PVP and mastery ( overall dmg nerf )

is the class working properly ?!?! Tried different combinations of crit/mastery, vers/mastery, haste/mastery in order to try making something like a burst build and was able to get a 15.4 dps on the dummy with Anihilation critting for around 22k, then i decided to try that build in skrimish and there goes my surprise, even with 40% in mastery and dark slash on the target i’m not able to crit with my Anihilation for more than 7.2k while without dark slash and only 20% in mastery i’m critting for 5.7k. Either my calculation is wrong or mastery isn’t working in PVP while most of the drop are items with Mastery
Is this some kind of joke, i bet rogue can hit for more with just auto attacks

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