PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Vereesa is pseudo-royalty in both Quel’thalas and Dalaran and has been a faction leader for years. She is not in any way “average person” anymore than Lor’themar is.


Yeah… Like tentacles, blistering skin, eyeballs growing in unfortunate places, gnarly teeth and fish fins.

I mean swap Xalatath’s skin and hair for Allerias and you basically have a “void” elf.

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Considering what little lore we have for Vereesa pre-Second War amounts to “she did this and that many years before the war”, Alleria potentially having fought in the Troll Wars and Lor’themar having “respected Sylvanas for millenia”, I feel like she can’t be classified as ‘basically still a kid’.

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Vereesa has always been a bit of a wibble character. She’s probably the least uneventful of the trio and despite that she’s still a fairly cruddy character; wasn’t written particularly well in War Crimes imo.

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You mean to say that letting grief basically drawn you to undeath and leaving you two very alive children is somewhat of a weirdchamp moment? Also letting a teenager holding power over life and death over a genocidal tyrant might also be one?

Ridiculous I say. The actions of a perfectly sane woman.

To be fair, Lor’themar is pretty average himself, compared to Rommath, Thalyssra, Jaina, Anduin, Turalyon, Velen, Alleria, Sylvanas, Talanji and Thrall (if he ever gets over his elemental dysfunction).

Dunno how he’d stack up to Vereesa in Rangering tho.

Also Lor’themar is still less average than Vereesa by virtue he is essentially the King of Quel’thalas while Vereesa leads… a small band of high elves (even if they’re depicted as numerous ingame).

Also, what does pseudo-royalty mean? Her words and decrees wouls be less than worthless in both Dalaran (ruled by the Council of Six) or Silvermoon.

Fair enough, I always thought she was like, early twenties if not younger, when Arator was dropped in her lap, since she wasn’t allowed to fight in the Second War :sweat_smile:

Also, isn’t the book that said Alleria fought in the Troll Wars not-canon?

I respect that about her, she’s boringly average and homely compared to Alleria and Sylvanas.


Grief makes people do weird stuff, just look at what people did IRL when griefing, so can’t reqlly judge her for bieng at her best/making the best (emotional) decisions after she lost the love of her life.


I rather we get those for the playable characters first, but we all know that’s not happening


Implying NuBlizzard knows where (or what) the flying fudgecake Eldre’thalas is.


So any word about those Harronir bieng playable? I swear that was datamined at one point.

Almost every single race with any variety in its appearance at all gets the “is this going to be an allied race” speculation from us lot.

Harronir have a decent number of customisation options to give them diversity of appearance, therefore there was a lot of “this must be an allied race” discourse. That’s it.

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Her husband was the ruler of Dalaran by virtue of being the leader of the Council of Six until his death.

The Windrunners were one of the most important aristocratic families in Quel’Thalas to the point that the rank of general of the Thalassian military was basically one of their hereditary titles.

She’d been a Farstrider for “many years” by the time the Dark Portal opened for the first time. Day of the Dragon says she hasn’t fought a troll before, but Tides of Darkness has her and Alleria being ambushed by forest trolls just as the Horde invades Quel’Thalas. The Sylvanas book says this was the first time Vereesa fought, which makes sense since Quel’Thalas enjoyed a state of relative peace in the years leading up to the Second War.

It both is and isn’t but in either case you have Lor’themar in-game saying he’s been respecting Sylvanas for millennia, which makes her at least 1000 years old and Alleria older.

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Their entire zone (World Roots or whatever) got scrapped but not before they were added to CGI cinematics and getting a lot of attention.

Basically we are left with 1 side questchain and some main story quests involving them in Azj-Kahet then nada. I would have even preferred them being playable for the Horde and Earthen for the Alliance-only, but Blizzard doesn’t have enough budget to facilitate that.

You gotta assume they’re gonna be more prominent in patch content otherwise their prominence is really misplaced.

playable tuskarr when

There’s always a small chance that they put a heap of work into the War Within as something that they were building up to after Dragonflight, only for Metzen to be brought on and go “this all has to go, Worldsoul Saga now,” causing half of it to end up on the cutting room floor and half of the team to start working on Midnight instead of the impending expansion.

We’ll only really find out when Midnight comes out. Has there ever been an expansion that had heaps of content cut before it was even released?


Warlords of Draenor is the most notable for this. Gorgrond being revamped entirely, Zangar Sea, Farahlon, and the Ogre Continent got cut. Bladespire Citadel and Karabor were both meant to be full capital cities. Shattrath raid. Apparently there were also plotlines around Tess+feral worgen and Medivh that got dumped. Garrisons were also meant to be placeable in any zone, and class accessory cosmetics (quivers, grimoires, etc.)

Shadowlands had its main story gutted and retooled shortly before release too. They won’t say that, obviously, but the writing’s on the wall with how they handled Jailer design+Primus.


Aaah, fair enough!

Rhonin was the head of the Council of Six, not Vereesa, and he still allowed the Horde in Dalaran, so her influence was absolutely nothing.

Thats just nobility, not pseudo-royalty.

Lotsa noble titles are hereditary too, so I see nothing weird here (except Elven culture weird).

I absolutely loath the vagueness of Warcraft lore at times like these.

We don’t need hard knowledge on Titans, First Ones, Eternal Ones or whatever, we need hard lore on dates and ages and years for the “common” person… instead we get hard knowledge on the Gods… :grumble:

Luckily Vereesa is the youngest by we don’t know how much!

I loath the Earthen becoming playable as an Allied Race… Why does the Alliance need 3 dwarf races? Why does the Horde need a dwarf race?

I admit I didn’t even know they were supposed to get their own zone…

What did the Harronir ever do to Metzen???

Don’t forget how each Warlord was meant to get a raid (with Grommash being the last one) and instead we got a rehashed fight against Archimonde and Grom getting a redemption arc.


I’d have to dredge some old discord chats, but WoD also added a -lot- of interesting weapons and armour into the files. Some HD remakes of Northrend stuff, glaives that were meant to be part of the blacksmithing profession and racial weapons.

The gnomish mace from the Zul’Dazar raid for example was originally added in WoD. WoD was an utter black hole for an expansion. While i am allergic to anything involving time travel, or multiple dimensions etc, WoD was butchered and never stood a chance.

Edit; the shipyard being cut down monumentally is another example there were little lore snippets about the crews – such as blood elves using their keen eyesight to lure their foes into combat in storms. You could literally see this content get reduced down with each PTR update until it was simply a mission table: lite.


Bladespire Citadel and Karabor are fair points. I wouldn’t call a revamp cut content, and wasn’t Farahlon intended to be patch content? I’m not sure if the ogre continent was ever intended to be an actual zone either, same deal with the Zangar Sea.

But you’re right, Warlords of Draenor did have a bunch of stuff that ended up on the cutting room floor, probably in preparation for Legion. I’m just not sure that now is the right time for a stopgap expansion while they work on Midnight and the Last Titan, since Shadowlands was a catastrophe and Dragonflight was a stopgap expansion too.

That would make Legion the last expansion which is viewed as a positive addition to WoW by the majority of players, which came out in… 2016? By the time we get to Midnight, it may be close to ten years since WoW was last considered “good” and without glaring flaws in its story or gameplay.

Zangar Sea was apparently meant to be a whole underwater zone a la Vashj’ir. That’s why they had that famous fungal whale concept art that never turned into anything.

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