PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Along with ruining its main feature, The Orcs for all time.


Undoing/damaging pretty much all the work laid down carefully in WC3 was… yeah. That was a choice, I guess?


I agree that WoD failed as an expansion. Evwn though I personally liked it, I can’t deny that the story in WoD and the narrative in general left much to be desired.

But it did have a lot of good things about it. Class design, pvp and raiding were all really good. Catchup was easy and fast and the game has never been as casual friendly as it was back then.

In comes Legion and demolishes just about everything about old WoW. Tried and tested class design is thrown out the window in favour of gimmicky spec design, glyphs are all but removed (and then brought back 1 expansion later in the form of essences), M+ takes a massive chunk out of both raiding snd pvp and gradually turns the entire game into a “GOGOGO” fast paced apex legend aoe damage burst fest. Oh and then there id borrowed power in the form of AP, which gets recycled for 3 expansions straight as an incredibly cancerous mechanic that drives off people from the game.

And I haven’t even mentioned legendaries, domination sockets etc yet.

If I could wind back the clock and ensure Legion never happened the eay it did and the game was instead designed by the old guard, I would.


i wont say your wrong in thinking that because it was a great but under-rated one. it made you FEEL the threat to the world and gave the feeling that this is a threat that can deliver on its promise to break azeroth.

its hard to measure the quality of wow cinematics because even the worst one (whichever that is for you personally) is still of great quality. my favourite will always be Mists of Pandaria’s. nothing can match that feeling of seeing Chen parting the mists to overlook the jade forest. getting a few goosebumps hearing the dialogue in my head. Mists, Catas, Wraths and WoD’s are my favourites. this will be diffrent for everyone.

my duality in being thrilled to see the frostwolves in their native home vs my dread at seeing how they massacred orcish culture on the whole for this expac.

as unpopular a take as it is i detest mythic+. i detest the mentality and community it fostered. wow went from something chill to play and gear up in where i could still pursue hard content like raiding and ranked pvp when i felt like it to “rush rush rush.” not to mention the inflated ego’s it brought about. looking at you DH players. every. damn. time.


This is just absolutely false in terms of gameplay

You have to plan routes, work around affixes and how to keep CDs and other abilities for packs and bosses

If you think its just speedrunning AoE burst damage then you’ve never pushed higher keys and it shows

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i still feel like wrath was the best cinematic going.

the anticipation of the continuation of arthas’ story was huge at the time

the music, the atmosphere. the vibes were immaculate

we dunk on wrath for being overrated but the hype at the time was unmatched


The pain of it all. Ga’nar’s thing was actually a nicely done norse vengeance saga that made the frostwolves have a nice viking flair. Then you get to gorgrond and the joker random laughing skulls coping with adversity, the blackrocks having their entire culture be the industrial war machine by goblin proxy and the growing issue of Grom not being the problem but iconically emblematic of The Orcs’ tyrannical drive to conquer and enslave regardless of outside influence.


aint no we there brother i genuinely loved and miss wrath

an absolute mistake of the narrative. “how do we take the jungle orc vibe of the bleeding hollow now and just make it a meme.”


It is.

We didn’t know much at all about Pandaria before our characters stepped foot there and progressing through the expansion reveals quite a lot of conflict throughout the continent’s history.

The Mogu and Mantid are excellent examples of plausible, compelling threats and I don’t think anyone can really claim that fighting them would be without consequence or challenge.

It’s a safe bet that the Arathi Empire will have its own local threats to contend with and the writers may or may not decide to also have some of the problems that plagued ‘our side’ of Azeroth also be something that they had to deal with as well.

They could have encountered the Naga, for instance. The Burning Legion as well. It remains to be seen.

I do think that it is more likely than not that the usual expansion model will be embraced in terms of presenting the location as some big, grand and impressive thing. How well that is pulled off is something only time will tell but we only need to look at Suramar to see how being isolated from the rest of the world for a very long period can still lead to some very intriguing scenarios.

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But Artifact Power, Azerite Power and Anima Power are three completely different types of borrowed power! You can’t just lump them together like that!


I agree that Pandaria is a fine comparison. After all, the moment we met Chen in Warcraft 3 he started talking about how powerful the Pandaria Empire currently is in modern day.


Did Chen ever say anything about a Pandaria, or his homeland in general, though?

Eitherway, I think a whole new continent is stupid, because it makes pre-Sundering Azeroth suddenly a whole different beast… How come Pre-Sundering Empire’s like the Mogu, Trolls, Kaldorei or even the Pandaren know nothing about it? Was it somehow also shrouded in mystical storms back then? And why couldn’t the Titans stop that storm? What if an Old God was hidden in that continent? Why didn’t the Old Gods go there during the Black Empire’s reign of Azeroth? Or how come the Emerald Dream stretches to it? Is the Blueprint of Azeroth, which is linked to everything, suddenly not linked to a piece of Azerothian land? Or what about the Elements and their planes?

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El is being sarcastic but in a good way. Chen didn’t do any of that. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have gotten away with it either since even back then people treated him as “le funny whimsical Panda bear.” who tagged along rather than insufferable addition who can’t shut up about how great, big and strong his homeland is compared to the mud-hutt dwelling orcs.

The Arathi Empire just doesn’t get that kind of cred when they have been absent during world-ending threats. I have slain gods multiple times, toppled empires of older than my species, etc… Them hyping themselves up like this just come across as undeserved boasting. Moreover, knowing what Blizzard tends to treat so called Empires (Zandalari, Nerubian, Mantids…) it’s safe to say it’s gonna be relegated to a single zone instead of actually having colonized all over whatever continents they’ll be residing on.


No that’s kinda my point; that comparison to Pandaria fall flat.

The moment the Mogu and Mantid are brought up we directly see them and their antics, both present and historical. Pandaria was also not posed as a great and powerful Empire that was existing in modern times - quite the opposite.

Arathi might end up impressing and have a bunch of deep lore when we finally see them in 2034, but seeding their power despite their palpable absence (because they’ve been invented wholecloth in the last year or three) falls flat. For now.


I’m personally not too worried as the actual world building in the zones tends to be the highlight of any given expansion. Where the story falls apart, generally, resides in the more cinematic events and the lack of realistic consequences for such.

For example, the Purge of Dalaran and Burning of Teldrassil were both handled very poorly and the lasting repercussions weren’t treated very well at all.

Yet despite BFA’s questionable writing in regards to the faction conflict, Drustvar and Nazmir were pretty cool and immersive zones.


On the list of things that were handled very poorly and lasting repercussion that weren’t treated well at all, I will always mention the Reclamation of Gilneas questline.

I heard rumors from people here it was because suddenly Metzen came back and cut things short, but whatever the reason, I dont like it.

Still, it is what it is and I’ll live with it.


Over a decade of blue-balling the reclamation of Gilneas and that is what we got.


Puts on his best Gul’dan voice.

“Instead you chose… very disgusted sneer… -this-. You have no VISION!”


Well, that went over my head completely :weary:

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Supposedly in ancient pre-history there was a continent named Avaloren where “heretics” that the keepers could not get at existed, as their expeditions to do so were all wiped out, so they decided to just let it be. Whatever heretics mean we have no idea.
This is from a dragonflight book found in the new Uldaman dungeon.
Supposedly this is the continent on the other side of the storming sea that the ancient Arathi crossed to establish the new Arathi empire that we will meet an expedition force of in TWW.
Also we learned in DF that a green dragon named Erinethria defied Keeper Tyr’s warnings to not attempt to cross the storming sea and ventured out only to never be seen again. It’s rumored that she founded her own brood in this new mystical land.