PvP - am I wrong?

Just want to hear opinions of some higher exp warriors.

So, I watch all AWC this season, and its obvious that war is not that popular class unless its supper OP on dmg.

The other thing I noticed is that the best pvp classes are those with spammable CC (no cooldown), or those with so many CCs that they can basically circle them endlessly.

From what I saw, and from my own pvp games (I’m very low mmr, around 1600), CC has replaced survivability. Meaning, CC can stop most dmg and goes, but also be used offensively.

So. Would warrior be better pvp class if, for instance, fear had no cooldown?

The cc that has no cooldown usually has a cast. i.e. poly, cyclone.

If an instant cc had no cooldown it would be very op.

The only one i can think of is cheap shot, but it requires stealth or shadow dance. It is very op tho since you can spam it in shadow dance.

I haven’t played PvP much this season, but the power of fear usually comes from how much damage is needed to break it. If warrior need more CC power, just increase the amount of damage you can take before the fear breaks and we golden.

Warrior is usually more focused into ending the game with hard CC plays, than the micro CC pressure and chaos of others. As long we got the time to do our play within that CC window (be it storm bolt 4 sec or fear lasting for 4 sec) we are fine. If fear breaks at 1 sec, then it should be looked at to last closer to the whole 4 sec needed.

If you enjoy warrior you are the Mortal Strike bringer (with sharpening) that ends games in sudden moments of huge pressure. The most fun and healthy warrior can be, is when the healer fear that incoming play. When the warrior is the true game ender. Sudden Death style.