Punished is looking for more DPS

Punished is a small guild based on Dentarg (connected to Tarren Mill) which is looking more members for TWW and beyond. We will remain a community in TWW along side being open as a cross realm guild who accepts all members regardless of faction and realm.

Our main aim is AotC and if the roster allows some mythic progression down the line, but around 2-4 at best. We are still casual in nature though.

Nerub-ar Palace progression:
8/8 normal
8/8 heroic
1/8 mythic
AotC achieved and now we are just having fun with heroic - good time to join us :slight_smile:

We cannot offer much to you if you decide to join us, but maybe something what we offer is something which catches your interest.

  • We do not track attendance - raid when you are available, however for tanks and healers as often as possible is a high preference
  • We do not have any complex loot systems, your basic need > greed is more then enough with some common sense in between
  • We do not require you to join our guild to be eligible to join our raids, we have a community which allows you to sign up for our events, allowing you to remain with your friends on the realm you are or in a fully social guild with fun events

Our raiding times are Wednesday and Thursday from 21 to 00 server time.

We’re casual, chill, fun and occasionally bit progression oriented on harder content. We do not sadly offer much fun activities though, since our main focus is m+ and raiding.

At the moment we are looking for
A dedicated raid leader with chill, but firm attitude which could fit a casual guild!
tanks: off-spec only
healers: druid, evoker (OS for DPS is a must)
ranged: priest (high need), mage (high need), druid, evoker. Any other ranged DPS is also considered
melee: none

If you didn’t find your class listed poke us regardless, this above is just a wish list and we usually manage with the specs/classes we have somehow. We do believe in that play what you like and love gives the best results!

If you can play OS (even if it is a decent alt) even better, since we are flexible with raid when you can an at times we could lack a specific role or have way too much. Most of the present raiders can play some other spec if truly needed.

If you feel that Punished could be a new place to settle in then:
You can add me on discord: mari.s

*We also offer new people to join us for our raids to check us out to determine are we the group for you or not - no strings attached.

Come Join us, have fun, kill bosses without the pressure of having to attend when IRL stuff is going on.

Sounds good :slight_smile:

Bump. Currently cleared Normal and 4/8 HC chilled social guild with good progress.


I am trying to get in contact with you on discord .


We are currently sitting at HC 5/8, (Broodtwister 27%) and 8/8N.

Due to our casual approach, we tend to be missing a few vital raid buff classes and some classes in general for progress nights. You will have a raid spot, all we ask for is regular attendance although we do understand when real life pops up.

We are primarily looking for:

tanks: off-spec only
healers: druid, evoker (OS for DPS is a must )
ranged: priest (high need), mage (high need), druid (high need), evoker (high need). Any other ranged DPS is also considered
melee: DH, rogue, shaman. druid

Bonuses if you have the ability to play both healer and dps on your character and you are able to switch depending on the encounter.

Please reach out here or on Battlenet: Tincan#2374

We are looking mainly ranged DPS in form of a shadow priest, balance druid, evoker or mage.
However not to let those daggers go to waste every single time, we still could add a rogue to our team.

We do are open for other classes, roles and specs, but please keep in mind that if you are a tank or a healer, the need to play your DPS OS is a must, since you never know when we actually lack healers/tanks or when we have plenty for those roles, since you know, life happens.

Feel free to poke Jinx on battlenet: Tincan#2374 or me on discord: mari.s if you wish to know more or just wish to do a trial run with no strings attached in one of our upcoming raids.

Finally Queen fell over on heroic. Still looking for some OS healers, tanks and some ranged DPS.
We will keep doing heroic and maybe if get enough people interested in mythic raid might attempt early mythic bosses on one of our raiding nights.

We killed 1st boss on mythi - wohoo! And now are seeking maybe few solid DPS with healer OS (ranged pref.) to give us more steadier roster to attempt mythic raid on 1 raid night - nothing CE, maybe just up to 2-4 total for vault.

We are looking for more people for new tier, possible a raid leader as well with attitude that fits a casual guild.