
Well yes, that’s kind of the main point of RPG games, obviously. But you can’t tell me that you believe that people would still play the game if they didn’t enjoy playing it, which includes enjoying the combat. That’s straight up delusional thinking. People won’t play a video game if they don’t like it’s gameplay.

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There is nothing RPG-like in a system that locks you into covenants when each covenant aids the other, and acknowledges the mediatory role your character plays.

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Man you must have bad taste in combat abilities, Kingdoms of Amalur had fine combat and gameplay.

Also wow has good gameplay for an mmo, else people wouldn’t play it.
What do you think people play it for… lore? rofl
Lore just gives you some reasons to go kill a fellow player or dragon.

Now go slay!



But you’re 2/12 M? And your highest key is a 15. Not actively trying to be a dick but that’s really low for someone who only plays for progression. It sounds like you just don’t like a core part of wow but still go on because of other reasons.


Can someone please explain to me what happens if i want to switch back to a Covenant i was apart of?

From what Ion explained, is that i’ll have a series of turn ins over about 2 weeks maybe, is the latest info i know and that the system isn’t implemented in Beta yet(how tf you get near the end of Beta and don’t have such an important system implemented???).

Let’s say i was Venthyr, then i switch to Necrolords and found their abilities… lacking to say the least.

Now i go and talk to the Venthyr NPC, the one from the covenant i saved and all that stuff and is now giving me a hard time, saying i betrayed them and bla bla and has me startup a Hercules type of labor that lasts 2 weeks.

And now let’s go from here, while in those 2 weeks of “proving your loyalty” am i:

  1. Still in the Necrolords and can use their abilities
  2. Switched to Venthyr already but i can’t use their abilities and can’t do other dailies
  3. Switched to Venthyr but i got their abilities but i just can’t do other dailies and stuff until i finish the 2 weeks grind

If it’s 2, it’s bad that i have no covenant abilities for 2 weeks, so i don’t think this is the case.

If it’s 3, then i’m missing out on other stuff presumably, i never heard of this.

If it’s 1, which seems the more likely then it means that:
- me personally, I take 2 weeks to do stuff for another covenant and my current covenant, which i presume aren’t complete idiots, will just watch me slave away for 2 weeks for another Covenant to finally betray them?? And they don’t kick me out and forbid the use of their abilities???
How is this an RPG type of system? How? :confused:

It makes zero sense from a logical point of view. Am i secretly carrying rocks and my current covenant can’t detect me trying to curry favor with another covenant so that i eventually betray them?



It’s not. Just like they claim things are meaningful choices when they’re clearly not.

When you introduce needless overlapping systems that create thousands of different results with no proper way of testing them you cannot make a meaningful choice because it is not an informed choice. The only two sensible things to do is to either let other people test it and then you pick the strongest until someone says otherwise or just go with whatever and hope you won’t be too gimped.

And no, 3 covenants you’ve helped suddenly turning their back on you so that you can get a basic spell effect but with a matching color scheme is not a good rpg mechanic.

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From what I know you’re going to get dailies and stuff to prove their worth. I think Ion mentioned that : “They won’t forget about you abandoning them” or smth like that. So the game is going to remember that you once joined them, however you will need to work a little bit harder to regain their “trust” and everything. That’s what I know

“So, um… I am extremely loyal to you and your ideals, Lord Uther… But I am afraid that I enjoy teleporting and skipping about the place a lot. I am afraid also, that I shall be taking my leave now, so that Mythic+ group takes me next week.”


Exactly, even the guys from Beta doing emissaries say that the covenant they chose, actively send them to help other covenant.
Like seriously? What’s this about me being scum of the earth cause i chose to help another covenant for a while?

I’m a freelance agent. I’ll help you now, i’ll do your frickin’ dailies and get more renown with your faction.

After which i’ll go to another covenant and help them.

Now i’m back to help you again.
You apparently don’t want my help but want it at the same time… which is it?
You want some turn ins, but in the meanwhile for 2 weeks i’ll still be doing dailies and helping another covenant.

You either enlist me now if you want my help, cause i’m the frickin’ maw-walker, or i’m not joining up. Can you afford not having THE maw-walker on your side?


It’s like high school where you sit with some other people for a day and suddenly you’re a traitor.


Hilarious and edgy… just like how the covenants act now.


Honestly, whoever came up with this sheer fisting of a system can go and frick themselves. For once I wish they could come up with an idea that wasn’t designed by a [redacted] chimp chained to a cubicle.

The most [insert derogatory term here] is that they were so enamored with this type of restriction that they chose to double down on this system … and made conduits… rofl conduits, have a 1 week cooldown.

I mean, okay RPG (even though the motivation sucks) for Covenants, reputation, traitors the whole drama package i can kind of understand… though it’s written like a bad soap opera with ridiculous premises and intrigues.

But conduits??? Where’s my RPG in here?
Are they sentient? Do they have needs and wants? Do they get mad when i neglect them? Or scared when i remove them? What gives Blizz??

When i try to switch them are they the type that goes: Well now i’m not doing it!



Excuuuuuse me, do not shame my weekday get-up!

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Temporary powergains are so Legion. Hashtag Powertoplayers


Ok true SOME chimps in chains still push out good ideas.

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What the most confusing thing is to me about all this is that I don’t even see why I have to pick one, from the story point of view. Like, I just went through all 4 of the zones and saved all of them, now I’m done and I need to go and just pick one, join them and be forcibly loyal? Why? For the sake of choice? Does it not matter that the choice makes no sense? Are we just gonna put any choice in the game just so there is one?

Another thing is that the abilities seriously just look like they were originally talent ideas, but they realized that the covenants in themselves are a bit dull, but they didn’t know what else to put into them to make them somewhat matter, so they took a bunch of scrapped talents that didn’t make it into classes, tied them into covenants and called it a day. The main problem is that some of the abilities look like they were designed for a single spec, not the class, but you are supposed to pick them for your class. The whole class identity pushed with unpruning is suddenly thrown out of the window, because the abilities just don’t work across the entire class most of the time.

Third thing, the abilities don’t reflect the covenant whatsoever.

Why do the Necrolords give me an ability called Decimating bolt that buffs my filler and does a little bit of damage? It’s kinda green, I guess. Not very decimating tho.

Why do the Night Fae give me Soul Rot, that chunks me for 20% of my health and makes my drain life cleave? It’s kinda blue, I guess, Nigh Fae all over.

Why do the Venthyr give me Impending Catastrophe, an AoE dot that puts a random, and often the wrong curse on the target and nearby enemies? It’s pretty red, yeah, Venthyr!

Why do the Kyrians give me Scouring Tithe, a regular dot that gives me soul shards if the target dies, otherwise I just refresh it? It’s also kinda blue, like the Night Fae.

I’m definitely not reminded of my covenant when using their ability. They are just regular class/spec abilities that kinda match the main covenant’s most defining color.

In all seriousness, the abilities really do feel like they were supposed to be learned during leveling as a gift for helping the covenant. It most certainly doesn’t feel like they should be locked, because they are nothing more than glorified talents. It’s like having a single row of talents locked while the rest is unlocked, and it makes absolutely no sense.

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At this point I would even prefer deleting the covenant abilities than having these locked to covenant choice.
I am all for variety but for someone who pugs a lot this is another obstacle to deal with.

PullTheRipCord, for sure !

Or maybe we’re getting that in 9.3, once Blizzard realised that they can’t balance this stuff.