PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Same story beats; win their trust, solve their crap, unite to take down not-satan as he’s about to undo reality.

It’s not the first time this has been floated and it’s no less correct for it.


The passion isn’t there anymore.

That the writer outsourced most of the writing to his son already speaks volumes of passion or lack thereof.


For a blessing, I’ve been positively surprised by the short stories leading into TWW. Both the one featuring Anduin, and especially the one featuring Moira/Dagran, took me pleasantly by surprise with their depth.


That or derangement along the lines of wanting to be a dynasty of artists. “Behold the great works of my blood!”


The nepo babies must rise to power!


I will never like the Horde aethestic on certain mounts(the saber in this case)

I will get it for my Nightborne, eitherway!
I will also get the Night Elven Wolf Mount for my Warrior as he is a firm follower of Goldrinn! And it looks really sick! ngl!

Ofcourse I will no doubtly maybe get the Quel’serrar HD recolor probably aswell


I have been thinking about this some more, and I feel like jabbing Nightborne or even Blood Elven armor onto the Nightsaber mount would’ve probably done it more justice.

Orc aethestic just doesn’t work with everything, and in this case I think it really doesn’t. It looks to rough on this supposedly agile mount? While Blood Elf and Nightborne aethestic looks way smoother. Also lets not forget that Nightborne used to have Nightsaber mounts pre-WoTA aswell, and their arcane mounts are Manasabers… It would be a nice evolution of their return to the grander world and a great counter for the Night Elf sentinels in the future!

Ofcourse this is also very much personal opinion and I know some people find this look very cool and metal and see their Orcs ride this beast into war! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Maybe I’m imagining things but during the priest order hall wasn’t there like a dozen xenedars outside the windows when the place gets invaded. What happened to that fleet?

Now children do their parent’s homework.

It’s more the Garrosh aesthetic than anything. Spikes. Red. Metal. Though that axe on the tail is super ridiculous.

Got blown up during the Antorus raid or with Xenedar? Or whatever it is to not allow the Alliance to have a space fleet exclusively for themselves… if the Petinent Eredar ships don’t count, that is.

There was just the one - Aurobos, Lothraxion’s ship. It has never been mentioned since.

The Army of the Light did have another one, the Xenedar.

Soon after the Vindicaar arrived [on Argus] the Xenedar did as well, only for it to be immediately shot down by the forces of the Legion.

womp womp

They did imply quite heavily both before and during the priest order hall that the Army of Light was a Pretty Big Deal with enormous weight behind it and not just fifty lightforged draenei cramped inside a single ship.


Maybe they just caught a glimpse of Yrel’s timeline and her conquest of AU Draenor?

Gaslighting myself or was there going to be a new spell effect quest á la Kanrethad’s green fire?

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I swear I remeber something about Shadowflame akin to the green fire questline?

But I only ever saw that Shadowflame Infernal?

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I think there was a vocal desire for shadowflame to get the green fire treatment during the Zaralek Caverns patch. I don’t recall there ever being an official snippet though, so much as wishful thinking by the players.

That being said, Destro’s default fire has a very shadowflame-y vibe.


I guess it is, if you’re into that kind of thing.

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So, the Kor’Kron Warsaber, and the Sentinel War Wolf, are useable by both factions!

Which is awesome since it means I get to use another Nightsaber on one of my NElves, while also being able to use a NE-aethestic using War Wolf on my… Nightborne! :smiley: (Also confirmation that the Kor’kron still exists, I suppose?)

Also I really wish they’d make the HD Quel’serrar Blades smaller, or add 2handed versions!


they seem to have been for a while. they slowly started phasing back in during legion and started allowing in non-orcs in. two korkron headhunters were part of liadrins escort to azuremyst isle. One of the horde commanders training troops in Dazar’alor as well was confirmed kor’kron.


Oh! Fair enough, I don’t play Horde that much, so I missed that one!

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In your defense these are really kinda easily missed.

Interesting to note the horde vanguard soldier’s training in Dazaralor adjacent to the portal room, were labelled “korkron vanguard.” In the bfa beta before being re-labelled. Still multi-racial. You can still see these soldiers using the shoulder pads and cloak of the korkron.

the full 16 minute war within login theme