PvP as a Casual?

Does anyone here PvP as a casual any more?


Define casual.

What casual mean? I’m really casual. Mostly do random BGs, only do arena for 1.8k/2.1k for the gear and the elite set. Only play with my husband. I don’t have time for raging kids on voice coms

Where do you find the time to get high rating?

Not sure what that means :worried: It’s not really time consuming to get 1.8k/2.1k. It’s literally 1 to 2 days of evening play.

If you mean getting good (which I certainly am not) just watch a few high rated youtubers guides on your phone before bed or whenever you have a spare 5minutes and just practise. No one gets good at anything without practise

Nothing to do in this game as casual player, only if u have teammates to play with in ranked arena/RBG. In casual BG people afk for rewards or do a 30+ mans premade to farm AFK players. OwPvP is dead, no motivation to PvP if u are not hardcore/semi-hardcore player.

if ur not already on the skill-lvl to play at that rating it will most likely take some time investment to get there.

if ur on the other hand already played at that rating u can just cap in like 2 evenings and will prob just reach that rating again over time.

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Not anymore due to premades and ilvl completely destroying this game.

When they start banning premades that queues together (seen it on stream), allow a maximum of 3 players on random regular bg group, add a set ilvl so greengeared people wont be a deadweight and start adding a 500k kills title, then I might queue to bgs again. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I do. With all classes and specs from level 10 to 60. Then I quit and roll another. Fresh Level 60 PvP in Shadowlands is not in playable or acceptable state.

Ain’t we a modest one. Nice try but 2100 is like 5% of the arena players. Imagine what % of all wow players are able to reach 2100.

Modest? No. I’m casual af. I literally log on for the best part of 2/3 hours. I haven’t even unlocked flying in Zereth Mortis yet, or fully geared my character. Casual isn’t another word for being trash though. I just don’t play a lot

Gz for being a gifted “athlete” bro. /s You told the other person to watch videos of other arena players. That’s extra time you have to invest to “git gud”.

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Lets get this out the way. You got offended because I said I’m casual.

What you’re asking for by the sounds of it is to get to X rating by just logging into the game and just queueing. If you don’t have some form of mobile device to throw on youtube while on your way to work while traveling then you don’t have the time to play an MMOrpg.

Again, yes I am casual. Very casual. And no I’m not gifted. I literally have arthritis in both of my hands.

Casual doesn’t = bad. I don’t take the game seriously, I don’t play a lot. Yes I’m casual.

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I’m not asking for anything. Arena is dificult for the majority of players and statistics show this. Casuals aren’t in 5% but call yourself what you want idc.

Whatever helps you sleep at night champ

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I’d say “casual PVP” is not taking part in pre-organised PVP - premades, arenas, RBGs and I suppose PVP communities.
Just queueing, alone or with a friend or two, for a random BG eBG or brawl.


Are you cooked or something?
The lady told you multiple times that she is a casual and that she even only plays arena with her husband
You can certainly get to 2100 in arena by just being a casual player
Do you even know what it means?
Casual as in only plays maybe 1 or 2 hours each night but still have some goals in this game , i did the same on my warrior last season and got to 1.8k in max 2 weeks…

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I’m sure prior to playing “1-2” hours a day she had no arena experience. But i guess it’s possible for a new player to grind 2100 in 2 weeks cuz u did it right? ( another humble brag kek)
Man casual really lost its meaning. The dk said it best: if you are already at that level, playing casually will make you climb fast (shocking i know).

Look at my arena history i dont think i have ever had 1.8k before last season and never 2.1k
The only reason i did it last season was so i could enjoy random battlegrounds and for nothing else , so i then could login play 1 to 2 hours bgs and just have a great time
Its a nice and somewhat achievable goal for most people that play and enjoy PvP
I dont know what to tell you but im no awesome gamer or anything so…

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Casual here.
Haven’t touched arenas yet, I only play a few battlegrounds every day.
I exist as cannon fodder for premade abusers