PvP Balance Patch When?

This post is more about Warsong Gulch than World PVP.

  1. Physical damage classes are incredibly weak while magic damage dealers are too strong.
  • Runes like the Feral Druid’s 10% damage reduction and -6% chance to be crit, increased to 20% damage reduction while in bear form. Pair that with the new WSG helm and they are literally next to impossible to be crit at all, they literally just run as if they 60, nothing new outside of the horror which they will be to deal with at 60.
  • Shamans with shields are flat out too tanky. The additional armor rune, tied with totems and purge shut down many opportunities to handle them.
  • Meta Locks are considered the only viable front line for Alliance. S U C C!
  • Paladins are known to be mix, but currently it’s only our Seal of Command that deals damage, we are too squishy and inconsistent being nothing but %chance stunbots with Seal of Justice which is RNG and Avenger’s Shield daze which is the only strong thing about our entire kit.
  • Rogues are in such a miserable state at his level I genuinely pity them, if you’re not tanking, you’re not ranking.
  • Warriors’ viability is depending on their fear, you’re a budget CC front liner.

Magic damage is too high while armor values are also being too high, titling the entire meta to caster/ranged and classes that can tank magic damage.

Am I wrong here, is it just me? In or out of premade my Paladin feels incredibly bad while my Druid feels godlike in all 3 specializations.


I agree the state of Wsg right now is really unbalanced and bad!


Bump because it needs to be seen.

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Nerf push-back on casts too then. :frowning:

Bump because it needs to be seen.


90% of times I queue into premades.
It’s absolute trash, just trying to get Sergent, then never touching it again.

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They did state that SoD was not about balance in their pre release video and at the Blizzcon thingy too.

Blizz should take into consideration the picture of :
10 paladins vs 10 shamans in Warsong

even if paladins get new skills in SoD, shamans get new skills too… at level 60 it’s gonna be the same as in Era, => shamans instant kill 5 paladin in 1 button pressed

10 paladins in the range of 10 shamans in a line of lightning* = paladins being disintegrated without time to bubble /dance

Just adding both classes in both faction will fix a lot of things [gameplay of today isn’t the same as mouseclickers’s Vanilla was = paladin is a victim (even if they CAN kill now in SoD after 20years) ]

Edit: i really enjoyed being a Labrador (paladin) in Era these past years, but i want to play Wolf (shaman), and don’t want to play with the horde shamans acting like princess Chihuahuas who think they have fangs :rofl: =>

"# :sob: paladin can kill me now :sob: "

Edit2: horde players gonna argue "No i want to be in the only faction sitting on the throne of the << 1 button macro 100yards oneshot kill >> "


We really need some PvP balance changes guys.

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You might want to overthink the purpose of WSG before you expect balancing in BGs.
You don’t need DPS to score with a flag.


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Considering the fact that the team has put some form of damage reduction for many spells, abilities and effects perhaps it’s you that misses the purpose of WSG.

If they’ll go out of their way to balance WSG by reducing the amount of damage some abilities deal, then they can go backwards on that and provide more opportunities for classes.

This is classic, a player environment with RPG elements for fun. It has never been fair and it will never be fair. If you want fair conditions and requirements for a competitive environment like rated BGs with balanced classes, you need to play retail.

It is what it is.

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But Blizzard have already taken steps to balance WSG?

That’s like you saying “I don’t care about that, it’s not meant to be fair” when they obviously have made steps towards making it fair.

It’s contradicting.

what the F happend to you (especially horde) ?
Balance have nothing to do with “retail features” , you old bald orc have too much hate and take it too seriously… Most players aren’t kids, who do you think you are punishing by a “It has never been fair and it will never be fair”

People are playing(and paying subs) to catch-up ranks more than just having fun killing the enemy faction. Wrong way for the best MMORPG of all times

Cannot see Blizz attempting to balance everything at level 25. Next update will likely be STV PVP and level 40 opened up.

Lazy casuals cried hard enough, business as usual.

who cried to have horde vs horde BG?
you horde are little princesses
i don’t want to play in horde personnaly with you

#PLEASE BLIZZ ADD dwarf shaman in alliance and whatever paladin in horde
#BALANCE CLASSES it’s SoD ! you can do it !

And i started horde in 2019 you see?
You horde are little princesses privileged
Sure you still thumb sucking as babies

#PLEASE BLIZZ ADD dwarf shaman in alliance and whatever paladin in horde
#BALANCE CLASSES it’s SoD ! you can do it !

Expecting lvl 25 bracket to be balanced is kind of a long shot. A lot of classes still have their defining abilities and talents locked away.

Blizz stated that they didn’t really intend to balance things in this season. Things will be broken, that’s how it is.

However i do say it’s a good first steps they few balances patches they have released, but that should be enough.
I mean, if I had buffed overload rune with un-nerfed Lava Burst, i’d go around one-shotting people.

They cant. Literally 3 separate versions of classic are running on the same patch. So the only changes they can feasible make are rune changes.

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