PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

You haven’t suffered the 6 years yet and it won’t be nearly as felt as when we all had to suffer the absolute slow crawl of Shadowlands patch release cadence if they are to maintain the same one they had for DF.

Opinions will change, hopefully for the better.

The bar is fairly low. Hopefully she’ll at least be killed off eventually as opposed to being excused for any and every atrocity on the basis that she is, in fact, supposedly the real victim in the narrative.

Sylvanas’ story would’ve been a lot better had she actually been killed off when the time came to finally confront her for everything she had done.


Mommy Xal’atath is cool, probably one of the things I’m genuinely looking forward to with TWW.


Well, RIP Khadgar and Atiesh I guess.

As far as death’s go, its a respectable one. I’d say almost on par with Varian’s!

I’d say they didn’t even do him dirty as I always felt Khadgar to be the type of person to sacrifice himself to safe his friends, especially as a member of the Sons of Lothar!

Now I hope we’ll eventually get an actual replacement for him, instead of it staying up in the air as with the Archbishop Benedictus and the Church, and Highlord Tirion Fordring and the Argent Crusade!

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I’m all for impactful deaths, with ones such as Varian, Ga’nar, Tirion and Ysera coming to mind right off the bat.

Sadly I’ve grown damn fond of Khadgar over the years, so despite it being a fittingly selfless end for Young Trust, I sort of hope we haven’t seen the last of him.


The captain went down with the ship. A fitting death.

Medivh isn’t gonna be happy bros, who wants to knock on his office door and give him the news (and get darth-vader’d in the process).

Another extremely minor thing that just kinda tapers into the larger problem, but the anti-monarchy rogue organisation having someone tell Azeroth’s most notable monarch where they are and how to get in is yet another sign of how poorly constructed and planned the Uncrowned were from the start.

Hopefully Dalaran’s destruction puts a permanent end to such a stupid organisation.


It’s a sign of Blizzard not caring about their own lore. I reckon the thought process went something like: “We want to move the player through the rogue class hall in this scene, because it has the kind of geometry we want. But wait, nobody knows it’s there. Let’s just add a throwaway line explaining that someone told Anduin.”


This alone ensures they deserve death.

Also, weren’t there y’know, those loyal to the Kingdoms of Stormwind, Ironforge, and Quel’thalas member of that order?

Isn’t Tess Greymane, QUEEN of Gilneas part of the order?

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They should change class from rogue to clowns… Or dark organisation LARPers.

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Lillian being besties with Shandris(basicly Kaldorei royalty) and Calia(royalty) is abit weird aswell for the anti-monarch organisation? :thinking:


Their leader is also an aristocrat with his own manor who has been dealing with SI:7 for a long time.


Blizzard - not-so-secretly more Monarchist than even the most chest-thumping, St-George’s Cross waving self proclaimed patriot :sweat_smile:

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I understand why Earthen can’t be druids (dev time to make forms) but I do have to question why they’d know they won’t be making Earthen druids and then proceed to add a bunch of NPCs and lore which are clearly druidic in nature, pun intended.

They could have just…not done that. Been like “nah, current Earthen culture doesn’t really go in for the whole druidic stuff”. Saved a lot of questionmarks about it all.


Comment 3 & 4 pisses me off.

Fans of Warcraft(and any other game/ttrpg/etc) have almost always wished and warned against touching subjects like the Shadowlands(afterlive) in Warcraft, because like the Titans, Burning Legion, etc etc, some things should be up in the air and mysterious!

Elune is supposed to be this elusive and mysterious Goddess of the Night Elves. Emerald Dream, while it could form a continent of an expansion, should still be mysterious in nature, etc!

One can be without the other. One exception to that is Afterlive shenanigans. Its definitive. Once you touch upon the Afterlive, and then add random NPC’s like Ol’ Emma…Well, it breaks everything.

Because why can Ol’ Emma go to the Shadowlands to meet her sons, and why can the Shadowlands go to Legion Worlds to gather intelligence… But somehow Khadgar dies and now he cannot just randomly jump down and help us anyway?

Comment 5 pisses me off because it basicly blames the many social media’s for the apparent lack of interest and passion, which is just nonsense? The two can’t even be tied in the very core of their beings. Social media gave fans a wider array of ways to express the wishes, while the lack of passion and interest is due to Blizzard doubling down on the commercial side of things, instead of thinking about the fanbase that made them big in the first place and who will probably stick around the longest!


Comment 5 sounds like massive deflection for their incompetence. Rather than understand that it’s because they created a poor story that people aren’t interested Actiblizz line of thought is geared towards “Hmmm people don’t like story in our game. Let’s do as little as possible with minimum polish then so it doesn’t get in the way of what’s absolutely essential… Content.”

Thus begins an unhealthy cycle where story gets worse and even more basic sprinkled with god awful elements and lore breaks. All of that is delivered to you on weekly basis for about an hour for 4-6 weeks. Terrible pacing they still refuse to do without.

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“The response to the game’s Shadowlands expansion, where player feedback demanding more flexibility in the game’s locked-in covenant factions and decrying storyline trends felt largely ignored, was an eye-opener for the company. Subscribers fled), and the game was in serious jeopardy.”

She´s not talking about story or the setting, she´s talking about game mechanics (a.k.a. the part that is actually important to most players).
Also, let´s not be revisionist here, before Shadowlands I´ve seen many players (not RPers, who are such a small minority that we might as well not exist in the grand scheme of things) being excited about going there.

“player feedback decrying storyline trends” absolutely is about story and not game mechanics, come on now

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