PvE players: "ganking is so lame!"

You knew this wasn;t the case when you actived war mode.
You knew gankers were a thing.
You knew this could be an issue.

What you wanted was the extra gold, resources and XP from WM, but without the hassle of being ganked. You cant eat your cake and have it too. You made an informed choice, don’t complain when it comes back to bite you.

PvP realms were rife with ganking, it was half the appeal of a PvP server.

It doesn’t not make ganking lowbies a dick move though. While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with killing a worse-geared player in a BG.

No. No we don’t. We want to PvE.

The only reason I really use WM is for exp boost. Otherwise, I see no value into it.

A fresh lvl 50 may have 7k-9k Hp, why should I as a hunter with 15-16K hp be inclinned to go for those kills?

Its been my intention to always inspect someone before I engage at end game level during every expansion when gear matters…

I dont want to kill fresh 50’s because ‘easy honor’.

I dislike the whole pvp system in that regard.

In relation to killing lower level people was always lame imho.

I agree amte, ganking lowbies is a crappy thing to do and have done to you. However, when you enable warmode you actively consent to it being possible if not likely.

Thank you for posting all the French videos you’ve been replying with lately, need to brush up on the language! :rofl:

There is. It prevents PvP players from enjoying the game.
They want to PvP, but they can’t compete without investing hours and hours into PvE - which, as we all know, is easy and extremely boring.

You should listen to Jean-Marie Le Pen’s podcasts, he makes really good videos.

Gonna have to stop you right here, lil’ buddy.
PvPers actively accept that if they enter BGs in bad gear they should try to play for utility / healing over outright fighting. Those who do not understand this are PvE have-a-go heroes bored on the weekend hoping into PvP cause they think it’s easy gear.

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Which is problematic. They join PvP, but they can’t, you know…play against players.
How do you do as a warrior then? Do you stay in the back, using heroic throw on cooldown? Heroic leap, interrupt a spell with pummel, then flee and wait for Pummel to come off cooldown?
Don’t make me laugh.
The current iteration of PvP gearing is just terrible.

If this is a whinning post then go to arena forums, they whine all day there.

Am a pvp player bla bla bla, why i am forced to do pve in a MMORPG GAME. how dare blizzard force me to do pve in A MMORPG game.

Warrior example:
1: Spec Prot in Domination games like AB. Try to hold flag with CDs, call inc.
2:{If not prot; then} Focus down Enemy healers as much as possible, Interupt casts. Spell reflect, slow enemy flag carriers, defend your own healers, create space by having the enemy chase you if possible
3: Straight up tell your group your new, you dont have much gear yet, and ask what you can do to help. block anyone who suggests you leave or anything like that.

You act like there are no options, but there are. With the right spec and talents combo, even a poorly geared warrior can help. Sure, he might not have th emost fun, he might not feel useful, but it’s about the team, not the individual.

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is this not what rogues do in classic ganking low levels what trying to level on a pvp server ? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I stopped reading here. Your alternative to playing a game mode I don’t enjoying is playing a spec I don’t enjoy. Laughable.
I can just tell you’re just not a PvP player. Why do you want to prevent PvP players from having fun in the game? Does the idea of a fair PvP environment ruin PvE for you?

I mean of course I know it can happen, it would be foolish to think otherwise. Bottom line is, it’s all about a person’s honor whether he/she decide to gank someone. While I technically consented, I think everyone involved knows it’s a lame thing to do.

I’m a PvE/PvP/World Quest/T-mog and mount farmer player (albeit casual). I enjoy the game. I just understand that I need to put-in the time and effort like those people did to get where they are.

No. You’re a PvE player with ilvl 120 Mythic gear who joins a random BG every now and then to destroy PvP players you wouldn’t be able to touch otherwise.

Your mindset ruins the game for dedicated PvP players who used to be able to gear through PvP alone.

1: I do PvP, on every class.
2: I’m not preventing anything. You gave me a problem, I gave you solutions. Take them or don’t, I’m not here to babysit you and tell you what you want to hear.

I don’t PvE too much, I really enjoy BGs and sometimes 2s with my son. I don’t think a guy who PvPs for an hour a day should be able to compete with a guy that PvPs 4 hours a day. Call me old fashioned, but I think the guy who does it more will probably be better at it, and due to his time comittment and practice, should be rewarded more than the guy that doesn’t do it as long, or as often.

You say fair, what you mean is equality of outcome. We just got rid of PvP scaling, why are you advocating for it’s return? Can’t hold your own without it?

Actually the character I played PvP the most with in 8.3 is a druid with Heroic dungeon gear.

Edit: probably should’ve called myself PvE/PvP/World Quest/T-mog and mount farmer player to avoid confusion.

The occasional random BG doesn’t make you a PvP player.

I do PvP more than Brutum above, but he can destroy me in 2 globals because he’s stacked with PvE gear.

Overgearing PvP players with my PvE equipment is important as it makes me, as a healer, even harder to kill and therefore hopefully. (key word “hopefully”) make the PvP player realise quicker that they should just stop wasting both of our time and leave me to do whatever it is I am in Warmode for at that time.

It’s not guaranteed of course, sometimes they just really do not get the hint, but you know…

You’re going really hard on this gate keeping mate. I’ve got plenty of kills accross the account, I’m on my 3rd wow account which has been mostly pvp and I pvp most days for a few hours, usually as healer.

And I’m not ok with that lil’ buddy, I haven’t said otherwise. PvP gear should be best for PvP and PvE gear shouldn’t compete with it, I’m totally down with that line of thinking.