Public Orders. Reagents: None/Some

Well public orders list for my Inscription and Jewelcrafting is filled with orders with Some or None reagents.

However, not a single one of these orders even break even if I am going craft them.

Look at this one:

Missing 4 Awakened Order, which currently costs:

And look how many times this player has tried this:

Whilst, yes I have the choice whether to craft it or not. This makes the system that much less enjoyable for everyone.

I as the crafter feels like someone is trying to scam me. And buyer get’s disappointed because nobody crafts their orders. Yes, you can get a First Craft or Skill Point along the way. But you can do that when they include all the materials as well.

Here is another example.

Crystal Tuning Fork - 2000g - No reagents - Same player listed twice.

How much does this craft go for on AH

Definitely on a low at the moment. But Oribos Exchange shows you how the price has dropped this weekend:

This player is trying to scam another player out of their Rare drop Crystal Fork, so they can sell them for a profit on the AH.

And whilst I’m on my Jewelcrafter. Lets look at Unstable Elementium, and item that’s in demand enough to avoid these scams.

Doesn’t stop people trying does it.

Who in their right mind is going to upgrade someone else’s ring at a Loss.

It doesn’t matter what Benefits Blizzard thinks this system will bring, it encourages and allow this kind of scamming toxic behaviour. Ultimately it’s for the experience of everyone involved and spoils the enjoyment of the game.

Blizzard protect your player base from scammers.

I don’t know why Blizzard made this change, what did they expect…

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Personally, I would love if this no-mats system was there from the begining, it would save me some gold on my scribe.
Instead, i had to spend 300k gold for crafting rolling pins just to vendor them for 5 gold.
No mats is perfectly fine and logical, especially with 3 rank qualities of mats involved, some customers just wont to bother with that.
Almost every day, Im crafting partial mats orders, most with profit, some for first craft/skill point only.
We just need to be careful when accepting orders.
That said, crafting window should have better visible mats present/absent presentation.

I just found a few friends and gave them free rolling pins.

But there should have been a much better way to level up our professions than what they did give us.

As I say, whatever the Pros this has brought, the Cons of opening up to Scammers and teaching the playerbase to be cheap when it comes to buying services are much worse for the game.

I love this change, mostly for alt reasons

Felt stupid logging my jewelcrafter, send the materials im using on said character anyway, to then go to my original character to ask my self if i can make myself a ring

Someone who is active in professions doesn’t need to do that anyway.

And even then, you would only choose a cheap item like bracers to make for the weekly.

I haven’t seen a single public order for Unstable Elementium on my server for 2 days now. My guess is that most JC’s have the recipe now and are crafting the item for friends or guildmates (which is what I do anyway).

In fact the only public JC orders on my server right now are for Illimited Diamonds, some joker is offering 100g with no reagents whereas the AH material costs are a minimum of 860g plus the 20 Primal Chaos.

In my view, the whole public order system is junk, they can get rid of it for me.

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The honest ones are fine… I just filter out the stupid ones. I legit got a 40k tip from a public order this week! Insane

Yeh, I have had one as well. :slight_smile: I even used an insight for that one.

Oh man I didn’t, but BSing so not mega hard to proc max with r3 materials/incense and fluid

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