Purple Eyes for Blood Elf lore reasoning

That actually matches your mog perfectly :slightly_smiling_face:
Although, a paladin with purple eyes. What would the light say :thinking:

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I loove it

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Arcane is purple.

Void is indigo/ deep blue.

Frost is blue.

( :bulb::lips::bulb: ) For Quel’Thalaaaaas!

I for one don’t like it. Just as I don’t want void elves to rip off more from blood elves I’m against any movement in the other direction as well.

I get that it’s supposed to represent arcane magic these days but as far as I’m aware blue has always been the color that was associated with that magical school in the high/blood elven physiology.

They had purple eyes in WC3. Look for those civilians when you meet Sylvanas for the first time.
They have purple non glowing eyes

Just a consequence of drinking too much Arcwine with our pals, the nightbourne.


I agree /10

I’ll be switching my eyes to those purple ones . Fits my mog too :smiley: . I would love to have those sylvanas eyes but im happy with blue and purple.

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Oh how Id love the red eyes ! But im going to rock the new purple ones haha ON ALL my elves

Because players go Brr… because they throw tantrums for the stuff they want regardless if it doesnt fit inggame.

I like to slowly transition my belf eyes over time.
Right now, some are still green. Two have golden eyes, but are staying there.
A couple are turquoise right now, which will shift the to the blues.
If we ever get red, I would move thru the blues to the darkest, then to purple…THEN to red lol.

Oh, and to the person who said ‘humans shouldn’t have purple/pink eyes’ we do have them irl.
Those who are albino have pink eyes often, and just look at a picture in colour of Vivian Lee. My mother never stopped banging on about her amazing violet eyes lol.

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If only red was a thing ! I love the idea of transitioning !!!

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