Pvp addons

Blizzard should just disable (remove) all pvp addons even cd trackers in arena pff whats the point to play the game when addon can play it for u …


If they do that pvp is dead. Most cant play without addons, one of the most
used under casual pvp ers is lazymacro addon. You interupt that 1100 tryhard and instant
new spell over and over, yup lazymacro. Its not against the tos but o so obvious and annoying.

But same would count for the raiders, remove dbm and what not and im sure progression will come to a halt for most guilds, as a combo with the above would be removed shows exactly how clueless people are in this game.

so yeah, no not going to happen, prepare to be downvoted into oblivion.

I always get between 1800 and 2200 in 2v2 with 0 addons in each season.


:mega: Disable all addons in Arenas :mega:


How do I know how much damage ray of hope is going to do or how much it’s going to heal if I don’t use a WA to track it?


Hmm I dont know what kind of addons ppl use but my omnibar, omnicd, gladius, bigdebuffs dont play the game for me. I have to play the game myself. :thinking: