Puging m+ struggle

Im normally in the 0,5% range of players, usually playing off-meta healer through the seasons. But if i don’t get a shot at a +13/14 at this point in the season, i will not be able to work my way up to that range again.
Am i the only one feeling forced to reroll and get on all that gear grind again just to be able to get a few pug keys in?
This week has been horrible, spending hours just trying to get into a push key.
Never before has it been this hard for me to not play the meta healer.
What is going on? :sweat_smile: Or is it only me? :open_mouth:

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Make. Friends.

For gods sake when you do successful keys add people and build a network.

Im so tired of people who are good at the game that cba to form relationships whining about this.

The solution is in your hands but it takes a bit of investment.


Keep it positive or [yeep] off.

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Building a network is incredibly important. Pugging this season (12 and higher) is a nightmare. Difficultywise I would say that 12s are closer to 26s in s3 df.

I Play ww, I know the struggle. Add people that you liked playing with. Try to be social. You don’t need to reroll. You need a good comp.

Get lost Mr hidden everything that cries about cc.

There it is, the psychopath has the urge to project.

I cant find you on Raider IO.

But either way. If you got all 12s done, plus some easy 13s you are already in the top 0.5% range.

And as some alrady pointed out, it becomes difficult to progress with out being meta class beyond that point. Which is expected at that level of difficulty.

And normal people use that language?

I use it on people who attack other people who has not done anything.

Do you see?

Telling people they need to post “positively only”? Who the hell are you, some kind of mod or moral authority? Or just some insecure :syringe: who feels compelled to hide their post history on a games forum. Shoo.

You can complain about the game all you want, just dont attack the person.

Says the one who had to call someone a psychopath. Grab a mirror … you’re not any better.

I didnt attack them at all. Learn to read.

pugging this season is nightmare regardless of level you play on .

its just miserable slog - by design to force you into raiding 0- raiding which not only is joke easy this season but also recived over time nerfs.

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Yeah…i wouldnt say that NP is joke easy. Its one of the most difficult raids according to CE stats. Heroic Queen is still much more difficult than your average heroic final boss.

Yeah but honestly im tired of this attitude from Blizzard.

Raiding has not changed significantly since 2004. And they keep delaying any reforms by throwing under the bus every other game mode to incentivize more people into raiding.

If people dont raid its for a reason, and trying the same (failed) stragegies they have been doing for the past 20 years wont change that fact. Maybe wiping 400 times to Heroic Queen is not something apealing to people. Or weekly lock-outs. Dunno… its up to them to think about creative solutions to make more people want to raid.

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I dont think I am the right person to talk about heroic raiding. I might be out of touch with it. I dont mean it in a disrespective or arrogant way. But i have no clue about the struggles of heroic raiders.

I think one positive that NP highlights is the easy first half of the raid. I personally think that is a good design and gives more people the opportunity to farm mythic ilvl gear.
Change the mythic lockout to heroic lockouts. I dont see a problem with it.
Design every raid with an easy first half (mythic difficulty).
Another solution could be to completely remove mythic ilvl and make gear cap out at heroic ilvl. So people dont feel forced to run weekly 10s for vault and raid mythic to keep up with the steady increase of the ilvl.

Just some ideas.

Source: I read it somewhere because I’ve not lived it. Lilith 2024.

source - me pugging m+

but sure - pretend everything is ok and participation ratios arent down the drain

Care to post your main? Because all of your runs were 7 weeks ago on your hunter.

So unless you participate in m+, please dont speak nonsense. Pugging in lower keys is not a problem.