PvE players: "ganking is so lame!"

“If you’re killing low level players, it means you’re probably not as good in PvP as you think! Get a hobby, loser!”

Also PvE players:
“Gear progression should matter™ and I want to kill PvP players in 2 globals with my M+15 gear and raiding trinkets”

Conclusion: unfairness is bad, unless it benefits me. :face_with_thermometer:

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Also PVP players:


Says the Demon Hunter.

Both are bad

Well I can’t speak for all PVE focused players, but I don’t think or want that and I’ve never seen a PVE player who did. I avoid PVP like the plague and I only went into Korrak Revenge in 2019 for easy EXP. But I hated every moment of it!

Oh you never did?
Then here it is:

Romp on a daily basis how long do you spend thinking about which char and which topic to write about it is really amazing to watch you churn out thread after thread on alt after alt on some threads i actually enjoy your ironic style .


Whatever the logic might be, if you turn on Warmode, which now is 100% optional, you sign up for the ganking. I would feel like I didn’t add my contribution to the purpose of Warmode if I didn’t try to gank anyone I run into.

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Then that’s odd, but please don’t think that all PVE players want to kill other players. There are many of us who hate PVP and always will.

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My brain is constantly working Daestra.
If I’m having a shower and I’m waiting for the shampoo to do its magic, I have time to think. If I go to bed, I won’t fall asleep instantly - that’s another window to ponder.

I understand that not 100% individuals of a group think the same way or share the same mindset, don’t worry.
Still, whenever PvP players ask for ways to enjoy the game, they’re always met with the “it’s an MMO, gear should matter, I should be able to destroy better players because my superior PvE gear grants me 3 times the stats of PvP gear” statement.

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who doesnt ? pvpers are so annoying.

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People who want to play Player vs Player, not Gear vs Gear.

There is an entire Subsect of pvp players that focus their gameplay around locking their xp at certain points and gearing their characters to the absolute maximum to run bgs. So I don’t think it’s fair to say that pvp players don’t want their gear to matter.

Especially when you had several prominent pvp players complain about pvp scaling in bfa or pvp presets in legion.

I think many pvp players want their gear to matter and make them powerful, they just also want that gear to come from pvp.

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If PvPers want to play PvP and not Gear vs Gear, why are there so many of them saying it’s bad they have to PvE for gear? :thinking:

Edit to clarify I am not against this stance of PvPers, in fact I support it quite staunchly. But to say it will never come down to Gear vs Gear is a bit of a rosy notion.

I just want pvp realms back, treat them like RP realms in that they are only linked with each other.

I wouldn’t take twinks as a good representation of the PvP community when they’re such a tiny percentage.

Gear should matter, but PvE gear should not be best in PvP, and vice versa.

I miss RPPvP realms so much.

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Well, yeah, because there is an important difference between those two situations.

When I get ganked by a max level player who I don’t stand a chance against in the open world, then that’s just a dick move because the player doesn’t stand to gain anything and I didn’t agree to fight them.

When, however, I’m playing a BG on my fresh max level and get 2 shot by someone who’s full BiS, I’m absolutely fine with that despite not standing a chance against them because I actively agreed to engage in a PvP combat with them and have no one to blame but myself.

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You did. When you enabled war mode.

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Actually I turned-on Warmode to fight other players of my level, but the system doesn’t differentiate between the two. I think it should be obvious to any max level player killing lowbies that they didn’t turn-on WM to fight someone like them. It’s not like I turned it on because I expected to be able to take on such a person.

Also, I dislike having WM off because then suddenly it’s like me and the opposing faction are allies, cooperating on killing mobs or whatever, and I don’t like that, and is a big reason why I have it on.

Also I was more talking about previous expansions where WM didn’t exist. I don’t think I actually got ganked once by a higher-lvl character in BFA.