Hello Nethergarde Keep!
I’m curious to see how our server is getting on with the current batch of raids. Please post your guild’s current raiding status, including dates, and I’ll compile a running list of what’s what on the realm. This might be helpful for those looking to join a raiding guild too…
Here u go, not sure why dates are important to you unless it is epeen you are looking for and then I guess you on the wrong server for that, it is imho rather less of a challenge to be the ‘first’ on a more relaxed server like ours.
Aside from that congratulations on your clears, well done:D
Congratulations to you too! Thanks for the update, I’ve added you to the list. Dates are largely unimportant (to me), I appreciate this is old content that and this is not bleeding-edge raiding, I’m just a sucker for accurate record keeping.
Edit: It would be nice to get some insight on how the Alliance are doing too.
Colossus (horde) MC clear and Ony clear
Relevant (horde) MC clear and ony clear
Make raiding great again (horde) MC and Ony clear
Minty fresh (horde) MC and Ony clear