The Arena Forum suffers most from being a giant echo chamber and having conformity of opinion. Coupled with the tendency to devolve discussion into a pissing content on who’s credentials are superior, the insightful topics are far and few between.
Th General Forum tends to inhabit a lot of posters who are very lighthearted and carefree, and the nonsensical topics about pineapple pizza and off-topic banter have a way of dilluting any serious discussion that could otherwise take place.
I think on the Arena Forum you can get some really serious discussion on Arena when people are willing, because people here are actually serious about Arena!
On the General Forum you get a lot of different perspectives and viewpoints that you won’t get elsewhere, because there are so many different people with different backgrounds. The good discussions there tend to be a lot more insightful as a result.
Different experiences I suppose, my observations are that no matter where you go it’s an echo chamber, even GD.
I have noticed, however, that there’s a “dress code” so to say on what you can and cannot post on GD. I can post things here that’ll be seen as a joke, but on GD they’d take it very close to heart. Thicker skin here.
Every sub-forum have their pros and cons, and every sub-forum have their rational and non-rational posters.
I’d put it this way:
On the General Forum people will report you if you violate the Code of Conduct.
On the Arena Forum people will violate the Code of Conduct themselves, just to trash someone else who violated the Code of Conduct.
Same should be if you dragonslayer step into arena with pve gear, you should hit as noodle.
Players ask for as its use to be . Do BG’s get gear, then do arenas get better gear. BFA pve was mandatory to do pvp. Thats why millions of players loved wow , not cos of dragon slaying.
Learn to communicate.Why you attack to everyone like some animal. You get bullied and thats some kind of self defence or you just came out of some cave?
But that’s okay, for we set our own boundries and we’re kind of isolated in here.
Idk if you have to follow CoC to avoid getting punished on GD, I made a thread asking how many male chars we lost with the pre-patch, due to free gender swapping, and that didn’t end so well. Not sure there’s anything in the CoC about that.
just out of curiosity: how are you not playing a lot of wow? you managed to do nearly as much arena games in one season as i did in my lifetime. and i bet you do even more pve
The problem is Blizzard is listening to a guy who queues 1-2 bgs a week and treats his opinion as important as an opinion of a guy who spends 10 hours a week at least playing PvP
Alright… I’ll take the bait in the belief that Goriona is genuinely just this uninformed about PvP gearing.
Issue is, the PvP gear is just too weak in comparison to what you can get from PvE. The first set of conquest rewards was a laughable 445 item level in season four, and the one you could get after going through an entire rotation of the 445 pieces was 460 loot. That’s a tooooooon of conquest to farm, and even then the 460 loot is nowhere nearly as strong as you’d preferably want to comfortably play around even the ~2.2k level. And it was also time-gated at the start of the season, so you could only progress through it at the pace of one piece per week.
In PvE, on the other hand? You ran a bunch of laughably easy heroic bosses, low-mid level keys that you didn’t even need to time, and you already had gear much better than what was within the PvPer’s reach. Add things like cloak progression/essences/corruption being so much easier to get from PvE stuff… and you can see how uneven it is. You need 2400+ rating in order to get pieces equivalent to the faceroll first three bosses of mythic, or a mythic15 that you could get through at the snail pace of 1 pull every few minutes whenever the cooldowns come back up. And, let me tell you, 2400 rating is far above what the average player could get. An average PvP player is not going to get good gear from PvP, while the most average of average PvErs is able to get their character reasonably well-geared without even needing to put that much effort.
It is not having to display effort that the people have issue with. It’s the fact that you can steadily gear for lower-level PvE and any sort of PvP content in the game solely by doing dungeons and rights, while an attempt at gearing purely through PvP will leave you with a sub-optimal set of gear unless you’re far above the average, and unless you’re a very good player, you’ll end up stuck because you would need to push to a higher rating to get gear stronger than the baseline heroic raid stuff while also being unable to get to the higher ratings precisely because your current gear is holding you back. In PvE, you’re able to farm the easier stuff until you overgear the boss you’re stuck on, for example doing your prior bosses farm and the weekly mythic key in order to gear up and push out that extra bit of damage/healing that you’re missing. There’s no need to do arenas or battlegrounds in an attempt to gather more pieces. This is not the case in PvP – if you’re sitting at 460 item level and hardstuck because of the advantage higher-geared players have over you, the only option to increase the power level of your character is to do PvE.
Before you say I have no idea what I am talking about because I am a ‘PvP noob’… take a look at my progression. I’ve done at least a few mythic bosses every raid tier, and actually used to raid at the cutting edge level back in Legion. I’ve done gearing through PvE, I’ve done gearing with the help coming from PvP… and, let me tell you, even at the 2400+ rating level (which is the highest bracket of rewards in the current PvP system), the majority of my pieces still come from PvE.