PvP changes i would like to see

First i want to have a free PvP trinket as a spell ( Forged Gladiator’s Medallion’s removal of loss control effect) whenever i am in war mode or in BG’s arena’s etc. This will free a space to be used in either with a defensive or an offensive secondary trinket that would give more versatility on specs (more defensive or offensive playstyle according to opponents) .
Second (and this would be a huge one) is the reduction of the healing effect combine with the total healing healers put out.
What i mean , there are classes with healing reduction effect that goes up to 50%. This is way too much because other classes that don’t have that need more damage in order to kill someone being healed. So if you pair a class with high damage output with a class that has the healing reduction effect you need to have an extremely amound of healing power in order to not get killed instantly thus healers have way too much healing power and without the dampening effect they can simply out heal everything.
What my suggestion is that the healing reduction effect goes up to 20% but the overall healing from healers reduced in pvp by lets say 30% (numbers will have to be tuned if they are too much or too low)


It was like this in bfa, pvp trinket as a spell and there was a trinket that absorbs heal when used to a target. Was a great patch tbh.

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