Public crafting orders show up blank

For the past few days, when I click a public crafting order, I don’t get the window where I can accept and complete the order. Instead I get a blank screen (imagine the light gray background texture, but covering the entire profession window).

Apparently this is a recurring issue. See and the following posts. Some in that thread theorize that it only happens to public crafting orders where the customer provides some of the reagents. I appear to be able to corroborate this, as I’ve only noticed the issue with orders where the customer provides the Spark of Omens.

Edit 30/09: Still occurs. Latest occurrence is an order for Warm Sunrise Bracers, which my character knows how to craft.


I have had this same problem since the launch of TWW. Thought it would be an addon. But it’s still happening with no addons. Deleted my cache folder. That wasn’t it either. So, now what. Can’t do any public crafting orders (tailoring only).

I can confirm that I experience similar issues and it happens only with certain tailoring items.

I can confirm the same behavior. Seams related to this specific item, as I was able to crafter other items via public oder…

I made an addon, “Professions Order Fix” (can be found on curseforge), that should be able to accept and complete crafting orders for those cloth bracers. At least it allows to view those orders. I can’t test it myself completely since my talent distribution doesn’t allow me to accept those orders. I tested it only with orders that work through the default Blizz interface and it worked. So decided to give it a try and publish it as an addon. But I’d be glad if anyone tests it and gives me feedback on any issues the addon has. If it works, this can be a good alternative until Blizzard provides a permanent solution

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Experiencing this issue with tailoring public crafts.

Hey all,

I can confirm that there is currently a bug affecting crafting orders for some tailor related items, and that our developers are currently working on a fix for this bug.

If you encounter another bug in-game, please report it to them, and they will be able to review it for you:

Bug fixes are often posted in our Hotfixes and Updates blogs, in the News section of the site:

Sorry for the inconvenience this may cause, and thank you for your patience!


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