Public crafts/recrafts rework

This crafting orders system is killing me.
Don’t get me wrong… i get how the system works! It’s killing me because it seems so incomplete.
After reading a bit about it, seems that its kind of intended, cus blizzard doesn’t want “casuals” or “players less inclined to do some research about in-game systems” to fry their little brains cus the NEW system is soooo complicated…

I understand developers have to think of and try to include everyone, but does that mean making systems that don’t actually solve all problems? Does making a more complete system will hurt, or in anyway, be a problem to the more casual player or even any player? No! People can learn. Game has been changing and guess what… people have been learning it, over and over and over…

To be clear, personally i think this system truly is a wonderful addition to the profession systems but, at the same time, it feels to me incomplete and it frustrates me deeply cus it can be better.
For e.g.:

  • why can’t we make a public REcraft order? Set it to the specific rank i want and easy does it, i get what i want? (and yeah, i know some stuff are procs…so we actually have to choose the previous rank and hope for the best…bla bla bla, still…)
  • why can’t we make a public order and set the specific rank i want to get for the crafted item i am requesting?

I’ve literally been spamming trade chat to find someone to craft me something and i can’t find anyone. I know i can put it on public and tomorrow, i’ll probably will have some rank 3 or even 4 knife to skin my mobs, but i don’t want to. Cus i’ll basically have to spam chat again to recraft it so i can max it and like i can’t find no one today i’ll most likely won’t find anyone tomorrow. (not the first day spamming chat looking for a crafter).

In a way, it feels to me like the old chat spam to find a group to go do some dungeons.
Why do i have to spam chat when there’s now a system that can solve my problems?
I want “A”, i order it, i place the amount i’m willing to pay for such craft, i add the needed mats and BAM, i get what i want!
The server might be low pop and crafters scarce… the faction might be small, and since i can’t talk to the opposing one to request my stuff… spamming chat 24/7 won’t help me. So why aren’t these options available?

I’m no game dev or experienced in any way with gaming systems, but i honestly cannot understand why this new system doesn’t have these options since it came live and, basically, we have to spam chat like we’re playing classic or something. It’s just frustrating and a complete waste of our time. I want to log in and play the game. Not seat in the city and spam chat so i can hopefully find someone to craft my stuff. There’s so much to do why don’t you let us do it?! Please?? Would you let me play your game?!

( I’ll now roll my eyes till they hurt and go spam my low pop faction chat a bit more… )
sorry for the rant!

Because recrafts are often luck-based, so you might have a Q4 item and you want it recrafted to Q5, but the way the points system works with inspiration, your crafter might only be able to get a Q3 or Q5 result when inspired. So if you set the minimum quality to Q5, the crafter isn’t even able to take the order. If you set it to Q3, then crafter who can not even reach Q5 will be able to take it and you will either get a Q3 or Q4…

So the system needs to work so that the customer can set the following 3 parameters:

  • Minimum quality (let’s say Q3)
  • Minimum quality when inspired (let’s say Q5)
  • Minimum inspiration chance (let’s say 35%)

This way, you know what you are getting AND you are forcing the crafter to use a tool that provides an inspiration bonus.

If you can’t specify the inspiration chance, then the crafter might be using resourcefulness, which means you’re unlikely to get a Q5 item and the crafter may get some materials. Definitely not what you want, but there’s currently no transparency and shifty crafters can do this without getting caught.

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Skinning knife? Not entirely sure if you can send things x realm etc, but hit me up if that’s what you need and it’s possible… gotta admit my realm is full of people with high profs, you look in trade 2 seconds you’ll find what you need.

@Tiga That is indeed something to add that is not currently in the system. That issue might also happen with a personal order. When we craft something there’s no info about what “stats” (let’s say) the crafter had. The person spamming chat, telling the world he can craft “Whatever” saying he has 40% inspiration,for e.g… there’s no way we actually know if he has that ammount or even, if he crafted the item using the “stats” he advertise. Something in the likes of a box where we can specify that the crafter will need to have at least X% of inspiration to be able to accept our order would be required. Maybe even a note (post craft), with the “stats” the crafter had when crafting our stuff.
( Look at us, improving at the thing without too much effort! Can someone tell the Dev’s we have some good ideas in here? xP).

@Klappyhands ironically, i gave up the spam after writing this post and made a public order with a very extensive note xD. The crafter crafted me a rank 4 and wrote back that i could just send personal to him for recrafts. Let’s now hope he’s not farming me for mats and will actually craft me the thing in the intended rank. :wink:

Farming for mats how? Using resourcefulness to try proc extra mats? Some guy thought if he sent me a personal order his materials got mailed to me to craft, and that I would just steal his stuff. Explained it and he was much happier after lol

“Farming for mats how? Using resourcefulness to try proc extra mats?”

Maybe farm is a strong word for it but it happens.
When u craft something and have a resourcefulness proc, you win free mats. That’s extra value you get from the transaction besides the gold payment.
Who’s to say, people don’t do it just to get free stuff? It is possible. It can happen. So… a much better option would be, like we suggested, to have an option where the person requesting the craft can set a threshold for those who can actually accept the order.
For e.g., I order something and set it so that only if you have above x% of inspiration can you accept my order. OR, at the very least, gives more info about the craft, for e.g.
let us know what “stats” the crafter actually had when he did the craft (skill, resourcefulness, inspiration, multicraft, etc) so we know if the person is actually doing what he might be advertising. As is, I can tell you i have 30% inspiration and i actually don’t. And there’s no way for you to find out, except for my consecutive fails to proc some (re)craft you’re asking me to do. You can’t know if you’re actually just being farmed either for gold (craft/recraft price we set) or even the chance for extra mats proc, which benefits only the crafter. So yeah, people can do it.

Well yeah sometimes it procs and it’s a lovely bonus for sure, the chance is fairly small though, and the chance people use r3 mats again is quite small. The most I bagged was like 7 r3 primal molten when they were top gold, but now nah. Everyone using r2 cause it’s cheap. I take up people’s orders off the public thing and ask to send personal, they get a max craft for cheap and I have the chance to get extra mats … I don’t think that is a bad thing really. I think people trying to scam by listing orders with 0 mats and a small tip however, is a bad thing

I don’t agree with the part where ppl list orders with no mats are bad. I mean, the attitude is not cool but you just avoid those, if you ask me. It’s just a matter of looking cus it even says in the orders list, if the order has all mats or not. So it’s just a matter of paying attention before picking them tbh. Plus, you even have a warning now when crafting those orders with no mats or less than required so, no excuse there.
The farming mats thing, seems to me more of a scam than that. Also, the possibility of “scaming” by advertising you have more of a particular stat that could benefit the craft than you actually do. To me that’s the worst thing. I honestly don’t care if ppl benefit from my order by having resourcefulness procs as long as i also get what i ordered, or at least, not be scammed with lies. We know things might not proc and we might not get that rank 5 we desire at first try. But we can’t know if that’s cus the crafter lied in the ammount of skill / %inspiration / etc he has.

I guess yeah if someone’s inspiration is far less than advertised on a certain item! There’s also an addon btw that lets you straight up filter orders with no mats, makes life better for sure as a crafter

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