PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

My bad, shouldn´t have written the story bit and stuck with the setting only (at that was what the comment I quoted talked about after all).
Still doesn´t change that it wasn´t the afterlife that people complained at large, it was the whole “Jailer has been behind everything”, “Tyrande not being allowed to kill Sylvanas” or “umm, aktchually, the First Ones created everything”.

The hill of Not-Elysium wiping everyone’s individuality and memories to make them warriors without baggage is a form of heaven actually that Blizzard chose to die on was also a moment they had.


I think that’d fall under ‘storyline trends’! Not that I’m expecting them to have actually learned from this, of course.

Indeed. What however doesn´t fall under storyline trends is expansion being set in the afterlife, especially in context of Blizzard ignoring player feedback about setting the expansion in the afterlife (which was pretty much non-existant before Slands and even now is only being expressed by very small minority of players, while most don´t really consider it to be a big deal anyway).

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Wasn’t there a thing a couple of years ago that the average WoW player/majority of players don’t even read quest texts?

It is a surprising little group of people that actually follows even the smallest bit of plot.


I believe that. I’ve been leveling through TWW, doing the story and stuff, and everyone I’ve seen talking to the same quest givers have been running off far too fast to be able to have read the text.

But that seems to be games in general, everyone just wants to get the loot and the big numbers as fast as possible and don’t care about anything else.


Ya know what always make me… sad I guess?

Whenever we go to a new expansion with a race thats based on a playable one as main allies/friends/questgivers we see what Blizzard is capable of.

We saw it with Grim Batol and now Dornogal, and then we head back to Ironforge and it all looks so… meh compared y’know?

Lots of assets from previous expansions would work wonders for the old capitals.

On a sidenote, anyone any idea when we’ll be able to restore deleted characters?

Implies the Sethrak joined the Horde. :slight_smile:

Now if only there was something more to acknowledge it… like the resentment from the vulpera, if the history of mutual distrust, open warfare and slavery is ever taken into account.

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Isn’t that more a Faithless thing, rather than a sethrak as a whole thing?

Even those at the terrace have never been closer than neutral with the vulpera. Definitely not allies, for some reason.

Also the text just said that this Sethrak in particular transited through Orgrimmar to end up joining the Dragonslave expedition. Both factions aid a lot of minor races on Azeroth without them joining either of them.

I don´t think a single sethrakk taking a ship to Orgrimmar is a sign of the entire race joining the Horde.


I think it is :slight_smile:

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I wouldn’t be opposed to this, even if I am taking it as not happened until its outright confirmed!

To be fair, there was hardly any resentment between the blood elves and the orcs either.

or the zandalari and pandaren…

or the orcs and Forsaken…

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I somehow don’t have that feeling. The new Dwarf towns are all so very gridlike and modular. Everything looks like it’s placed in squares. It reminds me of those grid based (mobile) citybuilders. If you look at it from above it might as well have been AI generated from a pool of assets, everything is either 90 or 45 degrees.

Ironforge, Grim Batol and Blackrock depths all feel handcrafted with love.


There’s no real alternative to Khadgar to fill the Guardian shoes. At least, not one currently on Azeroth.

To defeat the powers of Xal’atath and the Void, we need someone multidisciplinary. Someone who has battled the forces of the Old Gods before. Who has trained for this.

We need Med’an.

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Another issue that should have been addressed in BfA. If Ji Firepaw said something like “we know you weren’t those who ravaged Zouchin, but we won’t see it happen again”, it’d make far more sense. But again, Pandaren as a race were outright forgotten after MoP or 8.3 if we don’t count several cameo characters.


-Elenthas is shunted out of the airlock. There are, apparently, no witnesses.-

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