If you’re referring to the void elves, then I wouldn’t say that’s an accurate reflection of what happened. They were kicked out of Silvermoon for doing Bad Research and it’s not like they had anywhere else to go than the Alliance after she saved them from getting turned into tentacle creatures.
She is/was definitely a military leader though, but that comes with the territory of being a Farstrider and a Windrunner.
Correct me if wrong but weren’t they given the same treatment as during the “drain fel” or get exiled with the Helves? So it’d be “Stop your research into this unsanctioned field or be exiled until you stop.” kind of a deal?
Regardless, by the time Alleria even turned up they’d already been given the boot. It doesn’t really count as poaching if you recruit someone who’s already been fired.
I know it will never happen due to too much effort in having to rewire the spaghetti-code and re-designing the game, but I think -three- factions would’ve been interesting. The Horde, the Alliance, and then a faction that just doesn’t want anything to do with them, but realises that in order to not get squashed/absorbed/pushed around by one of the other two, decide to band together and end up becoming an equal powerhouse in their own right. With dedicated storytelling this dynamic could be super-interesting.
But alas, it’s a dream, and it will remain a dream.
Each and every race has, or had in the recent-ish past, off-shots that weren’t a part of said race’s primary faction but still have some culture and identity to play with. If we were living in a better world, it’d be reflected in the factions hardly mattering at all. An Alteraki human that has to live surrounded with ogres, undead and orcs in the mountain? Would be neat to at least try to see some diplomacy on that front. A high elf that’s allowed in Silvermoon despite the disagreement with the decision to stay with the Horde? Saw it in lore more than once. A Steamwheedle goblin with business on all sides? Absolutely. A mainland Pandaren, not giving a damn about anything going away from his home? Give me a dozen, it sucks to have two copies of each character, and I don’t even start about how the dracthyr from the non-faction veyrns can’t be neutral without using different servers. It just sucks at this point.
Chat I don’t think it’s a good idea to let your young 20-something year-old Son write the majority of the fourth volume of a codices on a 30-year old video game series’ world. I admire the gusto, but I don’t think that’s a good idea, especially given the complete unfamiliarity with the setting on their end. I’m a bit shocked by the seeming lack of authorial care from Matt honestly.
It doesn’t help that pretty much every Horde character has been heavily sanitised in addition to being sidelined.
Baine is good friends with Anduin and has spent most of his screen-time tutting at the Horde due to both Garrosh and Sylvanas going off of the rails. Thrall has stronger ties to the Horde in theory, but in practice he has abandoned it when it needed him the most and despite being the most iconic Warchief we cannot have a Warchief because we have an Alliance style council now.
Lor’themar I like, though he is also sidelined despite being capable of being a voice of reason and understanding the perspectives of both the Alliance and the Horde…by virtue of the Blood Elves being rather well-tied to both. Something only really shared with the Forsaken who also were part of the Alliance before that whole ‘undeath’ thing.
Gallywix may have been a caricature but that’s another Horde leader pushed out of the faction. I’m going to tentatively bet that he’ll show up in TWW during the rumoured Undermine patch and be killed off there.
If they want me to care about the Alliance, they need to start killing off some Alliance characters for their missteps. Though they won’t, because Jaina, Tyrande, Malfurion, Alleria, Turalyon are all still around whereas many more Horde aligned characters are dead and gone. Often as a consequence of the wartime actions of the characters we are forced to work with.
Then there’s the simple fact that most ‘neutral’ characters are actually more fond of the Alliance than the Horde…
He maintained neutrality for far longer than made sense, to the detriment of his people. Even as they were being brutally slaughtered and historical sites of significance were being pilfered and destroyed.
I’d say the love story between Malfurion and Tyrande is terrible but it’s practically high art next to some of the other pairings throughout the game’s lifespan.
Yeah, ok he should’ve wiped out the Horde sooner but alas.
But they wrote Malfurion too strong, guy is a walking demigod and thus basicly unusable in any conflict story against the Horde because they destroyed every powerful character and gave Thrall elemental dysfunction.