked appearances, but we don’t have access to those.
For comparisons of the Alliance and the Horde that aren’t relevant to the PTR and for discussing and comparing the past sins of Alliance and Horde characters, there’s always this thread that was made as a containment zone for such things.
As for some PTR stuff, it looks like the embassies will be getting portals that will grant all races access to all allied race starting zones. The Alliance wins out on this front, as they have more allied races with their own hubs and starting zones, while the Horde has more homeless allied races that just start off in Orgrimmar.
That sounds pretty cool, but wouldn’t that just make them Orc++?
But I suppose it would make most sense for Fel Orcs, since most of them are actually victims of circumstance in their case, being force-turned into Fel Orcs!
Ofcourse you also have the Horde Fel Orcs(since TBC) at the Dark Portal that are faction friendly to Horde and neutral to Alliance! Perhaps they could be a setup to customisation options for the (Mag’har) Orcs!
I don’t remember the high elves actively sabotaging the Arcane Sanctums before they got purged from Silvermoon for the crime of bieng magical vegans
Instead just throw 'em to the trolls and Scourge and wash your hands in innocence!
Thats why I play Gnome, Alliance can’t do any damage to that race when it never gets any attention
I agree with the rest of that paragraph, but Illidan was always depicted as a mostly villain, I mean guy wanted to do a second Sundering to destroy the Lick King!
Just an update on the World of Warcraft Tarot Deck, we’ve got four cards spoiled.
Thrall is the Hierophant.
Malfurion is the Emperor.
The sword of Sargeras is the Tower.
Azeroth is the World.
Thrall as the World Shaman might have worked for the Hierophant, but I am not so certain about Thrall as he currently is. His constant wrestling with his spiritual beliefs that days makes him seem like an odd choice, but maybe they are considering the Hierophant Reversed instead, with its focus on freedom and personal beliefs over traditional ones - something that Thrall certainly stands for.
Malfurion as the Emperor is another odd choice. He has some traits in common with the Emperor Upright, as a firm but fair leader and as the rock who anchors the people around him, who provides a sense of safety, stability and security. That certainly seems to define his relatinship with Tyrande. However, there is nothing about the Emperor Reversed and its focus on control, inflexibility and assertiveness that matches with Malfurion at all. I feel like Varian would’ve been a better choice for both sides of the Emperor.
The Sword of Sargeras is an absolutely inspired choice for the Tower that I think is great. For the Tower Upright, it makes perfect sense as a source of great upheaval and calamity, a force that inflicts great change and chaos on the world. The Tower Reversed makes some sense as well, as the stabbing of the Sword led to the Fourth War, an event that was the source of a great deal of personal transformation for the likes of Varok Saurfang and the Horde, as well many others. I approve.
Azeroth as the World is depicted in an interesting way though, as the visible part of the globe is centered on the Eastern Kingdoms and only partially shows Kalimdor, Northrend and Pandaria.
While it doesn’t fully confirm to the “there’s a whole other side of the world we haven’t seen yet” theory, it does imply that the Forbidding/Veiled Sea is absolutely massive, easily larger than the Great Sea that surrounds the Maelstrom. Not large enough to cover a whole “other side” of Azeroth, but definitely large enough to contain its fair share of islands and continents.
Not far off since the explorer’s league (which she is part of, just the division taking part in the joint expedition) is the warcraft equivalent with their museum hosting artifacts from every corner of Azeroth. Even taking artifacts from still active communities.
I remember doing the archaeology profession, and having to literally murder people living in a village so you can unearth artifacts from their culture that they’ve left lying around. I think this is called pillaging, not archaeology.