PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

no they turned him into a wheelchair

funniest :poop: I ever saw

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An upgrade or a sidegrade from being turned into a ball?

You get 100% more neckbeards telling you you can’t be an Adventurer as a wheelchair, and claiming that spells can ‘fix’ you.


Yeah but if you’re a Khadgar-in-a-Ball you’re sort of tagging alone with all those neckbeards.

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The new monk talent trees are so good.

Is it? I find low-level (14) windwalker clunkier than it was in 10.2.7, as Tiger Palm eats a lot of my energy and I end up having downtime after spending all my energy and chi.

Same as in Caverns of Time: impenetrable mists that forcibly teleport you out.

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I mean, I don’t really think the experience at low levels is any indication of the talent trees being better, considering you wouldn’t even really see the talent trees at that point.

I fail to see how using a lvl 14 character for comparison of a fully reworked talent tree that you do not really have proper access to is much of a perspective.

Capped WW’s might currently seem clunky but only because Blizzard shifted the class’ secondary stat weighs around. So now we actually want haste.

Monk Main who did regular Heroic raiding in Slands here but: this should go away relatively quickly. Every energy-based class at low-level is very buggered in terms of their rotation because several of the talents and abilities made for using when you run out of energy/Chi-Cap (which you ideally want to avoid at all times anyways) aren’t obtained until you’re almost max-level; Whirling Dragon Punch being the prime example since its your heavy-hitter that you can only proc when you’ve completed the rest of your rotation.

Monk, at max, actually has a better flow than it did in 10.2.7 now because Whirling Dragon Punch is back to being a baseline talent pick instead of being not recommended in favor of things like Jadefire Stomp (banishment forever). You’ll not be getting Strike of the Windlord either for a lot of levels but I pinky-promise Monk is perhaps one of the smoothest classes to play in the game and the reward for playing inside the rhythm is great.

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Yes, it feels much smoother now that I’ve unlocked that talent that sets chi to 2 out of combat!

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King Khadgar the Broken.

And who has a better story


Thank god, Elune didn’t create the Naaru anymore :smirk:

Also lmao, still clinging on that what was on Argus, was the endless races of endless worlds that formed the Army of the Light
 on a single ship, with 1 Void Elf, a Human and only LFD :weary:


It’s not like there was enough of these many races to grow in numbers over time, though. If it was but a bunch of those they saved from the Legion or the Void, the non-draenei were statistically bound to die or get lost in one fight or another.

It just feels so. . .clunkily written. A really big “the hero did this, then did that, then they said this, then went here, the end” vibe. No elaboration, extension or prose, just a big ol’ post-it note.

I really just can’t get over this, largely because its more expensive than previous chronicles but you get less from it and because it was written (apparently primarily by his Son but ignoring that for a moment) a very well-reviewed Author with some heavy-hitter gaming books under his belt. What went wrong in the creative process here? It actually feels very robotic in its writing the more I think about it.


In a way, it’s what I’d expect from something like the Chronicles. It’s not meant to have prose, it’s meant to be an objective fact-dump.

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The others died in the crash.


Weird thought, but I think that the covenants of the Shadowlands expansions would have really worked as the Army of the Light. They’re alien and diverse enough that I think seeing them work together would had sold the concept of a ragtag army of disparate survivors taking the fight to the Legion.