PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Nothing is more anoyying then a FF XIEKXMSJD-fan, because they just cannot help themselves but tell everyone how good it is and how big of a fan they are :smirk:


it’s not so much a lack of manipulation and cunning- He had Azshara by the ropes in that cinematic.

However, he did a cardinal mistake: Never reveal your hand, unless you are 100% confident that the other side can’t find a way to one-up you.

Had he not revealed that he’s a god stuck at the bottom of the ocean, Azshara may well have just agreed to the power at any cost.

Same with Xalatath. Letting her go was a mistake.


His one cardinal mistake was dealing with Azshara, she was someone who only saw a literal God to be worthy of becoming her mate…

What’s a oversized goofy Jellyfish, who could literally be ripped out of the planet by her preffered God-mategonna offer her? She would’ve preffered drowning if he had not made her Queen of his new Empire and even then, she switched loyalty on a whim :smirk:

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Can’t wait for the Queen to become the leader of Alliance-aligned naga!


You know one thing that actually annoys me the most about the Dalaran Defender Gear from the prepatch…

Is the fact its just AoTL/Argus recolor gear, instead of something that’s actually Dalaran. Instead they went with one of the things that so far removed from Dalaran itself?

Like the WoTLK/SL prepatches atleast had gear linked to the Aargent Dawn and/or Argent Crusade, but there is almost zero connection between the AoTL/Draenei’s and Dalaran, so the whole choice of the recolored Argus gear is kinda… Feeling weird? I Most of it isn’t even usable in RP due to it, except by (Lightforged) Draenei, I suppose?


Realistic body standards. :muscle:

They were heftier.


True, my pacts have done my skin no favours.

Infusion turning you human-looking is a Titan thing, as we know through elves. Xal’atath is a titan confirmed, cue my clickbaity youtube career.


Pre-Old Gods they have dreads. Post Old Gods they lose their ethnic features and become whitey.

The message from Blizzard is clear: the Void are white supremacists.

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if the first void lord we ever see has a southern drawl…

“umm well akshaully you see xal’atath is actually umm well you see a corrupted umm titan soul sent here by um akshually.”

Sure, but we should be fair and acknowledge this is like, the most generic void ability to ever void ability; this is the [Level 1 Cultist] Tier stuff, not anything unique or special. I too, am capable, of whispering into someone’s ear and going “at the hour… of your third work break… you will usher in excel’s coming…” the only difference is that I don’t need a cosmic power to help me do it, I can just. . .do it, and people will, appropriately, just give me a weird side-eye and go about their day. Her honesty or sincerity doesn’t matter, because none of my 12-points were about her honesty or sincerity; the Jailer wasn’t honest or sincere either.

From what we know from Beta lore (pending changes) Xal’atath has been upgraded from mere Artifact weapon to “Herald of Apocalyptic End Times’ across the entire known universe” to the point where she is known by name in even other planetary civilisation for resulting in their apocalyptic demises. I’m not sure if this is news, but it does change her imo, and makes her much more jailer-esque than what she was in Legion (a simple whispering dagger with a golden-brown name-tag).

Neither does Xal’atath, and I’m not going to humour Blizzard and clap like a seal when they show me her floating in a cinematic; that’s not manipulation or cunning deception, that’s just floating above someone and going “killyourmomkillyourmomkillyourmom” which, again, I can do that too if I wanted. The Plot just wouldn’t give me the same level of idiot-success.

This is literally beat-for-beat Xal’atath in the Beta and from the Trailers. I’m not sure if we’ve been playing the same Beta and watching the same Trailers but all she does in the Beta is appear throughout the zones to gloat about how close she is to her millenia-long plan unfolding to finally claim the worldsoul of Azeroth before disappearing into another Void Portal (whilst also flirting with Alleria for some reason, I guess Turalyon consented to an open relationship). Every trailer thus far has had her monologuing about how she’s been planning this for millenia and she’s so close now etc. etc.

Is she though? Her manipulation skills are equivalent to Zovaal’s atm currently, all she does is yet again whisper stuff like “at the hour… of your third work break… you will usher in excel’s coming…” and the NPCs just fall to their knees and go, “yes… I will usher in… excel’s coming…”, there’s nothing cunningly manipulative or deceptive in that; it’s what’s called an idiot-plot, wherein the villain is only succeeding because of the sheer idiocy of everyone else involved in the plot. There’s really no effort here.


Well, using this latest trailer as an example, let’s quote every single thing that she says in it.

You have heard my voice in your dreams, Great Queen.

Seems like a pretty direct statement and a way of telling the audience that this isn’t the first time that Neferess has gotten such visions.

Yes, of the empire that was.
But the Old Gods are dead, the empire lies in ashes, and a shadow has fallen upon your kingdom.

She is talking about the Black Empire when accused of being the Harbinger. Again, none of this is cryptic, the Old Gods and the Black Empire have both been defeated and prior exposition in the trailer has explained that the kingdom (queendom?) of Azj-Kahet is suffering.

But the blood of the Old Gods… can make your people powerful again.

We know that she is talking the Black Blood of the Old Gods quite literally here and not being vague, as that is what is used in the expansion to empower the Nerubians.

Your reign could last for eternity.
All you have to do is take my hand.

A very simple promise of power and greatness, there’s nothing particularly special about this.

How sad, to have a queen so wise, and yet so ignorant to the call of destiny.

Yes, there is one instance gloating from Xal’atath when it is revealed that she has been talking to Ansurek at the same time as Neferess, and that Ansurek had heard Neferess spurn these offers of greatness.

Long live Queen Ansurek.

She is simply flattering the ego of her latest pawn and pandering to her delusions of grandeur, after having convinced her to seize power from her mother.

If I have missed any sections in this trailer where she says nothing but:

“at the hour… of your third work break… you will usher in excel’s coming…”

“yes… I will usher in… excel’s coming…”

Then please let me know, but as far as I know, I couldn’t hear or read Xal’atath actually saying any of those things at any particular point.

It’s just a basic story of manipulation that unfolds over the course of five minutes.

  • It is revealed to us that the queen spurned the dark powers in order to keep her kingdom free from the yoke of the Old Gods.
  • It is then shown that after this, the kingdom falls upon hard times. The princess is sad about this and believes that there is no point in being free from the Old Gods if the kingdom has to suffer as a result. The queen insists that these hard times will pass and that the kingdom just needs to endure them.
  • We then get to see a spat between the princess and the queen. The princess believes that her mother refuses to do what is necessary to end this time of hardship, while the queen believes that her daughter lacks the experience necessary to make the right decisions for the kingdom.
  • Then we’re shown that the queen is being offered a way out, a deal from Xal’atath that would end this period of hardship. The queen identifies that the power being offered comes with a cost and that it would be no different from serving the Old Gods again, so she refuses.
  • Then we’re given the revelation that not only was the princess offered the same deal, but she was witness to her mother’s refusal of the deal. The princess got to see the queen refuse an opportunity to end the suffering of her people, which widened the rift between daughter and mother even further.
  • Given the choice between being responsible for the restoration and ascendancy of her people, and allowing her mother to continue to spurn these offers and keep the kingdom trapped in an age of suffering, the princess decides to overthrow her mother and empower her people.
  • In the end, Xal’atath gets what she wants, a nation of minions enhanced with the blood of the Old Gods whose ruler listens to her whispers. She’s shown in the background, ominously looming behind Queen Ansurek and her army, because she’s behind their rise to power, she’s the puppetmaster and the kingmaker.

Is it complicated? Is it masterfully written? Of course not.

But in this trailer we actually do get to see her convince someone to do as she bids, by turning family against family and by promising that she can provide their solution to their problems.
This is manipulation and in this trailer, we get to see her actually manipulating. It isn’t just floating above someone and going “killyourmomkillyourmomkillyourmom” as you put it. Ansurek was given all of the reasons that she needed to kill her mother, that pandered to the beliefs that she already had.

And we see this sort of manipulation elsewhere in the War Within, such as with High Speaker Eirich who is convinced to make Earthen into Skardyn because he is convinced Xal’atath that she offers the solution to his problem.

The Azj-Kahet story is still a stale rehash of the same old “misguided rulers of a declining civilisation is convinced to embrace evil” story that we get every other expansion.
But that doesn’t change the fact that we do get to see Xal’atath actually manipulating someone here by exploiting their desires and their fears, not just by going “at the hour… of your third work break… you will usher in excel’s coming…”

Not clapping like a seal over here, just not declaring her to be as bad as one of the most poorly written villains in the history of video games either.


Nor am I. But I think its very important to point out that whilst you were going through that trailer to quote her, I’m wondering why you never pointed out the consistent and flagrant breakage of the most important rule in writing: show, do not tell. All of your examples, whilst I suppose, of very poor quality are instances of manipulating but they also break the most important part of trying to sell a story - especially one about manipulation - that being to show the short-and-long term-effects of such manipulating, do not ever simply just lay it all out in a monologue.

It’s just. . .bad, and whilst this standard isn’t new from Blizzard storywriting, it doesn’t feel like its heralding a return to form or tradition either. It’s the exact same issue that caused so much disruption and breaking of the world’s immersion in Shadowlands. Flagrant use of having your characters simply talk like automatons laying out their grand deceptions through vagueries isn’t really how you do manipulation, or at the very least, it shows a very poor literary understanding of how to write deception, coercion and manipulation.

Edit: Let’s say that we remove the convolutions of manipulation from the discussion, even then we’re re-treading ground that’s already been dead-and-buried in this franchise over the past 30 years and that’s arguably an even more egregious sin than Xal’atath just being Zovaal 2.


i like the knife wife and her new spider gf. cinematic was cool and spooky.

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All of this is just a reaction to you saying that she is “functionally the exact same character as Zovaal,” which is something that I disagree with.

It’s also interesting that you’ve gone from saying that:

to saying that Blizzard just “lays it all out in a monologue.”

So we’ve gone from Xal’atath apparently not doing any manipulation at all and just spouting cryptic nonsense and us being shown people bending to her will for no explainable reason, to Xal’atath’s manipulation apparently being over-explained in a monologue and told to us with no shown consequences of this manipulation.

I think it comes across as over-explanation because I had to over-explain it just now. I laid out what Xal’atath’s grand deception was in that post, she doesn’t do that herself in that trailer. She says less than a hundred words throughout the whole five minute shebang.
There’s also the fact that five minutes is not a lot of time to show much with, hence Blizzard’s tendency to resort to a lot of telling with all of these story trailers, as far as back as the Burdens of Shaohao. Many of them have a narrator telling us every single step of the story, far more deliberately and frequently than this trailer does.

Could you come up with a couple of examples of Blizzard could have done more showing and less telling in this instance? I struggle to grasp exactly what you were looking to get out of this trailer, even if I agree that it’s just another case of retreading the same old story.

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This isn’t really a hypocrisy, its absolutely possible for these both to be truths by the way, one doesn’t necessarily contradict the existence of the other. Is it, perhaps, possible that these are both issues and that they’ve been writing it both ways from Legion-TWW? Because there’s examples of both, ergo, it must be in some form true of how they handle it.

To clarify further, its why I replied by saying that I “do suppose” they are examples of manipulation, but they fall into the trap of telling the manipulation with no build-up, prior knowledge or basis. Thus the opportunity is floundered.

See my issue here:

I can agree its a consistent problem, but I heavily disagree with the Burdens of Shaohao being involved, I very much feel like the Shaohao shorts embody the spirit of showing and not telling.

It shows us the effects that negative emotions have, not just upon an individual, but the land of Pandaria (though through stylistic representation of the land twisting into various sha-like shapes when Shaohao allows his emotions to overcome him), and whilst the Celestials do “tell” us a solution, they do not do so in a way that feels immersion-breaking or flagrant, they speak with the wisdom of an ancient being and in a lyrical, poetic way to represent the uniqueness of their own existences. We are shown the malice of the Sha, its malevolence, we are shown the consequences that can result from the Sha’s influences upon an individual and we are shown Shaohao’s journey to overcome the emotional burdens of the Sha. The Celestials act as Sage, but do not offer an easy means or solution out of the story of struggle Shaohao must endure.

I’ve spoken to others and offered my personal word salad in private conversations regarding how I would’ve handled this entire trilogy before but to make a very long 5 pages short so that we can focus just upon this trailer: I wouldn’t have shown you this sort of video whatsoever. It’s a Catch-22 to me. A lose-lose situation where you waved the ability to succeed the moment you began.

Xal’atath is a none-character for a huge % of the playerbase, she is an unknown spawned from thin air with no unique lore to her name as of yet. Nobody knows anything about it, nobody knows why she’s doing what she’s doing, nobody even really knows what she’s actually doing or what she even is. The ideal, I suppose, would have been to actually have these shorts focusing upon various different characters and showing us what they’ve been doing leading up to TWW: Anduin, Alleria, Thrall, Faerin etc., show us the direction their stories have taken over the years and show us, from their own perspective, where their story is going now in this new trilogy.

How is Alleria managing in her new state? Show me what she does in the quiet hours of the days to make peace with the mental afflictions she is constantly struggling against. In what ways does she try to find periods of peace from the acceptance of her fate? This a good opportunity, actually, to have Xal’atath involved too, perhaps she is the one tormenting her mind of late; don’t show me her, don’t give me her voice, but show me some…burdens and memories Alleria holds, show me them twisting in her mind, changing in ways she can’t be sure of and leave it there to simmer in the audience’s minds.

How is Anduin doing after the torments of the Jailer upon his mind? How does he feel, so disconnected from the Holy Light, his faith and his friends? What has he been doing to try and reconnect with himself, with the Light, and how did this lead him to Silithus? Show me the pains and regrets he harbours, the doubts since abdicating his throne.

What of Thrall? How does he fare since having made a new leadership for the Horde? Show me how recent events with the Horde’s troubles are weighing on him, and in what ways they manifest. Show me how he finds peace with the past, and how he intends to forge a future now that he has returned to lead the Orcish people and grow his family amongst them. In what ways does this lead to his relevance in TWW?

In a slight side-note, I did actually like the discussion between Ansurek and the Queen whilst showing the greyed, faded version of Azj-kahet and the starving people below. That was a good piece of symbolism and imagery. I wish it focused more on those strifes.

Perhaps I’m screaming into a Void (heh), but I just feel an overly-damned sensation that I’m constantly being led through a bunch of rides instead of a world before hopping on to the next 4, the Vanilla-WotLK and MoP Trailers just have such a different vibe from the new ones. The world doesn’t feel like it exists in any tangible way in the writing room.

Has this sort of storytelling ever been commonplace in the Warcraft setting whatsoever, outside of novels which have the time and the space in order to handle such things?

Not only that, but showing this sort of thing on screen would likely lead to a marked increase in the “boring, I’ve had enough of this emotional crap, make Warcraft manly again, I’m not here to watch women whine about their feelings, this game really lost its teeth” complaints that WoW has gotten over the past couple of years.

Though that hasn’t stop people from throwing those complaints at this trailer, even though it features a daughter stabbing her own mother in a bid for power.

I’ll stop here since continuing this conversation doesn’t seem it would be productive, but I’m of the opinion that you expect a sort of storytelling out of Warcraft that it has never really done before now, and that you’re taking out your frustration by exaggerating certain issues - I could agree that Xal’atath is a mediocre manipulator, as Blizzard is bad at writing intricate and subtle plots without them collapsing under their own weight (see Sylvanas) but I can’t agree with this comparison of Xal’atath and Zovaal.

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Has it been explained by the way why these particular Nerubians are in decline to begin with?

You have in Pandaria the Chad Mantid who despite the death of their main god, re-arranged their society and strengthen it over the millenias in an era where they had naught but enemies everywhere on a Titan dominated planet. Took them 4-5 years to get back to full strength with a new Empress and attack again when a god they don’t mainly revere began running amok.

Why are these Nerubian losers? What’s the Mcguffin magic juice they ain’t getting that causing them to all go poor, hungry and their cities collapsing below?

May a Beta tester kindly answer me please.

“It’s complicated”. We don’t really get an explanation, from what I’ve seen (there’s plenty of encrypted cinematics etc. we don’t have access too yet mind) why they started falling during BfA-onwards. I think the implication is that Xal’atath has been doing it, and orchestrated the fall to benefit them - that seems the most logical to me given that she has her finger in Ansurek’s pie and it directly benefits her. But there’s no direct “it was all totally this”, but again, lots of encrypted stuff, it might be explained in one of those cinematics. But their current (by the time we get there) issues are all caused by Ansurek’s very poor treatment and leadership, so we help the previous Queen’s Loyalists regain control of the city.

Part of it might be their sheer isolation compared to other areas as well. Pandaria is a very resource-rich land, as is Northrend, and both Azjol-Nerub and the Dread Wastes are quite open, above-ground-esque areas even though they’re also huge underground areas. The Azjol-Kahet Nerubians in contrast are entirely underground, parts of their city is collapsing down, it seems like they lack any notable resources etc.

An interesting thing to note is that Queen Neferess (the Old Queen)'s Loyalists are very Anti-Void. They don’t treat with it, their perception is that they’re manipulative enslavers and that they’re better off freed of their influences; but that doesn’t make us friendly-friends, its much more “enemy of my enemy” and “outsider who can restore my people’s freedom”.

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My hope is that she becomes the leader of a reunified elven rave. Just imagine the carnage in this forum.

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The combined aesthetics of the elven realms would make one heck of a rave…

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