Public crafting orders are ruining special recipes

Its a game, not a job.

Stop complaining about people getting orders done cheap. Start complaining about the utter lack of public crafting orders.

Dont feel you should have to do stuff for free btw, but you dont get to dictate to every other player that you are the only source of getting something crafted or recrafted.

My advice two options:

  • Tell them to find another.
  • Tell them they will not get the max 43% chance. Craft a second crafting tool for your self with resourcefulness missive and enchant. Equip the second tool. You will get some extra chance for mats, and it will take more attempts (so more chance to get mats). Just be honest about the proc chance. Don’t use optional finish reagents or incense.

If you get personal order for 1gold from some random, just decline. unless was a recraft for an Item you recrafted and you had a “free recrafts” deal with them, then craft it.

That might be the case. Some servers attract different types of players. Progression minded players tend to choose highly populated servers where their faction is dominant.

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Saw a public order for a 418 halberd last night. Yoinked that for 16k tip and procced a chunk of primal molten! Crafting is fun but to catch up? Nah thanks !!

Its a game, not a job.

Stop complaining about people getting orders done cheap. Start complaining about the utter lack of public crafting orders.

Dont feel you should have to do stuff for free btw, but you dont get to dictate to every other player that you are the only source of getting something crafted or recrafted.

Sigh, tell me you didn’t read anything I’ve said without telling me you didn’t read anything I’ve said, if you aren’t invested in the conversation, why bother?

My advice two options:

  • Tell them to find another.

Like I explained earlier, I do decline those orders, no negotiations. As for how my service works, I have it all detailed down, nothing missed or left out. The thing is, gambling your income on resourcefulness isn’t reasonable, unless there’s at least some base commission fee income to go with it, and that’s where the issue lies, my server isn’t as willing to go above 3 digits in commission fee. But back on topic, it’s not about Primal gear, I’m strictly talking about scroll recipes.

Get back to me when you stop trying to dismiss everything anyone says when calling you out on your greed fueld ramblings.

You are the only one I have dismissed so far, and that was because you outrageously misinterpreted everything I’ve said, likely willingly so, simply because you wanted to argue and not discuss. Fine, I’ll humor you and your whining.

Its a game, not a job.

Even less reason to do charity work, thank you very much.

Stop complaining about people getting orders done cheap. Start complaining about the utter lack of public crafting orders.

I said about 20 times now that it’s not about people getting their orders done for cheap, but about those who bought scrolls receiving diminishing returns, and that my suggestion is not criticism, but feedback to an otherwise phenomenal system. So I’m actually complimenting Blizzard on how they’ve handled the crafting system, and simply suggesting an improvement that wouldn’t hurt those who just want to dabble in professions, but benefit those who take professions very serious, just like those who take raiding and PvP very serious. But somehow you misinterpreted that too, likely willingly as I said, because I can’t imagine you’d misunderstand it when I’ve repeated it so many times.

Dont feel you should have to do stuff for free btw, but you dont get to dictate to every other player that you are the only source of getting something crafted or recrafted.

I don’t feel like I have to do stuff for free, I have said 4 times now that I do decline any cheap commission fees, and I don’t dictate or pretend to dictate where other players get their crafts, as I have repeatedly, probably 6 times or so now, said that I encourage taking advantage of a flaw, because it is the fault of the flaw and not the player, and it is also the only way to properly highlight a flaw to Blizzard. In fact, here the other day I offered a guy to do his Infurious orders for more than 10 gold commission fee, he was about to take down his order and send it to me and I told him no, I then let him know that he could ask me again in 30 minutes, because I bet someone is going to grab that order for 10 gold, I simply let him know that I’m an alternative if he can’t find anyone, and someone did grab the order 17 minutes later. But you somehow misinterpreted that too, see a pattern here? Do I need to repeat myself 100 more times for you?

Get back to me when you stop trying to dismiss everything anyone says when calling you out on your greed fueld ramblings.

There you go, I got back to you and your selective reading, do you need me to walk you through the forum post a few more times or did you catch it this time? I can also try to make it into a bulleted list if you need, or perhaps you prefer a numbered list?

Your arguments are nothing I haven’t responded to already, hence me saying the following.

Sigh, tell me you didn’t read anything I’ve said without telling me you didn’t read anything I’ve said, if you aren’t invested in the conversation, why bother?

Na, all you do is spew a lot of crap to say people should not get to order stuff via public orders cause you lose gold on it.

Thats what it boils down to, use what every flowerly language you like and get a life.

Oh and stop talking about charity, its very clear from your posts you havent a clue what the word means.

Definition of charity work, not to be confused with just charity: charity work is the act of doing unpaid work for an individual or group.

I have said the opposite things of what you accuse me of, but your selective reading is keeping you from being open minded, you simply want to hate for the sake of hating, it all boils down to your inability to have a civil discussion or accept anyone with an opinion that differ from yours, you even go as far as to deny their statements but not point out any moments where I either contradict my own claims or outright support your statements about me, it is clear as day that you aren’t very bright and you don’t belong on a forum, end of story.

Edit: you probably read the first sentence and still went on Google to search the definition of charity instead of charity work, because you can’t understand basic English, do confirm if that’s true, although I doubt you’ll admit it.

Look in a mirror, then repeat everything you just posted.

Hope it helps you out. :smiley:

Pay close attention to how none of your criticism has been on my arguments, but rather on me as a person, are you perhaps just a forum troll.

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