PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Does anyone else miss when raids only had a cinematic if said cinematic actually had something important to show?

Because I do.


These aren’t even her feet. She’s an eldritch entity piloting a corpse.


Justice to the OG elf cultist and her feet.


It’s a meme about coders wearing these really long socks-

Oh no.

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It’s… a really weird meme. But also far beyond the scope of this thread.

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Not gonna lie I’m actually getting weirded out by the constant shots of Xal’atath’s feet. The pillars of her character at this point are smug smiles, dialogue that tries to be important but isn’t, and her bare feet and it’s weird


it’s definitely going beyond a meme at this point

btw last night i had a dream that the whole world soul saga was canned and they just started a new storyline with a new expansion that has nothing to do with elves

They hired an animation director who was an apprentice of Quentin Tarantino.


The question is, do you want the poo quests or feet cinematics?

You can’t have both and you must have one.

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At least with poo quests I can just think of it as dumb potty humour


That is how we got old Uldum. Better deal with the feet than have bad stories.

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with poo quests we get one per expansion, but i’ve seen a hell of a lot of feet just in the base expansion before we even get to patches.


Maybe Blizzard found all your old posts about M.O.T.H.E.R and thought this is what you wanted?


oh i forgot about that


if we got Tarentino writing with the feet I’d agree

unfortunately we get what we get here, instead

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Some folks are really into… blued… corpse feet…



I can’t keep being this right. Also I suppose you can add in a weird omnipresence in every cinematic shot of a bare body part; Zovaal’s version was just his feet/his chest.


sylvanas would never do this (after metzen’s daughter pointed it out to him so he changed her design in legion)

Stealing from Garrosh, both of them

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It’s painful how this expansion start is very much the same old.

Regarding the cinematics, I even had to go back to check all Shadowlands cinematics just in case you might have been over-stating but no… Turns out every Slands cinematic accomplishes or shifts the narrative despite its atrocious nature and quality. The empty cinematics is a DF born trend surprisingly.

As for formerly Bae-Blade… What a downgrade, imagine having more of a character as a tool than in a mortal form with agency, Blizzard really is banking on the ASMR, looks and foot fetish to carry this empty vessel of nothing.

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