PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

To be honest, if War Within through to the Last Titan are supposed to be the end stage of Warcraft’s current story saga(?), I imagine any attempt to break down the Horde x Alliance divide in so far as the factions go will come after that.

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''Ate the 'umies
'Ate the stunties
'Ate the alliance (not racist just dont like em).


Bet no one saw this coming.


We knew this already, the screenshot surfaced as soon as the TWW alpha was deployed.

Also I’m shocked, shocked. What a brilliant and exciting twist that absolutely no one saw coming.


We done been knew this.

Surprised we didn’t get a lovely tune from our gal Azeroth when the Halls of Origination were in danger.

Xal’atath being able to perfectly fool Dalaran does reach dangerously close to being an idiot plot, especially since they had a bunch of focus on magical infiltrators back in Legion.

But the Kirin Tor being big dummies is canon, so that works.


You’d think they would have some sort of verification as well on when a person who’s been missing for nearly 30 years randomly shows up and demands you go to a specific location & or do something specific.


Going to play devil’s advocate here, as I always do.

The vast majority of players aren’t going to realise that Drenden is Xal’atath before the reveal. They’re not invested enough in the lore or think enough about it to realise this sort of stuff. For the majority of players, it will be a bit of a surprise.

It is painfully obvious to those of us who with a strong knowledge of the lore, but I think this is better than the alternative of the convoluted logic that we all rallied against during the end of BFA and the entirety of Shadowlands.

Back then, the entire community was on its hands and knees, begging for simpler storytelling that wasn’t full of so much five-dimensional-chess nonsense. Now we’ve got something simpler and people are rolling their eyes because they were able to guess the twist.

It’s a bit sad that it makes the Kirin Tor look like idiots in the eyes of us who are more informed and they could’ve done it better, but I don’t think that this is disastrous storytelling.


They allowed back a guy who endangered the sanctity of the city both on the military and political aspect… Twice (Aethas).

Honestly I’m starting to wonder how or why Dalaran hasn’t been blown up well before TWW.


Gotta give it to Xal’atath.

Dressing up as a white man knowing full well they get in everywhere was a smart move.


While true, I do think it is still a fairly obvious reveal even for those who don’t pay attention to the lore.

As for many players like that, this instead falls into an incredibly common trope, to have a “new” character show up out of nowhere, and then revealed to be the twist villain.

Technically it did, once. But that was because of a demon.

Yeah but back then that was something outside their control and Archimonde had a near mythical status so it was fine for him to be able to destroy a city. Dalaran’s only flaw back then was their sheer arrogance of anyone who might know more than them but still disregarding their knowledge as insane rambling as shown with Medivh and being relatively discriminatory towards non-mages visiting.

Today’s Dalaran kinda sound like some cartoonish society of Magic (more or less) people who have their saturday morning adventure but without the reset.


I think you shouldn’t write stories for people who are uninvested in your story. I think you should write stories for people who are invested in it.

I don’t think this is a big deal or anything like that, I just think it’s kinda silly.


It’ll be on WoWhead and similar anyway.
People who don’t care about the story will still have it rubbed on their faces somewhere.

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It’s amazing how if they did this, those who -do- care would praise the heck out of it and perpetuating a cycle of praise. If you write for the guy who never reads text or barely pays attention then no wonder you eventually disregard such things.


That city had at least 5 Dreadlords in it on average each day of the week, with how many prot pallies were roaming around.


All part of Zovaal’s master plan.

A cosmos divided will not survive what is to come…

(inhales hopium)

Maybe this text is just there to throw dataminers off track? After all, Alleria fought Xal’atath in Telogrus Rift while Drenden was in Dalaran (we see him talking in Aegwynn’s Gallery), so unless Xal’atath can be in two places at once, one of them can’t be the real Xal’atath, right?

The void can be many things. In many places.
It is… endless.

Remember when a Faceless one was posing as a tol’vir and used Light spells? The void does what it wants.