PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Chronicles 4 spoilers!

Shamelessly stolen from the US forums!

I didn’t think Metzen would actually do it but 4 lines and it just being “uh yeah death people are weird lol they believe in some myth about crazy First Ones or w/e” is amazing. I’ve been chuckling for a solid 5 minutes.

Edit: Apparently the Chronicles is basically just small post-it notes of everything that happened the last 6-7 expansions with no real detailed elaborations. Nothing on the Purge, or the Pandaria War or such beyond what we see in-game. Lots of art, a lot less story.


Apparently the Purge gets a mention during a page and a half… And Jaina did not kill anyone, but it was the Silver Covenant that “ran” with her order to exile them(to the Shadowlands in some cases apparently).

So, relentless discussions about the Purge are commencing daily once again, I suppose? :man_shrugging:t3:

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yeah in the other thread

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:stomps_foot: But I wanna discuss it here!

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And there was much rejoicing.


Ah, how convenient…

At least it admits that the Silver Covenant is culpable, I suppose. Though Vereesa not being held accountable is still very silly. Especially since a big deal was (quite rightly) made about Garrosh and his forces torturing civilians…which is exactly what the Silver Covenant was caught doing.


Art imitates life.

Woe betide anyone who trusts the eyes of another over their own.


this may honestly be the funniest and most based thing ill read all week


Walks in
Realises the mere mention of Shadowlands will cost millions in reputation and subscribers
Realises He didn’t write it anyways and wasn’t involved beyond voicing Thrall for a few million
Realises everyone else hates it
Writes that it sure is a weird place and they have some weird myths
refuses to elaborate
leaves to focus on Azeroth


'ate me mawsworn.
'ate me first ones.
'ate me 3d printed afterlives.
'ate me 'andsome squidward boss.

luv me azeroth.
luv me demon army.
luv me creation myths.
luv me old well wrote sylvanas.
simple as.


Your entire post could’ve been summed up as ‘Why did Blizzard make Shadowlands?’


The mawsworn felt like someone on the Shadowlands dev team looked at the wild hunt from Witcher and thought “I like their armor. But how can we make these guys even more boring?”


Because the new writers hated the setting so much that they tried to do a second End Times → Age of Sigmar to the point of mirroring their entire concept down to the four major factions (some of which’s aesthetics lifted from Age of Sigmar armies), the way the maps look, the realmgates, but forgot to copy the most important part; the part where the lore actually became good because the new writers were actually competent and liked the setting they wrote on.

It’s not surprising that Chris Metzen looked at an attempt to End Times his setting and went ‘nuh uh’ at its existence, in true Warhammer Fantasy fan fashion.


This is just an inference. Nothing here outright states that they don’t exist or that they’re not considered to exist in the setting at this point, narratively or meta-narratively.

I get people dislike Shadowlands, so do I, but this isn’t it. It’s once more unreliable narration.

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On one hand, it’s a shame that a book for lore lovers is nothing but a summary of the past several expansions without any depth or new revelations. It sounds like it’s full of information that would be incredibly useful to new players but that is already memorised by most long-term players.

On the other hand, it’s good that they’re not hiding some key and fundamental lore behind a paywall that exists outside of the game. We have a habit of complaining whenever a book contains significant story developments that aren’t represented in-game, and I guess this and the Exploring Azeroth series are the alternative: Books that provide no new information and that most lore lovers and roleplayers can live without having to read.

As for the section about the First Ones, it’s good to hear that Blizzard is downplaying them, but I’d need to read the whole section before I could bring myself to believe that they’ve been retconned out of existence. It’s definitely a step in the right direction though, and a good way of acknowledging the events of Shadowlands while diminishing the importance of the disruptive elements.

… And personally, I like the whole Mawsworn look. It’s Icecrown Citadel on steroids, the ultimate death knight aesthetic. It’s just a shame that it was overused and had such an awful narrative attached to it. But if a death knight or a forsaken or anyone else on the edgier side ever wants to use Mawsworn or Torghast or Sanctum of Domination gear 'cause it looks cool, I’ll gladly overlook the Shadowlands connection.


For all that Shadowlands wrung the mystique out of the setting, the design for the covenant zones and the Maw was pretty great. I often feel like it was squandered, since unlike Oribos and Zereth Mortis, those areas were aesthetically and tonally consistent enough with Warcraft that they could have been an overworld continent (and spared the whole ‘your soul energy fuels the vampire toasters’ cosmology).

I also don’t think the Realms of Death excerpt constitutes a retcon, or that Metzen disdains post-Legion lore as much as players like to believe. I think a lot of that is projection and hopium (and this is coming from someone who doesn’t like those developments either).


I like the aesthetics of the Shadowlands zones, at least. That’s about the nicest thing I can say about the expansion.

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It’s the best way to live.
AoS isn’t as good.