PvP as a Casual?

Between all the borrowed power, the absolutely wild gear gap in random BGs and the usual neglect of pvp class balancing there is just no saving SL pvp tbh.

Grinded out a fully upgraded honor set over the past few days and had absolutely no fun doing it. You will routinely get blown up inside of a stun at 30% versatility. Too much burst, too much healing, too much CC.

If you haven’t bothered pvp’ing all expansion, don’t worry about it. You’re not missing anything.

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Why couldn’t that group of friends queue for arena?

It seems most people’s definition of “casual” is irrelevant of hours played - it is only related to participation in rated content. This seems bizarre to me - there are people who spend every evening and weekend hunting achievements and mounts. Are they casual?

2.1k was top 7% last season. That is definitely not casual.

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I only do casual random bgs and no pve, if I can help it! Only use pvp gear, no legendaries or nuthin! And having lots of fun with it, on my boomkin anyway, not this feral.

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Don’t bother arguing with her, it’s that time of the month.

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Male misogyny at it’s finest. Using menstrual cycle to deflect from the argument.

As for google

Casual - relaxed and unconcerned.
Casual - a person who does something irregularly.

If we’re going by the Oxford definition of Casual, I am definitely casual. Regardless of what you may or may not think, getting 2.1k is not really a time investment or anything of a sort. It’s an afternoon at best of doing arena.


ur the one who shouldnt bother arguing with these apes.
they just dont realise that its pretty ez for people used to high rating to casually reach similar rating again.

you guys think somebody who used to play more and reached lets say 2.8k rating and then decides to play casually just drops to 1.6k rating?
get a grip.

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The thing is that most people fail to understand that being a casual player doesnt mean you are bad at a game it just simply means you play less for X reason.

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Yes I only pvp as a casual why would you take this game seriously it’s not even got solo queue so it’s like a archaic dating app for rich people only.


Play a different game for PvP.

Or just play DK and boom insta 2.1k!!

I mean I proclaim myself as a casual because I don’t care about rating, I just want to play the games for my vault.

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