I very rarely come to the forums to complain about the game which means I am particularly annoyed right now.
Who am I: Semi-Hardcore raider, multiple CE, that enjoys pushing higher M+ (currenlty I have done all the keys from season 1 on an 11)
I want to share with you my own experience with trying to pug higher keys as a Warrior. Putting it simply it is demoralising and frustrating. These last few days druing which I managed to get my last keys to 11 and get to 2.7k score I have spent multiple hours in queues, constantly getting declined by people who are 100 or 200 score below me. Today I spent the whole day trying to time a 12, focusing on the easier keys like Dawnbreaker and Ara-Kara. No luck, I managed to get into a single key and the group disbanded after a trash wipe. I find myself logging out out of annoyance, getting one level on my Shaman and DK alts and then logging back to my Warrior and trying again.
The Warrior situation is dire and this issue isnt new, it has always been like this. Warrior as a class does not bring anything to a group besides damage, which is now gapped by other classes, that also happen to provide CRs and Lust. The comparison with DKs is honestly so absurd its laughable. A Frost DK provides CR, grips, AMZ, more overall damage, and doesnt die to threat when they use their CDs, which in fact do more burst than Fury’s burst, but if a Fury charges in and sends CDs without waiting 3-5 seconds we are dead. So a very fair question to be asked is why would anyone ever take a Fury Warrior before a Frost DK in a 12 key? Now add Fury nerfs to this equation
I consider myself quite a decent player, I love this class and I love this game, I also very much enjoy playing higher keys and pushing myself, however playing the game these past few days has been nothing short than miserable. I have already seen some posts about Fury’s situation and I hope against hope, that if enough of us speak up about this issue, the devs might actually do something about it, or atleast revert the course they are taking with Warrios.
My suggestion (I know everyobody says this but, but I cannot think of anything else): Give Warrior heroism in the form of the Maldraxxus soulbind banner ability for lore reasons. The devs have made it clear they do not want Warrior being on top of the dps, therefore a solution along the lines of “just buff Warrior by 10-15%” is fantasy.