Punishing players harsher that leave heroic dungeons if their bis item does not drop

im actually getting kinda sick and tired of these players that dont have the patience or the responsibillity to finish an unfinished dungeon based on the fact that their precious little trinket or bis item did not drop it.

i sincerely ask for these players to get a deserter buff for like 30-40 mins until they realize what a completely tool of a human being they are.

they should be punished accordingly, and not just in 1 expansion but in every single one of them.

make them realize on how hard out of touch they really are.

just to be socially aware of this ongoing issue, most players that left during my dungeons were are all tanks.

get better bro, and do your job.


You can’t dictate to people what to do, if I wanna leave after one boss that’s my prerogative

And who stops you to do that even with a deserter buff? But at least the damage will be contained for the next 30-40 minutes


yes, and you should be punished accordingly. ive already seen what post blizzards opinion is about this.

good they are on my side, and not on yours.

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30 min cool-down great I’ll do battlegrounds and dungeon after , there’s no punishment to deserter

They are already taking first steps to curb it.

IMO they should add a stacking (hidden) debuff… you get deserter, you get your well deserved break as usual. But for the next 2 hours afterwards, the next deserter is doubled, as well as the duration of the hidden debuff, so 1 hr deserter, 4 hours “on probation”.

That way Chronic leavers will essentially “soft ban” themselves from LFG if they don´t change their ways.

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Stacking, warband wide, and applied to all form of content that uses LFG. That’s how they will get hurt.


and i completly agree.

most of these players are way to selfish to realize of what a sheer arrogance they have as a human being.

war within dungeon ARE WAY FASTER to clear then dragonflight wtf are even talking about.

punish these players harder.

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The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of the exponentially stacking debuff, and it´s really too bad we didn´t have it from the start…

Becuase theese people are primarily doing it to gear themselves as fast as possible…

But if they can´t LFx for literally a day or 2 or 3 at a time because of always leaving when their item didn´t drop (but lets not kid ourselves here, they would still leave even if it did drop, because that was all they ever cared about and now they have it) would go though hell trying to gear themselves in the pre-season.

Potentially to the point where when teh season starts their raid leader just laughs at them for even siging up with a 560 ilvl and invites the next best PuG instead, because they kept locking themselves out of LFG by being antisocial egomaniacs. And that´s the point where it starts to hurt them :wink:

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Takes like 30 seconds to replace them. Why are you guys in such a rush? Stop min-maxing and enjoy the game.
Light a campfire, sit down, be social, look at the wonderful dungeons blizz designed. People are so toxic nowadays, they just want to punish everyone…

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I agree, i’ve had 10 dungeons in a row where im trying to get to the last boss, 10!!! What the hell is this… it’s super frustrating as a dps, i gotta sit there for another 20min just to get another prick leaving because the Ara-Kara Sacbrood trinket didn’t drop, im sick of it.