As i said in peeves a few days ago–
The Chronicle books were a mistake.
As i said in peeves a few days ago–
The Chronicle books were a mistake.
I don’t get this part either, like… Give the Horde Uldir and then the Alliance that Sea-Temple raid??? It makes way more sense then vice-versa???
You know, the art in this book is great. It’s a shame the text itself is such a cynical, loveless disaster Blizzard could never afford to have proofread.
It’s kind of impressive. They’ve basically ditched the faction war altogether for the most part but it had no real satisfying conclusion and so any attempt to reference it just ends up being bitterly disappointing for pretty much everybody involved.
Easiest win in the world would have been to just have the Horde clear out the Suramar dungeons while the alliance do the Val’sharah ones.
Boom, the Horde ties to the Nightborne before they joined are better established and the dungeons with the most to do with Alliance characters (Jarod/Maiev, Tyrande/Malfurion) have some extra tie-ins.
It feels like they’re pointedly not taking opportunities to expand on the lore in favour of just recounting it.
I don’t know what to think of Thrall now, for multiple expansions long he’s been a mopey sobbing exile because at first he regretted using the elements against Garrosh and went the way of the arms warrior. But now we read it was condoned all along.
What the heck Blizzard.
Thrall’s inability to use the elements was never about them rejecting Thrall for killing Garrosh, it’s always been an internal conflict within Thrall over him killing Garrosh because it was he who made Garrosh Warchief.
If Thrall was a Pandaren, we’d already ponder if he has a severe case of the sha of doubt at this point. Hopefully it will come to at least something resembling a conclusion.
Honestly don’t think i’ve seen such discontent with a WoW book since War Crimes.
Exploring Kalimdor was worse tbh. At least Chronicles 4 doesn’t seem to have been possessed by a racist ghost writer.
What’s the lore?
Forgot that existed tbf, then again, you can read that book for free by just doing cataclysm zones. So.
Some anti-semetism slapped onto goblins.
Also making Zekhan weirdly illiterate until white man Lor’themar civilised him.
The “racist ghost” is because when people were complaining about it, the author’s wife suggested that some nebulous, unnamed other writer/editor had changed all the stuff he wrote to make it bad without anyone noticing or correcting it, or putting their name on the product. It being literally ghost-written became a minor meme since.
Making Zekhan illiterate was weird(and unneccesary) anyways, because we have no lore on Trolls unable to read or write in anyway whatsoever.
Lor’themar being white is not the problem, even if people love to say it is. And I think the whole civilised part is just people’s own headcanon they shoved onto the problem, anyways. because Lor’themar never stated any such things, I think? And aside from that, ofcourse he sees himself as civilised compared to any other race, he’s a Thalassian Elf. He probably sees Humans as savages aswell.
This was such a weird comment lmao. A “blame-some-one-else-for-our-failure” flex if I ever saw one, because they couldn’t defend themselves from literally using the ingame map and quests for their book lmao
I’m surprised that the moonguard or fleshing out/clarifying the reasons for the nightborne joining the Horde was not addressed at all.
Like the the arcan’dor tree is mentioned quite a bit but just things like how the fruit saved them or Thalyssra ordered it’s plantation. Super weird.
Also we learned that the start of the decline of the Zandalari was the Uldum event wiping out both the Mogu and Zandalari leadership, before we’ve just been told it dealt a fatal blow to both empires, now it’s confirmed that it was also the start of the decline.
Which makes it so the night elf expansion and troll war must have occurred after this event, which is not really strange to be fair as the Mogu would most likely not sit idly if a new empire rose while attacking their allies but it’s nice to have it confirmed.
New build seems to be teasing a new login screen with trees/bushes/clouds/buildings.
So that’s good. Seems like they heard the feedback that people weren’t particularly enthused by the current one and didn’t find it very ‘Warcraft’.
So what became of the plan to make Dragonflight the new leveling experience?
I was hoping that was still a thing, please don’t tell me they’ve flubbed that?
Someone with beta correct me if that’s not the case of, but I do remember that indeed BfA will no longer be the expansion right after Exile’s Reach.
Here’s a developer interview about a couple of potential problems with the upcoming expansion. One of those issues is the potential underground fatigue that might arise, the other is one of faction representation. I was intrigued by the answer.
With the beta for The War Within in full swing already, some players have pointed out that its story seems to focus heavily on Alliance characters. With the lines between the Horde and the Alliance softening in recent expansions, and a world-ending threat ahead, I was curious how the narrative team was thinking about balancing the representation between the two factions following the fourth war in Battle for Azeroth.
“I don’t think that Battle for Azeroth has changed anything there,” said Hamilton. “I think we wanted to move away, except where it made a lot of sense, from having different stories being told. Sometimes we want you to understand a slightly different nuance, and then we might have a separate Horde-only or Alliance-only story. But in general, for our main story, we really wanted to make sure everyone understood that same story.
“We did think a lot about where we have Horde representation and Alliance representation. And, of course, we know what we’re doing in the future, as well. And so we’re just trying to make sure that nobody’s feeling like their particular interest isn’t being represented as much as possible, because it’s a saga. Right? We have room to spread things out over a longer period of time. And it may be that that people are reacting to. They’re seeing this first chapter — not even the full chapter, really. But they’re seeing this first installment and saying, ‘Wow, that seems like a lot of Alliance characters.’ But there are Horde characters that are there. And there will be more later.”
When we talk about the perceived Alliance focus in the initial War Within content, it’s hard not to mention Anduin Wrynn. Anduin is the rightful king of the Alliance capital of Stormwind, but he’s spent the last expansion out of the spotlight after being mind-controlled into serving Shadowlands’ big bad. In Hallowfall, one of The War Within’s zones, Anduin is given space to really interrogate what happened to him and figure out if he’s worthy to live a life in service to the Light.
“We wanted to do justice to Anduin’s story here,” said Hamilton. “We wanted to make sure that he didn’t just suddenly feel better and be chipper. That would have really cheated everyone of the story. We wanted the depths of his self-doubt and sort of anguish at times to be more clear. And we wanted to contrast him with Faerin [Lothar] who doesn’t have those doubts and does wield the Light. [Anduin]’s doubting himself and his worthiness. And so putting him in a situation, like what we have happening in Hallowfall, where he’s seeing these people that are just constantly beleaguered by endless waves of Nerubians that are attacking all the time, and then giving him time with Faerin, and giving him time in their city to reflect and to talk through some of the things that he’s experienced — very intentional setting for that. […] The choices that he makes later are based a lot on those conversations that he had in [Hallowfall].”
Looking forward to seeing what the rest of that chapter and any future chapters are like then, if the answer to that criticism is “you haven’t experienced enough of the story to judge it yet.” Which is fair enough, the expansion isn’t even out yet.