Ptr Warrior Tank feedback

Like befor the threat from warrior tanks is lacking, it really hard to hold agro, alle the new tier only help you keep the agro, not build it.

Warrior Tank need a Big hand here, the buff to Devestate, its only help threat from the damage, from ability to ability, sunder/devestate will still lover then thunderclap, and heavy need the buffs from Shield slam to even do anything! protektion warrior is still at the same really bad point, get dudge or parry, and you will loss threat to dps, you can’t take agro from othere tanks, tank sworp will have you othere tank 100% stop anything there duing to even give you a chance to pick op.

defensive cap is @ 415, we still need allmost full tank gear for this, looks like the only safe way to even tank, “we know we can get agro” is going full furry in Defensice stance in dps gear.

i still don’t understand, that warrior over all threat have not yet been buffed with 50% so its in line with othere tanks.

Paladin threat increase 80%
Warlokc Threat increase 85%
Rogue Threat increase 30%
Warrior Threat increase 10%+15% total 25%

when we look over the Threat increase out side some abilitys that curse hight abount of threat, witch all the classes have and use, it easy to se why theres post on forum about warrior threat and Rogue threat as there 3 times behind the Kind tank classes.

You have the date, you see the forum bost on the Sod and Twitter, fix the numbers.
Sod have clerely showed a larger playerbase that whant class balance,

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440 is the “cap” it makes you crit immune, warriors are inherently crit immune due to SB, its easy to get to the cap as well and T2 6set will be for pull and seeing as initial threat is the most important threat a parry wont be as devastating anymore

415 is what we need because 25 is from def spec rune. Sure its not cap, but i think he assumed it.

Could be that, but still the “cap” is the “cap”, and its not like the ring rune makes the cap lower it just pushes you up. And also the cap could be what ever it wants for a warrior seeing as the second you hit SB you are crit immune even without being close to the cap.

Players are doing significantly more damage and generating threat
Blizzard need to get back to respecting the underlying mechanics of how Vanilla/Classic era works - where damage output is the largest influence on threat

The reliance on Alpha buff should be a clear indication something is not quite right

First and foremost they need to stop trying to pigeon hole Warriors into some quasi Crusade/Wrath Frankenstein where the threat is born inherently and only out of the abilities themselves.

Devastate does more threat organically because it added damage to Sunder and in Classic era, that damage = threat however intentionally adding increased threat on some abilities is fine, though it can’t be the primary source, rather it’s a secondary

They can start to counter this by properly supporting Fury Protection builds

  • Blood Thirst should be damage buffed however changed to not be useable while a shield is equipped
  • Enrage should give you a threat % increase while active
  • Revenge (I know, set bonus incoming…) should always proc a Flurry with a version that does 55% attack speed and last six seconds, however means your regular Flurry is overwritten/does not stack

There is lots they could do, however it needs to come from the correct Classic era mindset and mechanics which when you observe every other class, Discovery is more ‘classic’ than Classic was concerning damage and threat.

It is interesting that of all the classes they really could have experimented with, this one hasn’t had much attention, except to usher in the Crusade version of Warriors.
That’s not really exciting from a Discovery point of view,…we’ve all played that already, multiple times…

Agree, prot war needs urgent help, these buffs are just not enough, we are already stealing aggro from them without trying.

Rune idea:
Shield slam has now 2 charges and After a dodge or parry or being missed you gain a charge of your shield slam and makes it cost zero rage. Can only occur once every 3 seconds.

This is making me want to level up, things will get better won’t they?
