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The nerf to night fae having access to a Shadowmeld should be a warning sign of what we expect to have going forward going into release.
In case you’re not in tune of what the #PullTheRipcord movement is about, during the interview that took place between Ion Hazzikostas and Preach, Ion talked about in the scenario where Covenants became too big of a mess to deal with that they had a system where they could open the system up and make everything easily swappable - He referred to it as pulling a ripcord.
In my opinion, based on Blizzards track record of balancing features in previous expansions including BFA - Blizzard has not demonstrated they have the required manpower or knowledge to handle balancing the below systems fairly.
Tank Balance
Healer Balance
DPS Balance
4 separate Covenants powers
In a genre and game where the meta has existed for 15 years, trying to crush it by forcing players to become a specialist in one form of content where Blizzard will do sledgehammer nerfs after the fact (Thunderous Blast + Other azerite traits and Corruption nerfs like -50% Damage done by Echoing Void + Ineffable Truth).
It’s a no matter of if the pulling will happen, it’s if it’s going to happen before 9.3, I think the game would be much more healthy, fun to play and enjoyable for all if we pulled it before release.
Sincerely, a concerned veteran of 15 years and current 12/12M raid leader.
im just afraid i will choose the wrong one or i choose one and it gets nerfed to the ground or changed up somehow. knowing that i ll probably be stuck with it for a while is just nothing im excited about, infact, im already annoyed because deep inside of me i just know they will screw it up.
imo covenants should have been cosmetic only but its too late for that i guess because everything always has to be complicated and a mess.
i was even more excited for bfa two years ago than i am for shadowlands now, which is pretty, well, sad.
They always have a choice in pulling the plug on features, let’s not pretend that they didn’t in n the past. Everyone and their both parents could have figured out how to remove the NPC to queue for island expeditions and simply altered so that current already liked systems have more AP (M+, raiding, even pet battles is more fun let’s be honest). So why would they all the sudden do it before launch? It’s gonna be launch day we will see the same thing again and I bet it will take them 2 patches to realize that it was a mistake and then Ion will make an apology segment the first few minutes of a Q&A for patch 10.0.1.
Me too. It’s not a choice, in fact its even less of a choice than it’s ever been - you can’t just rock up without prior knowledge - where’s the fun in that?
While I’m excited for the Covenants, I’m a casual who will pick based on aesthetics. The ideal player for their system and the only kind that won’t suffer from their choice no matter what.
If I don’t get picked or get ostracised somehow due to my Covenant choices, I’ll just go play another game.
It’s quite alarming to see that the problems this type of system causes for higher end (and even middle pack) players aren’t being taken into consideration at all. It won’t affect me, but it doesn’t take me much to see how bad that is in and of itself. Just because it won’t affect me, doesn’t mean it’s fine, and I sincerely hope they listen to those it will affect rather than see me and other casuals pick fun Covenants and think “another success for us!”.
I’m almost at the point that I might choose not to choose and do other things (level alts to 60 maybe) and wait for the raid to be released, the nerf/buffs to be put in place and then choose (I can do this as I don’t guild raid so I’m my own master) . They will mess this up, there is absolutely no doubt about it.
This is exactly what i am also considering. Wait a couple of months till things seems to be setteled. In the meantime i will level my couple of alts for professions, like my alchemist and inscriptionist.
We’ll see, however I am that pessimistic about the system and how it will work that I might be happy to wait and be “behind”. Not every one can do this but I play solo/pug so I can do this if I wish
What i’m afraid is that when they finally pull the ripcord, it will be something about changing covenants more easily and honestly, that totally misses the point and why the whole system is bad.
I want to stick to one covenant for lore and theme reasons.
I don’t want to stick to one set of powers, specially when there are other 3 abilities designed for my class that i’m being asked to ignore.
Don’t force a power vs theme choice. Decouple power from theme, they are different things, they can’t be treated in the same way, one needs flexibility to be more fun, the other doesn’t.
Don’t be fooled into thinking the top end will be the ones to suffer from this as they’ll have their own armies of geared alts and cutting edge guilds to trivialize the system.
Like always it’s the casuals and those of us who have neither the time nor interest to level and gear 3 alts that will suffer first and foremost from this hopeless system.
Wouldn’t it be nice if they didn’t have to ‘beat’ the system and the system actually supported players of all levels. They go on about ‘degenerate game play’ and then create systems that require ‘degeneracy’ to over come them at the elite level.
Covenants will be the most unbalanced system you’ve ever seen in wow. If people think corruption is bad, brace yourselves for what is about to come.
The thing about covenants, is that blizzard’s doing it for the sake of giving us that Wow factor that’s been lost throughout the years.
Back in the days, you would enter a dungeon for the first time and be in awe. You get an item and be happy.
But now, it’s more like, that item’s not BIS so who cares. That guide turned my built into this and that and since X and Y are doing it , so should I.
So part of the reason as to why this new system is so complicated, is so that people could get that feeling of not knowing. So that you could built 50 different builds and they all would be ok and each would have their own unique way of being ok.
Very honorable goal in theory.
In action however?? The downsides will drastically reduce the worth of the upsides of the system and we’ll all hate it and blizzard will YET AGAIN, spend every hour of every day following the release of shadowlands, focusing on BALANCE instead of content.