PVE warlocks want to play Affliction

This is a meme at this point, affliction’s tier set bonus doesn’t work, the bonus itself is terrible in single target, basically designed only for AoE, and possible not even good at that, we don’t know yet.
People are complaining, blizzard doesn’t answer and I’m getting tired,
WE WANT TO PLAY AFFLICTION not hellcaller destro, not demo, AFFLICTION
but we’re getting close to the patch with raid testing starting a week ago and affliction is not even on testers list because of no changes and tier set being non functional, it’s honestly quite sad.

but the popular classes like hunter and druid are getting all the attention in the world because they are popular and more of the playerbase plays them, and honestly I don’t feel good about playing wow anymore, I’ve been around since shadowlands and never had the chance to progress the raid as affliction warlock since castle nathria in shadowlands, 4 years ago.

if blizzard is going to do the riot route of caring about classes depending on their popularity then I would rather quit honestly, because it’s the design that makes the classes popular and not the other way, warlock was well designed in mop and legion and was popular in both expansions

It just sucks that every PTR I dream about when it’s affliction’s turn to be the best warlock spec, but it never happened, and I’m starting to accept this fact and looking to either reroll or quit until we can prog as affliction.


Tbf some % tuning and new way of spreading corruption or by default having 3x seeds like it used to be ,add interaction with soulburn to be instant.
Make SR 30sec cd.
It would be dream come true.

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Castle Nathria Aff was indeed pretty cool.