PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Why do they have this rumor? Do they have signs, confirmation, sightings in the physical or in the Dream?

Loved it when the Forsaken heroically saved Gilneas. Wholesome reddit seal award


Are we sure this is still the case?

(not wanting to single anyone out, I was just wondering - was SL or DF that good in terms of worldbuilding?)

According to the book it was said that most believed she died to the storms, but some saw her in their dreams (note that it say their dreams and not the dream) and it’s these dragons that claimed she raised her own brood in the new land.


I mean, they saved Darkshore in the same manner, Blight catapulting everything just works every darn time!

Which would be fine, if it would just be that. a Dream. Instead, the Green Dragons, who keep watch over -the- Dream, where every mortal being goes when they dream, somehow misinteprent these dreams to mean its just them working through losing their friend? :thinking:

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Despite not having played for a year I have been keeping track of this stuff. I don’t think the Arathi Empire is a bad concept. I disagree profoundly with the “out of nowhere” criticism, everything new in the game is “out of nowhere”. What I do worry is that they’ll botch the build up and it’ll wind up being shallow and lame. Not living up to the hype.

Though I eagerly await the inevitable warhammer memes. Faith, Steel, Gunpowder by Sigmar.


ngl, it would be a breath of fresh air when it comes from a Human faction this time… :smirk:

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is the blight catapulting in the dragonflight retaking gilneas questline in the room with us right now


Obviously these are just can’s of innocent green… Smoke? :smirk:


Damn, I entirelly missed the Forsaken throwing Blight at Gilneas… again

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Lemonade. That’s clearly a gracious donation of lemonade.


It’s actually perfume, trying to liven up the rainy-dog smell Gilneas is famous for. Why else would the Love is in the Air corporation make a base in Silverpine?


Those are from the trailer and PTR and never made it in-game. The in-game quest line has, as described by the NPC flavor text, Calia and the Forsaken Army taking the brunt of the attention from the Scarlet Crusade up north, while the Gilneans backdoor the city. As a matter of fact, the entirety of the Forsaken’s involvement was off-screened for the entire quest line, with the exception of Voss, and Calia for a whopping 2 quests (one of which calling her a title she does not have before being hotfixed) and 1 flavour text dialogue.

It is likely cut content, which is most likely why a lot of the actual interesting bits of the storyline are done entirely off-screen and through flavour text, as well as why there is one effect of the Blight Barrels hitting in one far flung corner of the final courtyard section, with no forsaken NPCs to be found. It is likely that they decided against the Blight 2 narrative, canned it for something more reasonable, but weren’t fast enough to outrun Danuser’s departure as captain of the narrative ship.

And, alas, last I checked, just because something appeared in a trailer, and not in-game, doesn’t make it canon; else, I’m really confused as to where that Battle for Azeroth launch trailer confrontation went, or where the Dance Studio has been hiding in my UI.

No it literally happens during the quest chain, if you stop and look you can see the forsaken actually are launching these at the light shields of the scarlets.

As I’ve said in my post, one (1) leftover blight barrel effect, unless that was also glitches during launch day, in which case, lol, lmao - and also, no forsaken NPCs, anywhere.

That aside, in the narrative link quest line that comes before this one, the forsaken heritage one, the forsaken develop a blight that’s literally just… green explosion. My best guess is that they would’ve set up the creation of such to eventually follow it up in the Gilneans quest line before 99% of all forsaken involvement getting turned into a set dressing instead of an active part of its narrative, leaving us to guess as whether they did anything at all beyond doing the large military scale version of doing a /dance on top of a mailbox in front of Gilneas City.

This is actually in-game on the North-Western side of the city during the scenario. It’s something several people here (myself included) have memed about when the patch was current content.

As far as anyone with a functioning brain is concerned the Forsaken came to help by… lobbing Blight barrels at the same city they blight barreled during Cataclysm lmao

Edit: And again this is not a PTR topic. May as well continue this matter in the good old HvA forum thread.

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Huh. Must’ve been bugged then on its first hours, just like the set was, or simply my PC not keeping up at the time. My bad guys!

Beyond that, I can only guess it was the explosive blight (green explosion sfx and nothing else thanks Blizzard very cool), or something to that effect. It would’ve been nicer if we got a two-sider of a questline instead of just guessing why the hell they’d do that and have it leave no trace.


If dracthyr get new access to old classes, will we get a Class Change in the game store?

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I’m genuinely surprised that paid class change is still not a thing in the game. I wonder why…

Probably too much spaghetti code under the hood with a character defined by class while visuals like race change is a more malleable thing.

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