PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

You better.

Anything for you, Eleboo.

Obligatory reminder that when I suggest the same thing for FFXIV, people bring stones and bonfires.

It’s that or a babybjorn.

I’m never going to be able to hang up the “Alleria is genuinely, in-character, sub-50 IQ” meme, am I? What made you come to this conclusion ma’am because none of the quests in this starting zone reflect this random statement you have blurted out your mouth like a toddler without social awareness.

Also is it just me or are the forums crippilingly laggy right now?


Can Blizzard stick to one message and relatively apply it across all forms of content? You can’t have faction peace to the point of joint cooperations into the expansions to come all while continuously enforcing playable races to join this binary choice!

What if I don’t want to join Horde or Alliance because they’re stinky?! What if I wanna make my own faction with blackjack and hookas huh?! With if being factionless is a faction and allows me to visit any capital that I want to? Are you capable of imagining that Blizz devs?!


The argument that people use to justify chasing dark rangers and eredar out of Stormwind City can also be used to explain that dracthyr and earthen aren’t technically Alliance or Horde. There simply isn’t any lore that outright says that they are members of the factions, and the gameplay conceit of making a character that the game considered Horde or Alliance is just a gameplay feature and isn’t based in lore at all.

Until there is lore that is directly told to us that explicitly says that these dracthyr have formally joined the Horde/Alliance, or that those earthen have formally joined the Alliance/Horde, then they simply haven’t, despite the gameplay divide between the factions, which has no bearing on the lore.

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And this is why Neutral should have been the third faction since MoP, but Blizz are cowards, so here we’re stuck.

Edit: Ok, maybe since WoD, can’t see ol’ Garry not being a grump-pants over actual Neutrals wandering.

You make two copies of the same Pandaren or belf/velf, and can do precisely that and more. And yes, it’s a neutral Pandaren bias.

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I’d say the Void seems to be getting to her in the end. She’s genuinely insane at this point, and if not for Turalyon’s protection she’d be apprehended by her own kin and/or Locus-Walker for falling to it.

The factions should never have been a hard coded mechanic like the orignal intent for WoW was.

The Horde and Alliance should have been background organisations. A part of the narrative.


Ab-so-hecking-lutely :clap:

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Thing is, Blizzard can’t remove factions for gameplay reasons.

First of all, half the playerbase would revolt if the gameplay stopped playing even lip service to the idea of a faction divide. Second of all, there’s PvP and war mode, which require all players to belong to one of the factions, whether they want to or not. And third of all, there’s simply so much in the game’s code and data that assumes two factions (transmogs, toys, faction-specific quests and instances, faction change service…) that removing factions would require a colossal re-engineering effort.

For now, their answer is to minimize the story importance of factions going forward, and implement current and future neutral races by giving them a choice of faction to join. Which is not perfect, but probably the best they can do in these circumstances.

And yes, I agree with Aerilen and Kaytlinne that factions should have never been a factor in gameplay to begin with. Blizzard made a bad call in vanilla development and is now stuck with it forever.


The people who live and breathe for their faction to the same degree football fans do, are some of the worst people in the Warcraft community as a whole.


Nothing of value would be lost, frankly.

A half-decent compromise, IMO anyway, would be to make other faction stuff outside of PVP/War Mode con as Unfriendly/Neutral.
Oh, and make Common actually Common, for goodness sake…


They’ve taken this step already with cross-faction raids.

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Now the rest.

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Its so god damn over (for real this time).

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