<Puzzle Pirates> [H] Recruiing for Shadowlands

Hey there!

We are a guild consisting of players with both high-end retail experience, and long-term private server play. We have played together for the better part of 4 years, and are now looking to recruit the last couple of dps players to complete our Shadowlands roster. Our current roster is 22 strong, so understand you are entering an environment where the guilds progress is more important than any one persons desires - aka, don’t be appalled by the thought of sitting out for the sake of the guild.

Some practical info:

3 raid days a week during progress; Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Dropping to 1/2 days during farm, where we will flex the days to fit and accomodate most of the players.

Raid times are always 19-23, with the possibility of extending for 15-30 mins at max.

We are a guild that consists of players primarily from Scandinavia and Germany, ranging from 19-30 years of age. Because of our background, we are very used to fitting new people into our roster, and consider ourselves experts on this matter. We strive for a positive, but serious and focused, raiding environment, where we focus on maximizing our efforts during the allocated hours. Expect to become part of system that takes your time seriously, as well as expects you to bring your A-game and be a teamplayer. Raiding consumables are both a must and a stable, and we will organize feasts, cauldrons and the like, to guarantee the best raiding for your buck!

We are currently looking for:

Ranged dps:

Shadow priest
(Boomkins don’t hesitate if you are a baller!)

Melee dps:
Windwalker monk with a good knowledge of off-specs

If you happen to be a group of players looking for a home, don’t hesitate to hit me up!

Contact me on:
Battle.net: Miruqt#2244
Discord: Miruqt#5567

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Push for the crew

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